SIMBAD references

2000PASP..112.1455M - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 112, 1455-1466 (2000/November-0)

Observations and atmospheric parameters of super-metal-rich candidates.


Abstract (from CDS):

The spectroscopic properties of a sample of 92 Population I bright stars (V<8) with literature values of [Fe/H]≥+0.1 are reviewed in order to study the metallicity scale at supersolar regimes. For 73 of these candidate super-metal-rich (SMR) stars we identified the photospheric fiducial parameters (Teff, logg, [M/H]) from among published parameter sets via a comparison of new observations in the wavelength range 5034-5398 Å with synthetic spectra derived from the 1997 database of Chavez et al. As a main issue in our analysis, we find that a ``genuine'' SMR stellar component in the Galactic disk exists with more than one-fourth of the stars in our sample fulfilling the criterion [Fe/H]≥0.2 dex, and three of them as rich as [Fe/H]>+0.4 dex.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Fundamental Parameters

Errata: Erratum vol. 113, p. 136 (2001)

Simbad objects: 91

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