SIMBAD references

2000BaltA...9...69I - Baltic Astronomy, 9, 69-80 (2000/January-0)

Light curves and time-resolved spectroscopy of ZZ Ceti stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

Numerical light curve simulations predict flux amplitudes with surface distributions different from the spherical harmonics of the pulsation mode. In contrast to the results of the perturbation analysis by Goldreich and Wu, this is also true for the fundamental period of the flux variation. As a consequence, normalized amplitude spectra depend on pulsation amplitude and inclination. A further difference is the existence of a maximum flux variation at the surface, independent of the amplitude in the adiabatic layers below the convection zone.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): headings: convection - stars: atmospheres - stars: oscillations

Simbad objects: 2

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