SIMBAD references

2000A&A...357L..65M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 357, L65-67 (2000/5-3)

Submillimeter-wave spectrum of the ethynyl radical, CCH, up to 1 THz.


Abstract (from CDS):

The N=7←6 to 11←10 pure rotational transitions of CCH, X2Σ+, were measured in the laboratory between 611 and 961 GHz. The radical was produced in a dc glow discharge of a mixture of helium and acetylene. The electron spin-rotation splitting was resolved. The new line frequencies were fit together with previously published data, providing greatly improved spectroscopic constants, such as B=43647.52901(115)MHz, as well as precise rest frequencies well beyond 1THz.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): molecular data - methods: laboratory - techniques: spectroscopic - ISM: clouds - ISM: molecules - radio lines: ISM

Simbad objects: 0

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