SIMBAD references

1999NewA....4..557G - New Astronomy, 4, 557-562 (1999/December-0)

Limber equation for luminosity dependent correlations.


Abstract (from CDS):

The passage from angular to spatial correlations, in the case of spatial clustering length depending on the average distance between nearby objects is studied. We show that, in a number of cases, the scaling law of angular correlation amplitudes, which holds for constant spatial clustering length, is still true also for a luminosity dependent spatial correlation. If the Limber equation is then naively used to obtain `the' spatial clustering length from the angular function amplitude, a quantity close to the average object separation is obtained. The case of cluster clustering is explicitly considered.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Large-scale structure of universe - Galaxies: clusters

Simbad objects: 0

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