SIMBAD references

1999NewA....4..223D - New Astronomy, 4, 223-230 (1999/July-0)

Varying leptonic chemical potentials and spatial variation of primordial deuterium at high z.


Abstract (from CDS):

We try to explain the spatial variation of primordial deuterium suggested by some observations by varying leptonic chemical potentials. The variation of the latter may take place in some scenarios of leptogenesis. The model predicts a large mass fraction of ^4He (35-60%) and ^7Li (up to 10^ - 9) in deuterium-rich regions. Because of lepton family symmetry, the angular variations of cosmic microwave background radiation can be sufficiently small although still observable in future measurements.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Early universe - Cosmic microwave background - ISM: abundances - Galaxies: abundances - Quasars: absorption lines

Simbad objects: 0

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