SIMBAD references

1999ApJ...520L..33M - Astrophys. J., 520, L33-L36 (1999/July-3)

An internal second-parameter problem in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present BV photometry of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy to V=22. These data give evidence for a bimodality in Sculptor's metallicity distribution based on a discontinuity in the luminosities of horizontal-branch (HB) stars and by the presence of two distinct red giant branch (RGB) bumps. A consistent picture of the evolved stars in Sculptor is given by the presence of (1) a metal-poor population of [Fe/H]~-2.3 with an exclusively blue HB and that corresponds to the blueward side of the Sculptor RGB and the more luminous RGB bump, and (2) a less metal-poor population of [Fe/H]~-1.5 required to explain the less luminous red HB, the red side of the RGB, and a second, less luminous RGB bump. Best fits to the HB populations are obtained with enhanced oxygen abundances, [O/Fe]~+0.5. Variations in the global HB and RGB morphology of Sculptor can be explained by differences in the radial distribution of the two different [Fe/H] populations. The presence of these two populations shows that the Sculptor dwarf galaxy has an internal second-parameter problem.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Abundances - Galaxies: Dwarf - Galaxies: Individual: Name: Sculptor - Galaxies: Stellar Content - Galaxies: Local Group - Stars: Horizontal-Branch

Simbad objects: 9

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