SIMBAD references

1999A&A...352..371B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 352, 371-382 (1999/12-2)

Far infrared and Ultraviolet emissions of individual galaxies at z=0: selection effects on the estimate of the dust extinction.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have cross-correlated Far Infrared (IRAS) and UV (FOCA) observations of galaxies to construct a sample of FIR selected galaxies with a UV observation at 0.2µm. The FIR and UV properties of this sample are compared to the mean properties of the local Universe deduced from the luminosity distributions at both wavelengths. Almost all the galaxies of our sample have a FIR to UV flux ratio larger than the ratio of the FIR and UV luminosity densities, this effect becoming worse as the galaxies become brighter: the increase of the UV (0.2µm) extinction is about 0.5mag per decade of FIR (60µm) luminosity. Quantitative star formation rates are estimated by adding the contribution of the FIR and UV emissions. They are found consistent with the corrections for extinction deduced from the FIR to UV flux ratio. A total local volume-average star formation rate is calculated by summing the contribution of the FIR and UV wavelengths bands. Each band contributes for an almost similar amount to the total star formation rate with ρSFR=0.03±0.01h . M☉/yr/Mpc3 at z=0. This is equivalent to a global extinction of 0.75mag to apply to the local luminosity density at 0.2µm. The trend of a larger FIR to UV flux ratio for a larger FIR luminosity found for our sample of nearby galaxies is extended and amplified toward the very large FIR luminosities when we consider the galaxies detected by ISOCAM in a CFRS field and the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies at low and high redshift. A UV extinction is tentatively estimated for these objects.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): infrared: galaxies - ultraviolet: galaxies - galaxies: luminosity function, mass function - galaxies: statistics

CDS comments: VCC 864 misprint for VCC 869

Simbad objects: 14

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