SIMBAD references

1999A&A...347..194O - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 347, 194-202 (1999/7-1)

The circumstellar molecular envelope of HD 101584.


Abstract (from CDS):

CO radio line observations reveal a molecular gas envelope around the peculiar star HD 101584 with characteristics very similar to those of wellknown young post-AGB objects. We estimate that there is at least 0.1M of molecular gas, very likely remnant gas from a former AGB-envelope. This gas has been efficiently accelerated to very high velocities (>50km/s, and a significant fraction to >100km/s). There is evidence for an expanding disk-like structure seen close to edge-on, and a high-velocity bipolar outflow. In the latter the expansion velocity increases linearly with distance from the star, suggesting either a brief period of ejection or a fast wind interacting with a slower wind. A significant fraction of the high-velocity gas has reached a welldefined terminal velocity. Momentum well above the available radiation momentum has been transferred to the gas. There are also indications of high-density, low-velocity molecular gas, possibly in a disk close to the star. The 12CO/13CO-ratio in the envelope is uncertain, but probably quite low (∼10). The systemic heliocentric velocity is 50±2km/s.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: circumstellar matter - stars: individual: HD 101584 - stars: mass-loss - stars: AGB and post-AGB - radio lines: stars

CDS comments: p. 195 : IRSV 1540 = IRSV 1540-5413

Simbad objects: 11

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