SIMBAD references

1999A&A...345.1011H - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 345, 1011-1018 (1999/5-3)

Dynamics of solar active region loops.


Abstract (from CDS):

It has been frequently observed that in solar active regions the measured line widths are larger than those based on thermal equilibrium widths. This excess width (characterised as non-thermal velocity, Vnt) has been proposed as a signature of the heating mechanism. The behaviour of the Vnt at coronal temperatures has not produced consistent results with values ranging from 0 to 100km/s. We investigate this problem by using joint observations from Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan and the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO. With CDS we determine temperatures, and with Norikura we obtain accurate line widths for Fe XIV (∼2MK). We find that values of Vnt range between 10-20km/s. We analyse the dynamical behaviour of different temperature loops and find that for loops with Log Te<5.8, the variability ∝ Te0.39. This is comparable to the dependence of non-thermal velocity on temperature which we have determined to be Vnt ∝ Te0.35. This suggests that the excess line broadening is caused by highly dynamical behaviour in the transition region for active regions. These results have significant implications for potential heating mechanisms and these are discussed.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: corona - Sun: transition region - Sun: UV radiation - Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

Simbad objects: 0

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