SIMBAD references

1999A&A...345..156M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 345, 156-162 (1999/5-1)

Microscopic diffusion and subdwarfs.


Abstract (from CDS):

The recent distance determinations by HIPPARCOS have allowed to locate very precisely a reasonable set of subdwarfs in the HR diagram. A detailed comparison with evolutionary models is now possible and it has been recently claimed that the observed lower part of the main-sequence is cooler than the computed one. In this paper we show that microscopic diffusion could be the physical explanation of such a systematic shift. We emphazise the fact that, as diffusion alters surface abundances, the initial metal content of the stellar material is higher than the present one. A "calibration" procedure is necessary when comparing observed and theoretical HR diagram, to take into account this effect.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): diffusion - stars: Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) and C-M diagrams - stars: late-type

Simbad objects: 0

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