SIMBAD references

1998PASP..110...39N - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 110, 39-46 (1998/January-0)

Rotationally broadened synthetic spectra for HST and IUE observations of exposed white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables.


Abstract (from CDS):

In many dwarf novae during quiescence, the underlying white dwarf dominates the flux in the far ultraviolet. By observing these exposed degenerate stars with HST with the GHRS and FOS, the white dwarf rotation rates can be determined or be constrained by fitting synthetic spectra broadened by rotation. Using TLUSTY and SYNSPEC (Hubeny 1988), we present a grid of rotationally broadened white dwarf synthetic spectra, convolved with the resolution of HST GHRS (G140L, G160M), FOS (G130H) and IUE low resolution SWP spectra, computed for log g = 8, solar composition, and T_{eff} = 15,000, 25,000 and 50,000K, and rotational velocities of 0 to 5000 km/s. We examine the predicted appearence of accreted solar composition white dwarf atmospheres in the context of determining or constraining the white dwrf rotational velocities. We present model grids which demonstrate this capability. We present the first application of these grids to the SWP low resolution spectra of the white dwarf in the nova-like variable TT Arietis, exposed during the very low brightness state of that system. We also rule out the possibility that the absence of Lyman-αabsorption in many CVs in quiescence (specifically those containing white dwarfs with T_{eff} = 15-20,000K) could be due to rotational velocities of the white dwarf near breakup.(c) Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars

Simbad objects: 1

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