SIMBAD references

1998NewA....3..563P - New Astronomy, 3, 563-570 (1998/November-0)

Power fluctuations in the wavelet space: large-scale CMB non-gaussian statistics.


Abstract (from CDS):

We analyse the large-scale coherence of the CMB anisotropy field with non-gaussian initial conditions using 2-point function of the power fluctuations in the wavelet space. Employing the multivariate Edgeworth expansion (MEE) we constrain the normalization for the cosmic string mass-per-unit-length mu, obtaining Gmu/c2=1.075+0.455_ - 0.375 x 10^ - 6 at 68% CL in the standard gaussian statistics. This value is consistent with the results obtained from the simulations of the evolution of the string network and by other large scale studies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Cosmic microwave background - Large-scale structure of universe - Methods: statistical - Methods: analytical

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