SIMBAD references

1998AJ....116.1573B - Astron. J., 116, 1573-1590 (1998/October-0)

Environments of redshift survey compact groups of galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

Redshift survey compact groups (RSCGs) are tight knots of N ≥ 3 galaxies selected from the CfA2+SSRS2 redshift survey. The selection is based on physical extent and association in redshift space alone. We measured 300 new redshifts of fainter galaxies within 1 h–1 Mpc of 14 RSCGs to explore the relationship between RSCGs and their environments. Thirteen of 14 RSCGs are embedded in overdense regions of redshift space. The systems range from a loose group of five members to an Abell cluster. The remaining group, RSCG 64, appears isolated. RSCGs are isolated and distinct from their surroundings to varying degrees, as are the Hickson compact groups. Among the 13 embedded RSCGs, three are distinct from their general environments (RSCG 9, RSCG 11, and RSCG 85).

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Clusters: General - Galaxies: Distances and Redshifts - Galaxies: Interactions

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/AJ/116/1573): table3.dat table3.tex>

Nomenclature: Table 3: [BDG98] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=509.

Simbad objects: 528

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