SIMBAD references

1998A&A...335..985M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 335, 985-990 (1998/7-3)

PG 1323-086 and PG 1704+222 - two post-AGB stars at high galactic latitudes.


Abstract (from CDS):

Two high galactic latitude B-type stars, PG1323-086 and PG1704+222, are analysed from low and medium resolution optical spectra and Stroemgren photometry. A differential abundance analysis for He, C, N, O, Mg, Al, and Si reveals that the He abundance is close to solar while metal underabundances relative to the solar value of typically 1.3 and 1.2dex for PG1323-086 and PG1704+222, respectively, are found. For both stars, carbon is even more depleted. The atmospheric parameters are consistent with evolutionary tracks for stars evolving from the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) with a stellar mass of 0.55M. The anomalous compositions are compatible with those of other high galactic latitude post-AGB stars. Hence, PG1323-086 and PG1704+222 are low mass post-AGB stars in an evolutionary stage between those of A- and F-type supergiants of low mass and central stars of planetary nebulae. From kinematic data and distances a population II membership is probable for both stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: abundances - stars: AGB and post-AGB - stars: evolution - stars: individual: PG 1323-086, PG 1704+222

Simbad objects: 10

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