SIMBAD references

1998A&A...331..187M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 331, 187-192 (1998/3-1)

A possible orbital period for the dwarf nova V1101 Aql.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have performed a Discrete Fourier Transform on 136 CCD B, V and R frames of the Z Cam-type dwarf nova V1101 Aql. Our analysis indicates as possible orbital period Porb=3.46h, though we cannot exclude the alias at 4.00h. We estimate the distance to the system to be about 300pc. We possibly discovered a bright bow-shaped nebulosity around the object.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - stars: individual: V1101 Aql - novae, cataclysmic variables - accretion, accretion disks

Simbad objects: 2

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