SIMBAD references

1997PASP..109..341L - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 109, 341-341 (1997/March-0)

A new sample of BL Lacertae objects and implications for unified schemes. (Dissertation summary).


Abstract (from CDS):

begin{tex}This thesis presents the ROSAT-GreenBank (RGB) catalog of X-ray–and radio–emitting AGN and concentrates on the subclass of objects known as BL∼Lacertae objects (BL Lacs). The RGB BL Lac sample is both large and statistically well-defined and therefore constitutes an ideal sample with which to study the characteristics of this rare class of AGN. We present the multiwavelength properties of 1,567 objects detected in both the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and the 1987 Green Bank radio survey. Followup low resolution spectroscopic observations of 171 bright RGB objects, including 38 newly identified BL∼Lacs, are also presented. Combined with previous observations, we construct the RGB BL Lac catalog of 120 objects. From this, we select 35 objects for inclusion in the RGB Complete sample of Bright Objects which covers 3,970∼deg^2 of the sky and contains all sources with S_r,tot>20∼mJy, F_X>5×10{–13}∼erg∼s{-1}cm^{-2} and O<18.0∼mag. We also use the characteristics RGB BL∼Lac sample to test the unified scheme hypothesis. In particular, we investigate the distribution of sources on the α_ro-α_ox diagram, characteristics of the high energy continuum, and both the X-ray and radio \logN-\logS relationships to show the orientation-based unified scheme is generally consistent with the observed properties of BL∼Lacs.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Dissertation Summaries

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