SIMBAD references

1997PASP..109..303M - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 109, 303-306 (1997/March-0)

Reflectivity degradation rates of aluminum coatings at the CFHT.


Abstract (from CDS):

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation is conducting a long term experiment to determine the most efficient procedure to maintain the exposed bare aluminum coatings of the 3.6 meter primary and the 1.6 meter secondary mirrors. The experiment is designed to reveal the rates at which reflectance degrades as a function of time and maintenance procedure. The results reported in this paper have allowed us to schedule a preventative maintenance program that significantly extends the life of the aluminum coating on mirrors exposed to the Mauna Kea summit environment.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Astronomical Instrumentation

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