SIMBAD references

1997A&A...328L..17A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 328, L17-20 (1997/12-2)

Pairs of X-ray sources across Seyferts: the NGC 4235 field.


Abstract (from CDS):

Two strong X-ray sources are paired about equally distant across the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4235. It is shown here that they are a BL Lac object and a quasar. Comparison with other associations of X-ray AGN's with Seyferts reveals systematic alignments within about 20 degrees of the minor axis of the active galaxy. Fainter BSO candidates measured here suggest secondary associations of quasars with individual pair members and at closer distances to active galaxies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): X-rays: galaxies - galaxies: Seyfert - BL Lac objects: general

Nomenclature: Table 1, Fig.2: [A97b] 2-N (Nos 2-1 to 2-3), Table 1, Fig.3: [A97b] 3-N (Nos 3-1 to 3-4). Table 3: [A97b] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=8

Simbad objects: 22

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