SIMBAD references

1997A&A...328..493F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 328, 493-498 (1997/12-2)

Sub-arcsecond resolution 2D (x,y,λ) spectrography of the emission line region of NGC 5929 with TIGER.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 5929 with the integral field spectrograph Tiger. These 2D spectrographic data, with sub-arcsecond spatial resolution, consist of 394 flux-calibrated spectra, covering the [NII], Hα and [SII] emission associated with the two radio-lobes. The two optical line emission components have been kinematically separated using Gaussian fitting of the spectra. From this decomposition, we have derived line intensities, ratios and velocities for each component. Although the line-of-sight velocities of the clouds are consistent with normal rotational motions, their high internal velocity dispersions and spatial association with the radio components clearly indicate an interaction between the radio ejecta and the ambient medium. We discuss four specific models describing this interaction but conclude that none of them is completely satisfactory.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: NGC 5929 - galaxies: Seyfert - galaxies: jets

Nomenclature: Table 2: [BWM94] NGC 5929 A (Nos D-E) added

CDS comments: Components NE and SW in NGC 5929 = [WK89] NGC 5929 NE and SW

Simbad objects: 10

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