SIMBAD references

1996A&AS..116..117E - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 116, 117-155 (1996/April-1)

A survey for 22GHz water maser emission from the Arecibo set of OH/IR stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report here on our search for water masers from a set of 382 OH/IR stars identified at Arecibo from color selected IRAS sources. Maser emission with an integrated flux SI>10–21W.m–2 is detected from about half. The detection rate is highest for the bluest stars (>90% for IRAS(25-12)←0.6) and decreases to ≃30% for the reddest. We expect multiple observations, better sensitivity and improved positions to raise the eventual detection rate from this sample to about 75%. Some of the undetected OH/IR stars are proto planetary nebulae; most of the rest are stars with very heavy mass-loss rates. The morphological characteristics of our spectra are analyzed: this confirms our expectation that they generally evolve into double-peaked profiles at the higher mass loss rates. Emission in the velocity interval which is blue-shifted with respect to the stellar velocity is statistically stronger than emission from the red-shifted interval. The water outflow velocities reach 75±15% of the circumstellar expansion velocities exhibited by OH, while flux variations are rarely larger than a factor of 10.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): masers - stars: AGB - circumstellar matter - radio lines: stars - surveys

Simbad objects: 389

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