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1995PASP..107..856G - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 107, 856-862 (1995/September-0)

IUE spectroscopy of the nova-like variable BZ Cam: characteristics of its peculiar wind outflow.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have analyzed 15 IUE low resolution SWP spectra of the peculiar hot nova-like object BZ Camelopardalis (= 0623+71), which is associated with a bow shock nebula. We determined approximate relative orbital phases of a series of spectra obtained continuously over a 28 hour time baseline by using the newly determined orbital period (P=0.1535 days) and ephemeris by Thorstensen et al. (1993). We find evidence of deepest absorption of the resonance doublet wind features C IV, Si IV, and N V near relative phase 0.2. In general, when the P Cygni resonance line absorption vanishes (strengthens), the Si IV emission strengthens (vanishes). We report dramatic temporal line profile variability of the C IV P Cygni feature and other strong wind absorptions at N V (1240), Si IV (1400), He II (1640) and N IV (1718), around the orbit, on timescales < 1 hour. The average terminal (blue edge) velocities (over 15 spectra) of the C IV and Si IV P Cygni features are -5300 and -5100 km s^-1, respectively, while for higher temperature ion species (N V and He II), it is only -3900 and -3158 km s^-1, respectively. Implications of the wind characteristics for the nature of its outflow, the origin of the bow-shaped nebula and the evolutionary status of BZ Cam are briefly discussed.

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