SIMBAD references

1995BaltA...4..302K - Baltic Astronomy, 4, 302-310 (1995/November-0)

HST observations of the DAV white dwarf G 226-29.


Abstract (from CDS):

We observed G 226-29 for 15 hours with the HST and detected two problems in spectrograms obtained with the post-COSTAR Faint Object Spectrograph and the G160L grating. First, using the 1 arcsec entrance aperture with a triple peakup, we found a strong (≃3 %) modulation of the total count rate on a time scale similar to the HST orbital period. Second, when comparing the observed spectrum to a spectrum of the same white dwarf obtained with IUE and to model atmospheres for DA white dwarfs, we found 25 % extra flux in the FOS spectrogram in a 75 Å region just to the blue of 1500 Å, due to a scratch in the photocathode, not corrected by the flat-field.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: white dwarfs - stars: variables - stars: individual: G 226-29

Simbad objects: 2

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