SIMBAD references

1995A&A...301..914V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 301, 914-918 (1995/9-3)

Distinguishing sub-micrometer man-made debris from interplanetary dust using near-Earth satellites.


Abstract (from CDS):

We show that even if the interplanetary dust of sub-micron size is originally neutral, it would become highly ionized by solar ultraviolet radiation. Assuming interplanetary dust to be drifting in as neutral particles at 10km/s, we derive the probable charge that they may pick up during their motion in the solar system. Using this value for the charge, we analyze the particle arrival pattern of the interplanetary dust in low earth orbits due to modulation by the geomagnetic field. Using an accurate model of the geomagnetic field from the International Geophysical Reference Field (IGRF), we show that the interplanetary dust would arrive at high latitudes only. We then show that since man-made debris is released at very low altitude, it would arrive isotropically even if it is heavily charged. Hence even from a low earth orbit satellite, it may be possible to distinguish man-made debris from the interplanetary dust.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): space vehicles - interplanetary medium - dust

Simbad objects: 0

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