SIMBAD references

1994A&A...291..403B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 291, 403-410 (1994/11-2)

Discovery of strong X-ray variability in an HII type galaxy.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the first detection of X-ray variability in an HII type galaxy. The standard line ratio diagnostics of the galaxy, IRAS 15564+6359, all point to the HII nature of the source. On the other hand, in terms of X-ray flux and spectral variability, the source is very similar to very active AGN. The shortest doubling time scale found in the ROSAT (0.1-2.4keV) energy band is only about 1500 seconds. Amplitude variations of a factor of 10 are detected on a time scale of about half a day. The small size of the emitting region, less than 2x10–5pc, deduced from the rapid variations can be taken as the strongest proof for the presence of an active nucleus in the HII type galaxy IRAS 15564+6359. Our analysis of the X-ray spectra indicate that the flux variations are connected with strong spectral changes. We detected a significant hardening of the ROSAT spectrum with increasing source intensity. Spectral simulations show that the ROSAT spectrum can be represented by a combination of a steep thermal starburst component and a flatter power law AGN contribution. On the basis of this model we can disentangle the (0.1-2.4keV) luminosity emitted in the starburst from the luminosity emerging from the AGN component as a function of varying source intensity.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: active - galaxies: individual: IRAS 15564+6359 - galaxies: starburst - X-rays: galaxies

Simbad objects: 4

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