SIMBAD references

1994A&A...286..588J - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 286, 588-596 (1994/6-2)

Some common characteristics of the basic components of the solar radio emission and confirmation of a fourth basic component.

JI S.C., CAO W.D., CHEN G.Q. and YANG K.P.

Abstract (from CDS):

Our high time-resolution data observed with fast sampling radio telescopes in three periods were processed. It is found that there is a rapidly varying component (RVC) in the radio emission source on the Sun. After investigating some common characteristics of the basic components of the solar radio emission, we discover that RVC is different in nature from the known three basic components: the quiet Sun, the slowly varying component (SVC), and the radio burst. It has a character superimposed on the radio burst: short duration, high brightness temperature and small dimension. For this reason, it is presented as a fourth basic component. Up to now, we have observed five types of RVC. Among them four types can be confirmed, another is yet in dispute. Finally, the five categories of observational characteristics of RVC are given.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: radio radiation - activity: bursts

Simbad objects: 0

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