V* V691 CrA , the SIMBAD biblio

V* V691 CrA , the SIMBAD biblio (441 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:33:06

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Title First 3 Authors
1972ApJ...173L..99G 79 94 X-ray emission from rich clusters of galaxies. GURSKY H., SOLINGER A., KELLOGG E.M., et al.
1972ApJ...178..281G 143 336 The UHURU catalog of X-ray souces. GIACCONI R., MURRAY S., GURSKY H., et al.
1976ApJ...207L.105C 2 3 39 Recurrent brief X-ray bursts from the globular cluster NGC 6624. CLARK G.W., JERNIGAN J.G., BRADT H., et al.
1977ApJ...217L..29R 17 60 Discovery of a 7.68 second X-ray periodicity in 3U 1626-67. RAPPAPORT S., MARKERT T., LI F.K., et al.
1978ApJ...221..745L 56 24 High-galactic latitude X-ray sources and southern clusters of galaxies. LUGGER P.M.
1978MNRAS.182..489C viz 119 295 The Ariel V SSI catalogue of high galactic latitude (|b|>10) X-ray sources. COOKE B.A., RICKETTS M.J., MACCACARO T., et al.
1978MNRAS.183..169W 12 21 X-ray source counts at high galactic latitude. WARWICK R.S. and PYE J.P.
1978Natur.276..247G 70 T                   1 2 24 Positions and identifications for galactic X-ray sources
2A 1822-371 and 2S 1254-690.
1979ApJS...39..573M 142 77 The MIT/OSO 7 catalog of X-ray sources : intensities, spectra and long-term variability. MARKERT T.H., WINKLER P.F., LAIRD F.N., et al.
1979ApJS...40..657M 176 174 New hard X-ray sources observed with HEAO A-2. MARSHALL F.E., BOLDT E.A., HOLT S.S., et al.
1979ApJS...41..327A 468 26 A catalog of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1979MNRAS.187..567D 92 14 Radio identifications of 11 X-ray sources at 2 cm. DULDIG M.L., GREENHILL J.G., THOMAS R.M., et al.
1980ApJ...241.1148C 70 T                   1 1 11 Optical and X-ray studies of
2A 1822-371.
1980ApJ...242L.109M 72 T                   2 47 A 5.57 hr modulation in the optical counterpart of
2S 1822-37.1.
1981A&A...103..140V 25 38 Average properties of low-mass X-ray binaries. VAN PARADIJS J.
1981ApJ...247..994W 73 T                   1 3 83 A 5.57 hour modulation of the X-ray flux from
4U 1822-37.
1981MNRAS.197..893M 140 144 The Ariel V (3A) catalogue of X-ray sources. II. Sources at high galactic latitude (|b| > 10 deg). McHARDY I.M., LAWRENCE A., PYE J.P., et al.
1981IBVS.1921....1K 777 28 65th Name-list of variable stars. KHOLOPOV P.N., SAMUS N.N., KUKARKINA N.P., et al.
1981Natur.292..810P 19 17 Distinguishing between a white dwarf and a neutron star in an X-ray binary. PATTERSON J.
1981Natur.294..725P 1 7 38 A four-hour orbital period of the X-ray burster 4U/MXB 1636-53. PEDERSEN H., VAN PARADIJS J. and LEWIN W.H.G.
1982ApJ...255..596C 74 T                   1 27 The low mass X-ray binary
2A 1822-37.1.
1982ApJ...255..603M 74 T                   1 26 Ultraviolet spectrophotometry of
2A 1822-37.1 : a bulge on the accretion disk.
1982ApJ...257..318W 7 9 347 Accretion disk coronae. WHITE N.E. and HOLT S.S.
1982ApJ...258..245M 5 3 80 The noncompact binary X-ray source 4U 2129+47. McCLINTOCK J., LONDON R.A., BOND H.E., et al.
1982ApJ...262..253M 73 T                   1 4 88 Infrared photometry of the X-ray binary
2A 1822-371 : a model for the ultraviolet optical, and infrared light curve.
1982MNRAS.199.1045F 74 T                   1 1 28 An interpretation of the X-ray spectrum of
4U 1822-37.
1982MNRAS.200..793M 75 T                   1 1 30 Phase resolved optical spectroscopy of the compact X-ray binary
2A 1822-371.
1982Ap&SS..86...91A 50 3 On the evolution of low mass binary systems. AMNUEL P.R. and GUSEINOV O.H.
1983ApJ...265.1005C 2 8 Spectral and temporal effects of a plasma shell around an X-ray source. CHANG K.M. and KYLAFIS N.D.
1983ApJ...271...89B 12 2 121 Compton heated winds and coronae above accretion disks. II. Radiative transfer and observable consequences. BEGELMAN M.C. and McKEE C.F.
1984A&AS...56..415B 91 12 A catalogue of X-ray spectra observed with the Ariel V proportional counter (Experiment C). BELL BURNELL S.J. and CHIAPPETTI L.
1984A&AS...57..385R 128 70 Catalogue of cataclysmic binaries, low-mass X-ray binaries and related objects. (Third edition). RITTER H.
1984ApJS...54..443P 1 123 1036 The evolution of cataclysmic and low-mass X-ray binaries. PATTERSON J.
1984ApJS...54..581L 73 167 The HEAO1 A-4 catalog of high-energy X-ray sources. LEVINE A.M., LANG F.L., LEWIN W.H.G., et al.
1984ApJS...56..507W viz 900 396 The HEAO A-1 X-ray source catalog. WOOD K.S., MEEKINS J.F., YENTIS D.J., et al.
1984BAAS...16..933P 25 1 Long-term X-ray observations of galactic bulge sources. PRIEDHORSKY W.C.
1984Natur.310..662M 1 6 39 Low-level radio flares from Cygnus X-3. MOLNAR L.A., REID M.J. and GRINDLAY J.E.
1985AbaOB..58..175B 17 4 X-ray sources in close binary systems : theoretical aspects. BISNOVATYI-KOGAN G.S.
1985BAAS...17..565G 3 1 Discovery of the first X-ray burst from 4U 2129+470. GARCIA M.R. and GRINDLAY J.E.
1985Natur.313..768V 1 6 34 Transient quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of Cygnus X-3. VAN DER KLIS M. and JANSEN F.A.
1985SSRv...40..167W 23 112 The structure of low-mass X-ray binaries. WHITE N.E. and MASON K.O.
1986A&A...158..158A 7 17 The X-ray source in M 15: a binary composed of a neutron star plus a post main-sequence star ? AURIERE M., MAUCHERAT A., CORDONI J.-P., et al.
1986ApJ...305..267L 5 2 40 On the stream-disk interaction in accreting compact objects. LIVIO M., SOKER N. and DGANI R.
1986ApJ...308..199P 14 4 229 The discovery of 3.8 hour periodic intensity dips and eclipses from the transient low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. PARMAR A.N., WHITE N.E., GIOMMI P., et al.
1986ApJ...309..700M 4 3 51 Simultaneous X-ray and infrared observations of Cygnus X-3. MASON K.O., CORDOVA F.A. and WHITE N.E.
1986ApJ...309..707J 1 5 28 Radio flux density variations of Cygnus X-3. JOHNSTON K.J., SPENCER J.H., SIMON R.S., et al.
1986Natur.319..648B 1 5 32 Quasi-periodic oscillations from accretion disk coronas. BOYLE C.B., FABIAN A.C. and GUILBERT P.W.
1987A&A...178..137F 10 5 203 The light curves of low-mass X-ray binaries. FRANK J., KING A.R. and LASOTA J.-P.
1987AJ.....93..374S 6 18 The variable light curve of the X-ray transient EXO 0748-676. SCHMIDTKE P.C. and COWLEY A.P.
1987ApJ...312..743P 4 11 Search for orbital X-ray variation in Scorpius X-1. PRIEDHORSKY W.C. and HOLT S.S.
1987ApJ...314L..11I 5 19 A possible 1.13 millisecond periodicity in GX 339-4. IMAMURA J.N., STEIMAN-CAMERON T.Y. and MIDDLEDITCH J.
1987ApJ...320L..41I 7 7 Rapid optical flaring in MXB 1735-444 and an optical burst from GX 17+2. IMAMURA J.N., STEIMAN-CAMERON T.Y. and MIDDLEDITCH J.
1987ApJ...320..296C 38 14 Kinematics and age of the low-mass X-ray binaries. COWLEY A.P., HUTCHINGS J.B., CRAMPTON D., et al.
1987Natur.328..136P 1 2 11 Possible explanation of the gamma-ray light curve and time variability in Cygnus X-3. PROTHEROE R.J. and STANEV T.
1987PAZh...13..780T 10 5 The evolutionary status of MXB 1820-30 and other short-period low-mass X-ray binaries. TUTUKOV A.V., FEDOROVA A.V., ERGMA E.V., et al.
1988A&AS...75..441P viz 399 13 Binaires spectroscopiques. 15e catalogue complemetaire. PEDOUSSAUT A., CARQUILLAT J.M., GINESTET N., et al.
1988ApJ...331..764H 5 16 Discovery of a 4.2 hour X-ray period in GX 9+9. HERTZ P. and WOOD K.S.
1988MNRAS.233...51S 1 10 74 CAL 83: a 1-day period low-mass X-ray binary in the LMC. SMALE A.P., CORBET R.H.D., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1988MNRAS.233..285N 2 5 43 Spectroscopy of the M 15 X-ray source: discovery of binary motion and an unusual systemic velocity. NAYLOR T., CHARLES P.A., DREW J.E., et al.
1988MmSAI..59..147P 25 44 X-ray orbital modulations from low-mass X-ray binaries. PARMAR A.N. and WHITE N.E.
1989A&A...214L...1M 18 17 The strength of NIII-CIII complex emission in low-mass X-ray binaries as a possible indicator of metallicity. MOTCH C. and PAKULL M.W.
1989A&A...221...62P 3 1 X-ray absorption dips in low-mass X-ray binaries: an evidence for tidal feed back ? PANDEY U.S.
1989ApJ...337..485C 8 30 Further observations of the eclipsing X-ray burst source MXB 1659-29. COMINSKY L.R. and WOOD K.S.
1989ApJ...346..143M 8 28 Is GX 1+4 the compact 511 keV galactic center source ? McCLINTOCK J.E. and LEVENTHAL M.
1989ApJ...346..151C 35   K                 2 7 Evidence for ultra-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the low-mass X-ray binary 2A 1822-37.1. CIAMPA D., CLAY R.W. and EDWARDS P.G.
1989MNRAS.239..715H 76 T                   1 3 78 EXOSAT observations of
X 1822-371 : modelling of the accretion disc rim.
1989MNRAS.241p..37C 5 ~ Discovery of the 10.6 hr orbital period of CAL 87 : an eclipsing low-mass X-ray binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud. CALLANAN P.J., MACHIN G., NAYLOR T., et al.
1989A&ARv...1...85W 16 51 X-ray binaries. WHITE N.E.
1989Ap&SS.161...85M 10 2 Variable pulse profile and the accretion geometry in GX 1+4. MANCHANDA R.K.
1989AuJPh..42..581E 6 0 A search for ultra-high gamma-ray emission from binary X-ray systems. EDWARDS P.G., CIAMPA D., CLAY R.W., et al.
1989JApA...10..119K 30 9 Is there a black hole among the black-hole candidates ? KUNDT W. and FISCHER D.
1989MmSAI..60..145P 4 0 IUE observations of SN 1987A. PANAGIA N.
1989PASAu...8...49C 13 1 Search for bursts of ultra-high-energy photons from astrophysical sources. CIAMPA D. and CLAY R.W.
1989PASJ...41..591S 2 2 22 Ginga observations of 4U 1820-30 in NGC 6624 : the 11-minute flux modulation. SANSOM A.E., WATSON M.G., MAKISHIMA K., et al.
1990AJ.....99..273S 302 12 Infrared emission from X-ray binaries: IRAS observations. SMITH H.A., BEALL J.H. and SWAIN M.R.
1990MNRAS.244p..39H 70 T                   1 2 ~ The ephemeris of
X 1822-371.
1991ApJ...373..228C 20 24 The near-infrared spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries and related objects. COWLEY A.P., SCHMIDTKE P.C., CRAMPTON D., et al.
1991ApJ...374..732M 3 10 Flux-limited diffusion in scattering medium. MELIA F. and ZYLSTRA G.J.
1991ApJ...377L.101M 1 3 13 Radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of accretion disk coronae. MELIA F. and ZYLSTRA G.J.
1991ApJ...383..324D 5 4 85 Decrease in the orbital period of Hercules X-1. DEETER J.E., BOYNTON P.E., MIYAMOTO S., et al.
1991ApJ...383..739H 1 8 55 Evolution of compact binary systems with X-ray heating. HARPAZ A. and RAPPAPORT S.
1991ApJ...383..853S 9 7 A stydy of the H-alpha line in X1735-444. SMALE A.P. and CORBET R.H.D.
1991PASP..103..636S 9 4 A 9.1-hour candidate orbital period for X 1556-605. SMALE A.P.
1991AZh....68.1211K 4 6 The synthesis of light curves of close binary systems with a relativisticobject. Axisymmetric, geometrically thick disk around a relativistic object. KHRUZINA T.S.
1991BAICz..42..230M 14 10 New data on the eclipsing binary V 1765 Cyg (HR 7551) and improved orbital and light-curve solutions. MAYER P., HADRAVA P., HARMANEC P., et al.
1991Natur.350..136P 13 3 161 Irradiation-driven mass transfer low-mass X-ray binaries. PODSIADLOWSKI P.
1991Natur.351...39T 1 4 25 Orbital evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries due to radiation driven mass transfer. TAVANI M.
1991PASAu...9..113M 1 0 Improving the angular resolution of the Buckland Park air shower array. MEYHANDAN R. and CLAY R.W.
1991S&W....30...86G 4 0 UV-Spektroskopie massearmer Rontgendoppelsterne. GOTTWALD M.
1992A&A...255..167C 71 T                   2 13 Neutral particle emission from the X-ray binary
2A 1822-37 at energies above 10 17 eV.
1992A&A...264..331B 2 3 The emission mechanism of neutral particles from discrete sources in the TeV-EeV energy range. BEDNAREK W.
1992A&A...265...65E 3 7 Orbital evolution of binaries with ultra-rapid pulsars. ERGMA E. and FEDOROVA A.V.
1992ApJ...391..236M 4 9 Evidence for neutral emission above (10)17 eV from LMC X-4. MEYHANDAN R., DAWSON B.R., CLAY R.W., et al.
1992ApJ...395..582S 29 51 Long-term variability in low-mass X-ray binaries: a study using data from Vela 5B. SMALE A.P. and LOCHNER J.C.
1992ApJ...396L..27M 3 3 Radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of X-ray burst-induced accretion disk coronae. MELIA F., ZYLSTRA G.J. and FRYXELL B.
1992ApJ...396..267J 1 4 27 Spectroscopy of the recurrent nova U Scorpii. JOHNSTON H.M. and KULKARNI S.R.
1992ApJ...400..330S 1 5 37 GINGA observations of the dipping low-mass X-ray binaries XB 1916-053 and EXO 0748-676. SMALE A.P., MUKAI K., WILLIAMS O.R., et al.
1992MNRAS.258..457H 70 T                   6 12 Energy structure of the accretion disc corona in X 1822-371. HELLIER C., MASON K.O. and WILLIAMS O.R.
1992ARA&A..30..391B 66 21 X-ray astronomy missions. BRADT H.V.D., OHASHI T. and POUNDS K.A.
1992PASJ...44..633A 4 10 Orbital period change of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. ASAI K., DOTANI T., NAGASE F., et al.
1992QJRAS..33..111F 91 3 South African Astronomical Observatory. Research. FEAST M.W.
1993A&A...270..139I 1 9 48 The 17.1-h optical and X-ray orbital period of AC 211/X 2127+119 in M 15. ILOVAISKY S.A., AURIERE M., KOCH-MIRAMOND L., et al.
1993A&A...279L..21V 2 4 33 Further ROSAT measurements of the period of 4U 1820-30. VAN DER KLIS M., HASINGER G., VERBUNT F., et al.
1993ApJ...404..696V 9 21 Effects of inclination angle on the spectra of X-ray binaries. VRTILEK S.D., SOKER N. and RAYMOND J.C.
1993ApJ...410..719B 10 18 Wind-driven angular momentum loss in binary systems. I.Ballistic case. BROOKSHAW L. and TAVANI M.
1993ApJ...412..267R 4 5 98 A model of an X-ray-illuminated accretion disk and corona. RAYMOND J.C.
1993MNRAS.262..429S 5 17 Detection of a 5.7h period in the globular cluster X-ray source 4U 1746-371. SANSOM A.E., DOTANI T., ASAI K., et al.
1993MNRAS.262..929N 35 18 How young are the low-mass X-ray binaries ? Conclusions from a flux-limited sample. NAYLOR T. and PODSIADLOWSKI P.
1993MNRAS.265..834C 1 19 100 Optical studies of V404 Cyg, the X-ray transient GS 2023+338 - III. The secondary star and accretion disc. CASARES J., CHARLES P.A., NAYLOR T., et al.
1993PASP..105....1T 76 4 Astrophysics in 1992. TRIMBLE V.
1993PASP..105..863S 3 3 38 The X-ray eclipse of the LMC binary CAL 87. SCHMIDTKE P.C., McGRATH T.K., COWLEY A.P., et al.
1993PASP..105..961C 7 10 Accretion disks in low-mass X-ray binaries. CALLANAN P.J.
1993Afz....36..129E 51 0 Low-mass X-ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. ERGMA E. and MASEVICH A.G.
1993Ap&SS.204..141W 3 3 Absorption of gamma-rays by X-ray photons around an accretion binary source. WU M., ZHANG C.-S. and LI T.P.
1993PASAu..10..183C 5 1 Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. CLAY R.W. and DAWSON B.R.
1994A&A...288..538K 17 56 Super-soft X-ray sources in the fields of the Magellanic Clouds. KAHABKA P., PIETSCH W. and HASINGER G.
1994A&A...288..665I 31 19 The optimum open fraction of coded apertures. With an application to the wide field X-ray cameras of SAX. IN'T ZAND J.J.M., HEISE J. and JAGER R.
1994A&A...289..141B 4 13 Optical study of LMXBs with high temporal resolution: evidence for non-thermal flares from MXB 1735-44. BESKIN G., NEIZVESTNY S., PLOKHOTNICHENKO V., et al.
1994A&A...291..842V 1 2 8 The X-ray heating and evolution of LMXB's. VILHU O., ERGMA E. and FEDOROVA A.
1994ApJ...424..376R 1 3 15 Generalized spectral model for 1-100 keV X-ray emission from Cygnus X-3 based on EXOSAT data. RAJEEV M.R., CHITNIS V.R., RAO A.R., et al.
1994ApJ...427..400C 1 3 15 Evidence of circumstellar matter surrounding the Hercules X-1 system. CHOI C.-S., DOTANI T., NAGASE F., et al.
1994ApJ...433...87H 1 3 17 SMM observations of gamma-ray transients. III. A search for a broadened, redshifted positron annihilation line from the direction of the Galactic Center. HARRIS M.J., SHARE G.H. and LEISING M.D.
1994ApJ...435..407G 6 13 X-ray emission from 4U 2129+47 (=V1727 Cygni) in quiescence. GARCIA M.R.
1994AcApS..14..287Y 5 0 Oscillation phenomena in the Galactic bulge X-ray source GX 9+1. YU W.-F., LI T.-P., CHENG L.-X., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1483H 4 ~ The lack of evidence for orbital period evolution in low mass X-ray binaries. HERTZ P.
1994MmSAI..65..285D 2 3 Modeling the onset of mass transfer in low mass X-ray binaries. D'ANTONA F.
1994BSAO...37..132B 5 0 Investigation of low-mass X-ray binaries with superhigh time resolution. Detection of nonthermal optical flares from a burster MXB 1735-44. BESKIN G.M., MITRONOVA S.N., NEIZVESTNY S.I., et al.
1995A&A...300..415P 10 17 Time series analysis of bright galactic X-ray sources. PRIEDHORSKY W.C., BRANDT S. and LUND N.
1995A&AS..109....9G viz 108 28 The EXOSAT GSPC iron line catalog. GOTTWALD M., PARMAR A.N., REYNOLDS A.P., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995AJ....110.1292S 6 6 The infrared counterpart of X1323-619. SMALE A.P.
1995ApJ...438..385H 8 14 Eclipse timings of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676 : statistical arguments against orbital period changes. HERTZ P., WOOD K.S. and COMINSKY L.
1995ApJ...442..638B 15 14 Discovery of a transient MeV range gamma-ray source. BRIGGS M.S., GRUBER D.E., MATTESON J.L., et al.
1995ApJ...447L..33V 57 71 The galactic distribution of low-mass X-ray binaries. VAN PARADIJS J. and WHITE N.
1995ApJ...454L.133M 36   K                 2 3 Radiation hydrodynamic models of eclipsing low-mass X-ray binaries. MURRAY S.D., WOODS D.T., CASTOR J.I., et al.
1995PAZh...21..256K 71 T                   5 ~ Spectral properties of hard X-ray emission (10-100 keV) from the periodic sources Cen X-4, 4U 1755-33, 4U 1700-37, MXB 1659-29, and 4U 1822-37: results of Prognoz-9 observations. KUDRYAVTSEV M.I., SVERTILOV S.I. and BOGOMOLOV V.V.
1995PASJ...47..153C 1 6 24 Optical observations of 4U 1915-05 and the stability of the long term ephemeris. CALLANAN P.J., GRINDLAY J.E. and COOL A.M.
1996A&A...314..484D 4 7 104 Reprocessing of X rays in low-mass X-ray binaries. DE JONG J.A., VAN PARADIJS J. and AUGUSTEIJN T.
1996A&AS..120C.121B 29 8 BATSE observations of hard X-ray emission from X-ray bursters. Presentation of a CGRO/BATSE investigation and first results. BARRET D., GRINDLAY J.E., BLOSER P.F., et al.
1996A&AS..120C.275B 7 9 BATSE observations of two X-ray bursters: 4U 1820-30 and 4U 1915-05. BLOSER P.F., BARRET D., GRINDLAY J.E., et al.
1996ApJ...464..867M 5 6 Low-mass binaries and stellar dynamos. MUSLIMOV A. and SARNA M.J.
1996ApJ...469..841L 2 9 65 EUVE observations of U Geminorum in outburst. LONG K.S., MAUCHE C.W., RAYMOND J.C., et al.
1996ApJ...470.1024A 12 2 73 Accretion disks in interacting binaries: simulations of the stream-disk impact. ARMITAGE P.J. and LIVIO M.
1996MNRAS.280..953M 7 15 The probable mass of the companion in Cygnus X-3. MITRA A.
1996PASP..108..688D 8 10 The diverse optical/ultraviolet spectra of the globular cluster X-ray sources in NGC 7078 and NGC 6712. DOWNES R.A., ANDERSON S.F. and MARGON B.
1996AcA....46..233R 9 2 55 The structure of the boundary layer between an accretion disk and a corona. ROZANSKA A. and CZERNY B.
1996Ap&SS.238..141B 9 ~ On estimates of lower and upper limits for the masses of compact components in close binaries. BESKIN G.M., BORISOV N.V. and PUSTIL'NIK L.A.
1996MmSAI..67..599C 6 0 X-ray polarimetry in the 90's. COSTA E.
1996LNP96.472...53S 7 ~ Simulation of the visual curve of CAL 87. SCHANDL S., MEYER-HOFMEISTER E. and MEYER F.
1997A&A...318...73S 4 5 67 Visual light from the eclipsing supersoft X-ray source CAL 87. SCHANDL S., MEYER-HOFMEISTER E. and MEYER F.
1997A&A...321..245M 1 10 41 The structure of the accretion disk rim in supersoft X-ray sources. MEYER-HOFMEISTER E., SCHANDL S. and MEYER F.
1997A&A...323..797M 7 6 Asymmetric Hα disk emission dominates the HST/FOS spectrum of Circinus X-1. MIGNANI R., CARAVEO P.A. and BIGNAMI G.F.
1997ApJ...477..876O 13 8 313 Optical observations of GRO J1655-40 in quiescence. I. A precise mass for the black hole primary. OROSZ J.A. and BAILYN C.D.
1997ApJ...486.1000H 7 18 Eclipse timings of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. II. Detection of an apparent orbital period change and of orbital period noise. HERTZ P., WOOD K.S. and COMINSKY L.R.
1997ApJS..109..177C 1 53 178 The survey of low-mass X-ray binaries with the Einstein Observatory solid-state spectrometer and monitor proportional counter. CHRISTIAN D.J. and SWANK J.H.
1997MNRAS.285..673H 72 T                   10 27 Detection of the X-ray-heated companion of X1822-371. HARLAFTIS E.T., CHARLES P.A. and HORNE K.
1997MNRAS.286L..43V 7 20 The black hole transient Nova Scorpii 1994 (= GRO J1655-40): orbital ephemeris and optical light curve. VAN DER HOOFT F., GROOT P.J., SHAHBAZ T., et al.
1997MNRAS.290L..23M 8 18 Pre-eclipse dips in the ultraviolet light curves of two eclipsing nova-like cataclysmic variables. MASON K.O., DREW J.E. and KNIGGE C.
1997ARep...41..786B 5 1 15 Three-dimensional modeling of the matter flow structure in semidetached binary systems. BISIKALO D.V., BOYARCHUK A.A., KUZNETSOV O.A., et al.
1997ARep...41..794B 3 1 10 Influence of a binary system common envelope on mass transfer through the inner Lagrange point. BISIKALO D.V., BOYARCHUK A.A., KUZNETSOV O.A., et al.
1998A&A...331L..25I 18 2 113 Discovery of the X-ray transient SAX J1808.4-3658, a likely low-mass X-ray binary. IN'T ZAND J.J.M., HEISE J., MULLER J.M., et al.
1998A&A...332..561A 12 31 Phase-resolved spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binaries 1636-536/V 801 Arae and 1735-444/V 926 Scorpii. AUGUSTEIJN T., VAN DER HOOFT F., DE JONG J.A., et al.
1998A&AS..129...83R viz 416 243 Catalogue of cataclysmic binaries, low-mass X-ray binaries and related objects (Sixth edition). RITTER H. and KOLB U.
1998MNRAS.298..207C 7 4 89 The mass of the neutron star in the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1012+5307. CALLANAN P.J., GARNAVICH P.M. and KOESTER D.
1998MNRAS.298..502I 10 18 The discovery of 12-mn X-ray pulsations from 1WGA J1958.2+3232. ISRAEL G.L., ANGELINI L., CAMPANA S., et al.
1998MNRAS.300...39B 6 6 122 Three-dimensional numerical simulation of gaseous flow structure in semidetached binaries. BISIKALO D.V., BOYARCHUK A.A., CHECHETKIN V.M., et al.
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