V* SW Vir , the SIMBAD biblio

V* SW Vir , the SIMBAD biblio (265 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:23:40

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Title First 3 Authors
1898ApJ.....8..233F 7 0 Classification of the spectra of variable stars of long period. FLEMING W.P.
1901ApJ....13..226P 75 5 Sixty-four new variable stars. PICKERING E.C., COLSON H.R., FLEMING W.P., et al.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955JO.....38..285A 216 0 Observations d'etoiles variables a longues periodes ou irregulieres effectuees par les membres de l'Association Francaise d'Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables et recues durant les annees 1946 a 1952 a l'Observatoire de Lyon. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1956JO.....39...12A 131 0 Observations d'etoiles variables. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1956JO.....39...92A 86 0 Observations d'etoiles variables a longues periodes ou irregulieres. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1962ApJ...136...21M 29 133 Absorption spectra of M-type Mira variables. MERRILL P.W., DEUTSCH A.J. and KEENAN P.C.
1965ApJ...141..965S 34 39 A low-dispersion spectroscopic search for water vapor in cool stars. SPINRAD H. and NEWBURN R.L.Jr
1966ApJ...143..291S 23 22 Further studies of the infrared spectra of cool stars the water deficiency in S stars and the variation of water abundance with Mira's phase. SPINRAD H., PYPER D.M., NEWBURN R.L.Jr, et al.
1971A&A....12..143W 12 11 Photoelectric observations of southern long period variable stars. WISSE M. and WISSE P.N.J.
1971ApJ...164...83G 96 149 Observations of infrared radiation from cool stars. GILLETT F.C., MERRILL K.M. and STEIN W.A.
1971ApJ...165..317E 98 53 Narrow-and broad-band photometry of red stars. VI. Luminosities and temperatures for old disk-population red stars, of high luminosity. EGGEN O.J.
1972A&A....21..239H 58 115 Long wavelength spectrometry and photometry of M, S and C-stars. HACKWELL J.A.
1972ApJS...24..375L 364 73 Near-infrared photometry of Mira variables. LOCKWOOD G.W.
1972MNRAS.158...23F 235 46 The kinematics of semiregular red variables in the solar neighbourhood. FEAST M.W., WOOLLEY R. and YILMAZ N.
1973ApJ...180..831D 183 59 New H20 sources associated with infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F., BECHIS K.P. and BARRETT A.H.
1973ApJ...180..845L 22 23 Scanner photometry of weak TiO bands near 1 micron in cool M-stars. LOCKWOOD G.W.
1973ApJ...184L..85W 17 20 Observations of silicon monoxide in cool stars at 4.05 microns. WOLLMAN E.R., GEBALLE T.R., GREENBERG L.T., et al.
1973ApJ...184..427B 161 100 The strengths of infrared CO and H2O bands in late-type stars. BALDWIN J.R., FROGEL J.A. and PERSSON S.E.
1973ApJ...186..193M 76 73 Broad-band 20-micron photometry of 76 stars. MORRISON D. and SIMON T.
1975ApJ...195..661E 38 77 The classification of intrinsic variables. V. The large-amplitude red variables. EGGEN O.J.
1975ApJ...200..584H 46 29 Constraints on the molecular properties of interstellar oxygen derived from radio observations. HOLLIS J.M. and SNYDER L.E.
1975ApJS...29...77E 17 21 Observations of large-amplitude red variables. EGGEN O.J.
1976ApJ...206..525T 113 41 Luminosity functions and the evolution of low-mass population I giants. TINSLEY B.M. and GUNN J.E.
1976ApJ...207..799A 7 19 Radiative transfer in spherical circumstellar dust envelopes. V. Theoretical circumstellar graphite and silicate emission spectra. APRUZESE J.P.
1976ApJS...30..259D 245 66 Water emission from infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F.
1976PASP...88..285M 1 33 185 2-14 mu m stellar spectrophotometry. I. Stars of the conventional spectral sequence. MERRILL K.M. and STEIN W.A.
1976Obs....96..149A 23 5 On the absolute magnitudes of semi-regular variables in stellar groups. ASLAN Z.
1977PASJ...29..511N 54 36 Three micron absorption band of carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., MAIHARA T., OKUDA H., et al.
1978AJ.....83...36D 95 26 New silicon monoxide masers. DICKINSON D.F., SNYDER L.E., BROWN L.W., et al.
1978ApJ...220...75F 3 45 687 Photometric studies of composite stellar systems. I. CO and JHK observations of E and S0 galaxies. FROGEL J.A., PERSSON S.E., AARONSON M., et al.
1979AcA....29..187S 23 21 Effect of titanium oxide absorption on broadband filter photometry. SMAK J. and WING R.F.
1979AcA....29..199S 44 9 Infrared photometry of late type stars. SMAK J. and WING R.F.
1980ApJS...42..541K 552 136 Revised MK spectral types for G, K ans M stars. KEENAN P.C. and PITTS R.E.
1981ApJ...246..184B 12 53 Observations of circumstellar carbon monoxide and evidence for multiple ejections in red giants. BERNAT A.P.
1981RMxAA...6..145W 17 5 Narrow-band photometry in the 1-4 mu-M region: calibration and applications. WING R.F. and RINSLAND C.P.
1982AJ.....87..808R 26 41 Angular diameters by the lunar occultation technique. V. 26 late-type stars. RIDGWAY S.T., JACOBY G.H., JOYCE R.R., et al.
1982ApJ...254..136D 187 33 A different type of maser star ? DICKINSON D.F. and ST CLAIR DINGER A.
1983A&A...120..237M 9 44 Infrared speckle imaging: improvement of the method; results on Miras and protostars. MARIOTTI J.M., CHELLI A., FOY R., et al.
1983A&A...122..314T 8 13 Molecular hydrogen lines in the infrared spectra of M-Giant stars. TSUJI T.
1983ApJS...52..121G viz 188 524 Stellar spectrophotometric Atlas, 3130 <lambda <10800 A. GUNN J.E. and STRYKER L.L.
1985PASP...97..616H 271 96 The brightest high-latitude 12-micron IRAS sources. HACKING P., NEUGEBAUER G., EMERSON J., et al.
1986A&A...156....8T 20 45 High resolution spectroscopy of CO in the infrared spectra of cool stars : turbulent velocities and carbon abundance in M-giant stars. TSUJI T.
1986AJ.....91..961S 1 8 37 Angular diameters by the lunar occultation technique. VII. SCHMIDTKE P.C., AFRICANO J.L., JACOBY G.H., et al.
1986ApJ...304..394Z 44 164 Carbon monoxide emission from stars in the IRAS and revised AFGL catalogs. I. Mass loss driven by radiation pressure on dust grains. ZUCKERMAN B. and DYCK H.M.
1986ApJ...311..335W 36 75 Mass loss from giant and supergiant stars. WANNIER P.G. and SAHAI R.
1986ApJ...311..345Z 163 204 Dust grains and gas in the circumstellar envelopes around luminous red giant stars. ZUCKERMAN B. and DYCK H.M.
1986ApJS...62..501K viz 3 26 365 Spectra of late-type standard stars in the region 2.0-2.5 microns. KLEINMANN S.G. and HALL D.N.B.
1986Ap&SS.118..227T 11 7 Turbulence, convection and mixing in red giant stars : some empiricalapproaches based on high resolution spectroscopy. TSUJI T.
1987A&A...173..263Z 64 57 H2O maser emission from stars in the IRAS point-source catalog. ZUCKERMAN B. and LO K.Y.
1987AJ.....94..751W 125 54 A catalog of stellar angular diameters measured by lunar occultation. WHITE N.M. and FEIERMAN B.H.
1987IAUS..120..409T 8 7 Detection of unresolved circumstellar lines in stellar infrared spectra and discovery of quasi-static molecular envelope around red giant stars. TSUJI T.
1987IAUS..122..377T 5 7 CO molecule in transition region between chromosphere and cool stellar wind : a new probe on the outer atmospheres of cool luminous stars. TSUJI T.
1988A&A...197..185T 20 54 High resolution spectroscopy of CO in the infrared spectra of cool stars. II. Quasi-static molecular dissociation zone in the outer atmosphere of red giant stars. TSUJI T.
1988A&A...205L..15L 47 64 Carbon-bearing molecules and SiS in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. LINDQVIST M., NYMAN L.-A., OLOFSSON H., et al.
1988ApJ...326..292W 38 17 Radial velocities of stars with microwave maser emission. III. Semiregular variables. WALLERSTEIN G. and DOMINY J.F.
1988ApJ...334..362C 280 110 The transition from oxygen-rich to carbon stars. CHAN S.J. and KWOK S.
1988ApJS...66...69C 98 6 The visible spectra of southern hemishere Mira variable stars. CROWE R.A. and GARRISON R.F.
1989A&A...226..183V 168 55 A comparison between CO-, OH- and IR-mass-loss rates of evolved stars. VAN DER VEEN W.E.C.J. and RUGERS M.
1989AJ.....97.1763B 16 11 10 mu.m speckle interferometry observations of evolved stars. BENSON J.A., TURNER N.H. and DYCK H.M.
1989AJ.....98..931V 374 157 New LRS spectra for 356 bright IRAS sources. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1989ApJS...69..651C 1616 1 Lunar occultations of IRAS point sources, 1991-2000. CASSAR L., CHEN W.P. and SIMON M.
1989ApJS...71..245K viz 1145 415 The Perkins catalog of revised MK types for the cooler stars. KEENAN P.C. and McNEIL R.C.
1989MNRAS.237..219L 95 19 The Westerlund-Olander sample of S stars in the Southern Milky Way. LLOYD EVANS T. and CATCHPOLE R.M.
1989TarOT..94....1N 399 6 Mass loss from stars : the universal formula for mass loss rate. NUGIS T.
1990A&A...231..431A 65 35 SiO masers in giant semi-regular variables and supergiants. ALCOLEA J., BUJARRABAL V. and GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J.
1990ApJ...357..453T 61 102 Galactic bulge M giants. III. Near-infrared spectra and implications for the stellar content of E and S0 galaxies. TERNDRUP D.M., FROGEL J.A. and WHITFORD A.E.
1990ApJ...361..673M 93 57 CO emission from the envelopes of cool stars in the solar neighborhood. MARGULIS M., VAN BLERKOM D.J., SNELL R.L., et al.
1990MNRAS.243..480H 72 35 New SiO masers associated with bright southern IRAS sources. HALL P.J., ALLEN D.A., TROUP E.R., et al.
1990AZh....67..785B 70 T                   1 2 2 The estimations of brightness distributions across the stellar discs from an analysis of the IR observations of lunar occultations: the red giants
SW Virginis and FY Librae.
1990BICDS..38..215B 79 0 Third list of corrections to the identifications if IRAS sources in Astron. & Astrophys. Suppl. 65, 607 and Astron. J. 98, 931. BIDELMAN W.P.
1990IBVS.3521....1A 70 T                   1 2 3 A period analysis of the semi-regular variable
SW Vir.
1991A&A...245..203T 23 33 High resolution spectroscopy of CO in the infrared spectra of cool stars. III. Line intensities, shifts and assymetries as probes of stellar turbulence and abundance in oxygen-rich giants. TSUJI T.
1991A&A...249..455J 3 10 The outer layers of cool, non-Mira carbon stars. JOHNSON H.R.
1991A&AS...90..327T viz 14       D               1 2734 208 1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources. I. Observations made at Dwingeloo, Effelsberg and Parkes. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., CASWELL J.L., HABING H.J., et al.
1991ApJS...75..905S 376 58 A survey for infrared excesses among high galactic latitude SAO stars. STENCEL R.E. and BACKMAN D.E.
1991MNRAS.253..449P 177 8 Theorical colours and isochrones for some Hubble Space Telescope colour systems - II. PALTOGLOU G. and BELL R.A.
1992A&A...263..183L 44 40 Carbon-bearing molecules in the envelopes around oxygen-rich stars. First detection of fomaldehyde in an oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. LINDQVIST M., OLOFSSON H., WINNBERG A., et al.
1992A&AS...93..121N viz 514 132 A survey of circumstellar CO emission from a sample of IRAS point sources. NYMAN L.-A., BOOTH R.S., CARLSTROM U., et al.
1992A&AS...93..151F viz 515 106 Near-infrared photometry of a sample of IRAS Point Sources. FOUQUE P., LE BERTRE T., EPCHTEIN N., et al.
1992ApJ...394..139G 11 10 A 2.18 to 2.28 micron study of the stellar population in the nucleus of M 82. GAFFNEY N.I. and LESTER D.F.
1992ApJ...394..320S 27 28 SO and SO2 in mass-loss envelopes of red giants: probes of nonequilibrium circumstellar chemistery and mass-loss rates. SAHAI R. and WANNIER P.G.
1992ApJ...399...76K 129 107 Infrared emission and mass loss from evolved stars in elliptical galaxies. KNAPP G.R., GUNN J.E. and WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G.
1992IBVS.3739....1L 71 11 The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) photoelectric photometry archive. LANDIS H.J., MATTEI J.A. and PERCY J.R.
1992JApA...13..241P 160 15 SiO maser emission and the intrinsic properties of Mira variables. PATEL N.A., JOSEPH A. and GANESAN R.
1993A&AS...99..291L viz 454 464 CO and HCN observations of circumstellar envelopes. A catalogue - mass loss rates and distributions. LOUP C., FORVEILLE T., OMONT A., et al.
1993ApJ...409..725Y 110 108 Circumstellar shells resolved in IRAS survey data. II. Analysis. YOUNG K., PHILLIPS T.G. and KNAPP G.R.
1993ApJ...410..701N 158 116 The dynamics of stellar outflows dominated by interaction of dust and radiation. NETZER N. and ELITZUR M.
1993ApJS...86..517Y 508 82 Circumstellar shells resolved in the IRAS survey data. I. Data processing procedure, results, and confidence tests. YOUNG K., PHILLIPS T.G. and KNAPP G.R.
1994A&A...289..469T 17 34 High resolution infrared spectra of silicon monoxide and silicon isotopic abundances in cool luminous stars. TSUJI T., OHNAKA K., HINKLE K.H., et al.
1994A&A...290..183K 19 52 Circumstellar CO around bright oxygen-rich semi-regulars. KAHANE C. and JURA M.
1994A&AS..106..397K viz 257 91 Semiregular variables of types SRa and SRb. New JHKL'M-photometry for 200 stars. KERSCHBAUM F. and HRON J.
1994ApJ...421..101D 1 29 146 A near-infrared spectroscopic study of the luminous merger NGC 3256. I. Constraints on the initial mass function of the starburst. DOYON R., JOSEPH R.D. and WRIGHT G.S.
1994ApJS...94..687W viz 467 957 Old stellar populations. V. Absorption feature indices for the complete Lick/IDS sample of stars. WORTHEY G., FABER S.M., GONZALEZ J.J., et al.
1994ApJS...95..107W 11 35 1631 Comprehensive stellar population models and the disentanglement of age and metallicity effects. WORTHEY G.
1995A&A...295..445V 15 35 The distribution of dust around Asymptotic Giant Branch stars. VAN DER VEEN W.E.C.J., OMONT A., HABING H.J., et al.
1995A&AS..111..237L viz 241 25 Mainline OH detection rates from blue circumstellar shells. LEWIS B.M., DAVID P. and LE SQUEREN A.M.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJ...439..623S 28 23 The luminous starburst galaxy UGC 8387. SMITH D.A., HERTER T., HAYNES M.P., et al.
1995ApJ...445..415I 105 174 Infrared emission and dynamics of outflows in late-type stars. IVEZIC Z. and ELITZUR M.
1995PPMtO..14..185H viz 14       D               1 437 0 An atlas of H2O maser observations on the 13.7m radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory. HAN F., MAO R.Q., LEI C.-M., et al.
1996A&A...311..273K 48 41 Semiregular variables of types SRa and SRb. Circumstellar CO emission of an oxygen-rich sample. KERSCHBAUM F., OLOFSSON H. and HRON J.
1996A&A...314..883B 47 33 The anomalous SiO maser transition v=2 J=2-1. BUJARRABAL V., ALCOLEA J., SANCHEZ CONTRERAS C., et al.
1996AJ....111.1705D 1 46 177 Radii and effective temperatures for K and M giants and supergiants. DYCK H.M., BENSON J.A., VAN BELLE G.T., et al.
1996AJ....112.1988B 65 61 Really cool stars at the Galactic Center. BLUM R.D., SELLGREN K. and DEPOY D.L.
1997A&A...319..607C 37 31 SiO high velocity maser emission in O-rich evolved stars. CERNICHARO J., ALCOLEA J., BAUDRY A., et al.
1997A&A...320L...1T 7 6 129 Warm molecular envelope of M giants and Miras: a new molecule forming region unmasked by the ISO SWS. TSUJI T., OHNAKA K., AOKI W., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...328..175A viz 23 19 High resolution infrared spectroscopy of CN and NH lines: nitrogen abundance in oxygen-rich giants through K to late M. AOKI W. and TSUJI T.
1997AJ....114.1602L 237 19 A renewed search for water maser emission from Mira variables. LEWIS B.M.
1997ApJS..111..377W viz 453 699 Hγ and hδ absorption features in stars and stellar populations. WORTHEY G. and OTTAVIANI D.L.
1997ApJS..111..445W viz 121 190 Medium-resolution spectra of normal stars in the K band. WALLACE L. and HINKLE K.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1997PASP..109.1085S 86 2 Hipparcos astrometry of infrared-selected sources and the connection between optical and infrared reference frames. SUTTON E.
1997PASJ...49..485G 98 8 1-4 mu.m spectroscopy of very red stars found in an I-band objective prism survey. GOTO M., SASAKI Y., IMANISHI M., et al.
1998A&A...329.1059O 62 44 Circumstellar molecular radio line intensity ratios. OLOFSSON H., LINDQVIST M., NYMAN L.-A., et al.
1998A&A...330.1109A 21 7 443 Near-infrared narrow-band photometry of M-giant and Mira stars: models meet observations. ALVAREZ R. and PLEZ B.
1998A&A...331..619P 1 24 134 Extension of the effective temperature scale of giants to types later than M6. PERRIN G., COUDE DU FORESTO V., RIDGWAY S.T., et al.
1998A&A...333L..19A 7 15 Detection of fine-structure line emission from carbon-rich and oxygen-rich AGB stars by the ISO SWS. AOKI W., TSUJI T. and OHNAKA K.
1998A&A...334.1037H 32 26 On the origin of the high velocity SiO maser emission from late-type stars. HERPIN F., BAUDRY A., ALCOLEA J., et al.
1998A&A...335..637H 5 2 30 Limb-darkening and radii of non-Mira M giant models. HOFMANN K.-H. and SCHOLZ M.
1998A&AS..127..181H viz 97 27 New detections of H2O maser sources on the 13.7 m radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory. HAN F., MAO R.Q., LU J., et al.
1998ApJ...502..833M 34 67 Temporal variations of midinfrared spectra in late-type stars. MONNIER J.D., GEBALLE T.R. and DANCHI W.C.
1998ApJ...505..749V 11 10 Atomic carbon in the circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars. VAN DER VEEN W.E.C.J., HUGGINS P.J. and MATTHEWS H.E.
1998ApJ...506L..47B 26 64 Hipparcos period-luminosity relations for mira and semiregular variables. BEDDING T.R. and ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1998ApJ...507..919O 77 61 Measurements of starspot parameters on active stars using molecular bands in echelle spectra. O'NEAL D., NEFF J.E. and SAAR S.H.
1998ApJS..117..209K 1 50 167 Multiple molecular winds in evolved stars. I. A survey of CO (2-1) and CO (3-2) emission from 45 nearby AGB stars. KNAPP G.R., YOUNG K., LEE E., et al.
1998ApJS..119..121L 261 91 Photometric separation of stellar properties using SDSS Filters. LENZ D.D., NEWBERG H.J., ROSNER R., et al.
1998ApJS..119..141S viz 635 90 The infrared spectral classification of oxygen-rich dust shells. SLOAN G.C. and PRICE S.D.
1998MNRAS.297..624H 12 17 The ortho- to para- ratio of H2 in the starburst of NGC 253. HARRISON A., PUXLEY P., RUSSELL A., et al.
1998Ap&SS.255..293T 7 17 Molecules of non-photospheric origin in red giants and supergiants revealed by the ISO SWS. TSUJI T., OHNAKA K., AOKI W., et al.
1998Ap&SS.255..299A 7 0 Infrared emissions from metals in carbon stars and M giant. AOKI W., TSUJI T. and OHNAKA K.
1998NewA....3..137D 367 82 Stellar radii of M giants. DUMM T. and SCHILD H.
1999A&A...346..542K 94 112 Multiperiodicity in semiregular variables. I. General properties. KISS L.L., SZATMARY K., CADMUS R.R.Jr, et al.
1999A&A...348L..17W 12 31 On the formation of warm molecular layers. WOITKE P., HELLING C., WINTERS J.M., et al.
1999A&A...351..533L 127 32 A search for Technetium in semiregular variables. LEBZELTER T. and HRON J.
1999A&AS..137..473M 154 200 Spectral classification of the cool giants in symbiotic systems. MUERSET U. and SCHMID H.M.
1999A&AS..138..299K 111 52 Oxygen-rich semiregular and irregular variables. A catalogue of circumstellar CO observations. KERSCHBAUM F. and OLOFSSON H.
1999A&AS..139...29G viz 404 39 Empirical calibration of the λ4000 A break. GORGAS J., CARDIEL N., PEDRAZ S., et al.
1999A&AS..140...55B viz 358 14 Period-Luminosity-Colour distribution and classification of Galactic oxygen-rich LPVs. I. Luminosity calibrations. BARTHES D., LURI X., ALVAREZ R., et al.
1999ApJ...521..261M 29 14 Mid-infrared spectra of late-type stars: long-term evolution. MONNIER J.D., GEBALLE T.R. and DANCHI W.C.
1999Ap&SS.262..127K 106 ~ Circumstellar shells of the mass-losing asymptotic giant branch stars: limits for the dust-driven winds. KUCINSKAS A.
1999PASJ...51..197Y 183 14 Distance determination of mass-losing stars. YUASA M., UNNO W. and MAGONO S.
1999IAUS..191..133K 13 1 Multiperiodicity in semiregular variables. KISS L.L. and SZATMARY K.
2000ApJ...534..324K 33 23 Atomic carbon in the envelopes of carbon-rich post-asymptotic giant branch stars. KNAPP G.R., CROSAS M., YOUNG K., et al.
2000ApJ...540L..99T 1 9 48 Water in emission in the Infrared Space Observatory spectrum of the early M supergiant star µ Cephei. TSUJI T.
2000ApJ...543..897B 29 43 Submillimeter- and millimeter-wavelength observations of SiO and HCN in circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars. BIEGING J.H., SHAKED S. and GENSHEIMER P.D.
2000MNRAS.319..759W 77 76 Hipparcos parallaxes for Mira-like long-period variables. WHITELOCK P. and FEAST M.
2000PASJ...52..895M 66 3 Infrared properties of SiO maser sources in late-type stars. MATSUURA M., YAMAMURA I., MURAKAMI H., et al.
2000AAS...197.4614P 37 1 Long-term VRI photometry of pulsating red giants. PERCY J.R., WILSON J.B. and HENRY G.W.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001A&A...374..968M viz 824 16 Long period variable stars: galactic populations and infrared luminosity calibrations. MENNESSIER M.O., MOWLAVI N., ALVAREZ R., et al.
2001A&A...377..617L         O           14 14 4 µm spectra of AGB stars. I. Observations. LEBZELTER T., HINKLE K.H. and ARINGER B.
2001AJ....122.2017S 167 19 Polarimetry of 167 cool variable stars: data. SERKOWSKI K. and SHAWL S.J.
2001MNRAS.326..959C viz 4 22 281 Empirical calibration of the near-infrared Ca II triplet - I. The stellar library and index definition. CENARRO A.J., CARDIEL N., GORGAS J., et al.
2001PASP..113..983P 91 60 Long-term VRI photometry of small-amplitude red variables. I. Light curves and periods. PERCY J.R., WILSON J.B. and HENRY G.W.
2001IBVS.5041....1P         O           25 11 Periods of 25 pulsating red giants. PERCY J.R., DUNLOP H., KASSIM L., et al.
2001BaltA..10..589A viz 2043 9 Stars with the largest Hipparcos photometric amplitudes. ADELMAN S.J.
2002A&A...386..492R viz 2100 58 CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A. and PERCHERON I.
2002A&A...386..874R 4 10 The 3µm spectrum of R Doradus observed with the ISO-SWS. RYDE N. and ERIKSSON K.
2002A&A...391.1053O         O           80 137 Mass loss rates of a sample of irregular and semiregular M-type AGB-variables. OLOFSSON H., GONZALEZ-DELGADO D., KERSCHBAUM F., et al.
2002A&A...393..563L         O           85 20 Velocity variability of semiregular and irregular variables. LEBZELTER T. and HINKLE K.H.
2002AJ....124.2821C 28 21 L'-band interferometric observations of evolved stars. CHAGNON G., MENNESSON B., PERRIN G., et al.
2002AJ....124.3393W viz 43 11 Medium-resolution stellar spectra in the L band from 2400 to 3000 cm–1 (3.3 to 4.2 microns). WALLACE L. and HINKLE K.
2002ApJ...579..446M 1 16 78 Evidence for very extended gaseous layers around O-rich Mira variables and M giants. MENNESSON B., PERRIN G., CHAGNON G., et al.
2002MNRAS.329..863C 57 67 Empirical calibration of the near-infrared Ca II triplet - III. Fitting functions. CENARRO A.J., GORGAS J., CARDIEL N., et al.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...397..997P viz 4822 26 Hipparcos red stars in the HpVT2 and VIC systems. PLATAIS I., POURBAIX D., JORISSEN A., et al.
2003A&A...403..993K viz 302 140 Reprocessing the Hipparcos data of evolved stars. III. Revised Hipparcos period-luminosity relationship for galactic long-period variable stars. KNAPP G.R., POURBAIX D., PLATAIS I., et al.
2003A&A...409..715W 65 84 Mass-loss from dusty, low outflow-velocity AGB stars. I. Wind structure and mass-loss rates. WINTERS J.M., LE BERTRE T., JEONG K.S., et al.
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