NGC 6090 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6090 , the SIMBAD biblio (436 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST16:20:19

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1976A&A....51..185K 95 20 Radial velocities of double galaxies. KARACHENTSEV I.D., PRONIK V.I. and CHUVAEV K.K.
1976ApJ...208...20T 320 183 Binary galaxies. I. A well-defined statistical sample. TURNER E.L.
1977A&AS...28....1V 743 229 Atlas of interacting galaxies, Part. II and the concept of fragmentation of galaxies. VORONTSOV-VEL'YAMINOV B.A.
1978Afz....14...69P 64 54 UV galaxies with double and multiple nuclei. II. PETROSYAN A.R., SAAKYAN K.A. and KHACHIKYAN E.E.
1981AJ.....86.1175V 88 95 The structure of radio emission in the inner few hundrer parsecs of spiral galaxies. VAN DER HULST J.M., CRANE P.C. and KEEL W.C.
1982ApJ...255L...1B 116 29 Filling the void in Bootes. BALZANO V.A. and WEEDMAN D.
1982ApJS...50..319T 563 53 Double galaxy investigations. I. Observations. TIFFT W.G.
1983ApJ...268..602B 98 348 Star-burst galactic nuclei. BALZANO V.A.
1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1983ApJS...53..269D 516 78 A 21 centimeter line survey of a complete sample of interacting and isolated galaxies. DAVIS L.E. and SEAQUIST E.R.
1983ATsir1277....2P 20 0 Some results of spectrophotometric investigation of multinuclei UV galaxies. PETROSIAN A.R.
1983BAAS...15Q.913H 2 0 UV spectra of high redshift blue galaxies. HUCHRA J., HARTMANN L. and GELLER M.
1983PAZh....9..339P 23 1 UV-continuum galaxies with double-nucleus structure : Mass-to-luminosity ratio. PETROSYAN A.R.
1984ApJ...287..487H 1 5 48 How to find galaxies at high redshift. HARTMANN L.W., HUCHRA J.P. and GELLER M.J.
1984ApL....24..117W 46 0 Star-forming galaxies in the infrared. WEEDMAN D.W.
1985A&A...149..475B 7 25 The active centre of the galaxy merger ESO 148-IG02. BERGVALL N. and JOHANSSON L.
1985ApJS...57..643D 235 263 The nuclear activity of interacting galaxies. DAHARI O.
1986A&AS...65..349P viz 1027 6 On the relation of Markarian galaxies with Zwicky clusters. I. Data. PETROSIAN A.R. and TURATTO M.
1986ApJ...305L..45S 1 30 220 Molecular gas in high-luminosity IRAS galaxies. SANDERS D.B., SCOVILLE N.Z., YOUNG J.S., et al.
1986ApJS...62..751M 1524 187 A catalog of Markarian galaxies. MAZZARELLA J.M. and BALZANO V.A.
1987A&AS...70..517H 197 108 The effects of interactions on spiral galaxies. III. A radio continuum survey of galactic nuclei at 1.49 GHz. HUMMEL E., VAN DER HULST J.M., KEEL W.C., et al.
1987ApJ...316..145S 58 50 IRAS observations of starburst and nonactive spiral galaxies. SEKIGUCHI K.
1987ApJ...320...49B 120 274 Global properties of interacting disk-type galaxies. BUSHOUSE H.A.
1987ApJ...320..238S 329 640 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. II. The sample and luminosity function. SOIFER B.T., SANDERS D.B., MADORE B.F., et al.
1987ApJS...63..803D 161 27 Far-infrared luminosities of Markarian starburst galaxies. II. Individual galaxies. DEUTSCH L.K. and WILLNER S.P.
1987BAAS...19..698H 4 2 Compact radio sources associated with interacting galaxies in poor clusters. HANISCH R.J., BATUSKI D.J. and BURNS J.O.
1987BAAS...19..699M 6 5 Imaging spectroscopy of double-nucleus Markarian galaxies : results for six representative objects. MAZZARELLA J.M. and BOROSON T.A.
1987BAAS...19.1069O 21 2 Spectra of Second Byurakan Survey and other Seyfert galaxy candidates. OSTERBROCK D.E.
1987IAUS..121...65K 63 5 UV-Galaxies. KHACHIKIAN E.Y.
1988A&A...196...59X 212 9 Optical and far-IR luminosity functions of Markarian galaxies. XU C., DE ZOTTI G., FRANCESCHINI A., et al.
1988AJ.....95..356C 81 82 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. III. 1-10 mu-m observations and coadded IRAS data for galaxies with L IR > 10 11 L solar. CARICO D.P., SANDERS D.B., SOIFER B.T., et al.
1988ApJ...327L..51B 22 7 Line width-luminosity correlation for starburst galaxies. BRUNGARDT C.L.
1988ApJ...335...74B 248 144 IRAS observations of an optically selected sample of interacting galaxies. BUSHOUSE H.A., LAMB S.A. and WERNER M.W.
1988ApJS...67..249D 282 212 A statistical study of properties of Seyfert and starburst galaxies. DAHARI O. and DE ROBERTIS M.M.
1988MNRAS.235.1227C 80 52 The correlation between far-infrared and non-thermal radio emission at 151 MHz for galaxies: observations and modelling. COX M.J., EALES S.A.E., ALEXANDER P., et al.
1988S&T....75...23S 10 1 The extragalactic zoo - I. SCHORN R.A.
1989A&A...225...12X 135 53 A model for the far-IR emission of non-Seyfert Markarian galaxies. XU C. and DE ZOTTI G.
1989A&A...225...27V 23 10 Optical depth of molecular gas in starburst galaxies: Is M 82 the prototype? VERTER F. and RICKARD L.J.
1989AJ.....98..766S 343 391 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. IV. Complete IRAS observations. SOIFER B.T., BOEHMER L., NEUGEBAUER G., et al.
1989ApJ...342...83S 403 140 The 12 micron galaxy sample. I. Luminosity functions and a new complete active galaxy sample. SPINOGLIO L. and MALKAN M.A.
1989ApJ...347...87S 16 47 Ly-alpha emission from disk absorption systems at high redshift: star formation in young galaxy disks. SMITH H.E., COHEN R.D., BURNS J.E., et al.
1989MNRAS.238..523R 236 273 Models for infrared emission from IRAS galaxies. ROWAN-ROBINSON M. and CRAWFORD J.
1990AJ....100...70C 55 57 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. V. Multibeam photometry of galaxies with L(IR) ≥ 100000000000 L(sun). CARICO D.P., SANDERS D.B., SOIFER B.T., et al.
1990ApJS...73..359C viz 341 311 A 1.49 GHz atlas of the IRAS bright galaxy sample. CONDON J.J., HELOU G., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1990MNRAS.247..444G 184 15 Effects of interactions on the radio properties of non-Seyfert galaxies. GIURICIN G., BERTOTTI G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1990RMxAA..21...52S 78 1 The cluster of galaxies SC 2008-57 (A 3667). SODRE L.Jr, CAPELATO H.V., STEINER J.E., et al.
1991A&A...245..393M 94 31 An 18-cm OH and 21-cm HI survey of luminous far-infrared galaxies. II. H I properties. MARTIN J.M., BOTTINELLI L., DENNEFELD M., et al.
1991A&AS...90..375L 159 21 The UV properties of normal galaxies. I. The IUE data. LONGO G., CAPACCIOLI M. and CERIELLO A.
1991AJ....101.2034M 196 83 Far-infrared properties of Markarian galaxies with multiple nuclei : warm dust emission in mergers. MAZZARELLA J.M., BOTHUN G.D. and BOROSON T.A.
1991ApJ...370..158S 1 63 458 Molecular gas in luminous infrared galaxies. SANDERS D.B., SCOVILLE N.Z. and SOIFER B.T.
1991ApJ...374..407X 66 113 Infrared emission in paired galaxies. II. Luminosity functions and far-infrared properties. XU C. and SULENTIC J.W.
1991ApJ...378...65C viz 2 48 544 Compact starbursts in ultraluminous infrared galaxies. CONDON J.J., HUANG Z.-P., YIN Q.F., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..360N 1 8 50 Triggering of repetitive starbursts in merging galaxies. NOGUCHI M.
1992A&A...266..177C 26 22 Star formation efficiency in active galaxies. CHINI R., KRUGEL E. and KREYSA E.
1992A&AS...92..749T 1554 45 The far-infrared properties of the CfA galaxy sample. I. The catalog. THUAN T.X. and SAUVAGE M.
1992AJ....103..728B 315 40 Hydroxyl in galaxies. I. Surveys with the NRAO 300ft telescope. BAAN W.A., HASCHICK A. and HENKEL C.
1992AJ....103.1077B 19 15 VLA observations of radio sources in interacting galaxy pairs in poor clusters. BATUSKI D.J., HANISCH R.J. and BURNS J.O.
1992ApJ...386..139L 1 4 17 An extended search for extragalactic O2. LISZT H.S.
1992ApJ...399L..39C 3 3 41 Lyman-alpha emission in star-forming galaxies : low-redshift counterparts of primeval galaxies ? CALZETTI D. and KINNEY A.L.
1992MNRAS.259..709C 47 47 On the origin of the radio emission in IRAS galaxies with high ultrahigh luminosity : the starburst - AGN controversy. COLINA L. and PEREZ-OLEA D.
1993ApJ...419....7V 1 12 68 On the Lyman-alpha emision of starburst galaxies. VALLS-GABAUD D.
1993ApJS...85...27M 145 168 Optical imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of Markarian galaxies with multiple nuclei. I. Basic data. MAZZARELLA J.M. and BOROSON T.A.
1993ApJS...86....5K viz 142 335 An atlas of ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. KINNEY A.L., BOHLIN R.C., CALZETTI D., et al.
1993ApJS...89....1R viz 933 333 The extended 12 micron galaxy sample. RUSH B., MALKAN M.A. and SPINOGLIO L.
1994A&A...281..718M 54 13 Radio-far-infrared relation in Markarian galaxies. MARX M., KRUGEL E., KLEIN U., et al.
1994ApJ...428..609R 24 56 CO absorption in luminous infrared galaxies. RIDGWAY S.E., WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G. and BECKLIN E.E.
1994ApJ...429..572S 1 47 249 Ultraviolet to near-infrared spectral distributions of star-forming galaxies: metallicity and age effects. STORCHI-BERGMANN T., CALZETTI D. and KINNEY A.L.
1994ApJ...429..582C 8 43 1427 Dust extinction of the stellar continua in starburst galaxies : the ultraviolet and optical extinction law. CALZETTI D., KINNEY A.L. and STORCHI-BERGMANN T.
1995AJ....110..129K 39 39 The local merger rate of disk galaxies. KEEL W.C. and WU W.
1995ApJ...443..136C 84 95 The heating of dust in starburst galaxies: the contribution of the nonionizing radiation. CALZETTI D., BOHLIN R.C., KINNEY A.L., et al.
1995ApJ...444...97G 37 142 Spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies at 2 microns. I. The ultraluminous galaxies. (L(IR)>1012 L{solar}). GOLDADER J.D., JOSEPH R.D., DOYON R., et al.
1995ApJS...97..331M 37 86 Ultraviolet to optical spectral distributions of northern star-forming galaxies. McQUADE K., CALZETTI D. and KINNEY A.L.
1995ApJS...98..129K 215 186 Optical spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. I. Nuclear data. KIM D.C., SANDERS D.B., VEILLEUX S., et al.
1995ApJS...98..171V 213 563 Optical spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. II. Analysis of the nuclear and long-slit data. VEILLEUX S., KIM D.C., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1995ApJS...98..219Y 302 461 The FCRAO extragalactic CO survey. I. The data. YOUNG J.S., XIE S., TACCONI L., et al.
1995ApJS...98..369B viz 1309 34 A multifrequency radio continuum and IRAS faint source survey of Markarian galaxies. BICAY M.D., KOJOIAN G., SEAL J., et al.
1995MNRAS.277..577D 36 34 Helium and hydrogen excitation in starburst galaxies - infrared and optical line ratios. DOHERTY R.M., PUXLEY P.J., LUMSDEN S.L., et al.
1995AN....316...39B viz 14       D               1 2139 0 Construction of a diameter-limited sample of galaxies in the northern sky. The catalogue. BARDELLI S. and ZUCCA E.
1995Ap.....38..356K 84 0 Gas content of infrared luminous Markarian galaxies. KANDALIAN R., MARTIN J.-M., BOTTINELLI L., et al.
1995BAAS...27..854L 4 ~ HUT observations of the Lyman continuum in starburst galaxies. LEITHERER C., FERGUSON H. and HECKMAN T.
1996A&A...315L.121A 113 T K                 2 39 The starburst galaxy
NGC 6090: from 2.5µm to 200µm.
1996ApJ...458..132C 2 15 95 Dust obscuration in starburst galaxies from near-infrared spectroscopy. CALZETTI D., KINNEY A.L. and STORCHI-BERGMANN T.
1996ApJ...466..122R 22 28 Photometric signatures of starbursts in interacting galaxies and the Butcher-Oemler effect. RAKOS K.D., MAINDL T.I. and SCHOMBERT J.M.
1996ApJ...466..831G 1 22 103 Obscuration of Lyα photons in star-forming galaxies. GIAVALISCO M., KORATKAR A. and CALZETTI D.
1996ApJ...471..190R 175 62 Soft X-ray properties of Seyfert galaxies in the ROSAT all-sky survey. RUSH B., MALKAN M.A., FINK H.H., et al.
1997AJ....113..162C 5 26 443 Reddening and star formation in starburst galaxies. CALZETTI D.
1997AJ....114..592S 61 94 The spectral energy distribution of normal, starburst, and active galaxies. SCHMITT H.R., KINNEY A.L., CALZETTI D., et al.
1997ApJ...474..104G 67 87 Spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies at 2 microns. III. Analysis for galaxies with log (L_ IR/L☉_) ≥ 11.2. GOLDADER J.D., JOSEPH R.D., DOYON R., et al.
1997ApJ...481L..31H 9 4 116 Reexamining the Lyman continuum in starburst galaxies observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope. HURWITZ M., JELINSKY P. and DIXON W.V.
1997ApJ...484..222M 57 10 Mid-infrared continuum of starburst nuclei: contribution from hot large grains within H II regions? MOURI H., KAWARA K. and TANIGUCHI Y.
1997ApJ...484..702S 14 6 253 Arcsecond imaging of CO emission in the nucleus of Arp 220. SCOVILLE N.Z., YUN M.S. and BRYANT P.M.
1997ApJ...487..625G 2 36 217 Dust in starburst galaxies. GORDON K.D., CALZETTI D. and WITT A.N.
1997ApJ...489..601G 63 29 O VI + Lyβ + C II from starburst and poststarburst galaxies. I. Stellar library and evolutionary synthesis profiles. GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., LEITHERER C. and HECKMAN T.
1997ApJS..108..229H 33 66 The disks of galaxies with Seyfert and starburst nuclei. I. Near-infrared colors and color gradients. HUNT L.K., MALKAN M.A., SALVATI M., et al.
1997ApJS..108..449G 60 57 Spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies at 2 microns. II. Data for galaxies with 11.2 ≤ log(LIR/L) ≤11.9. GOLDADER J.D., JOSEPH R.D., DOYON R., et al.
1997RMxAC...6...42S 19 8 Luminous infrared galaxies. SANDERS D.B.
1997RMxAC...6...67G 3 0 Far ultraviolet spectra of starburst galaxies. GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., LEITHERER C., FERGUSON H., et al.
1997RMxAC...6...75C 5 0 A multiwavelength study of starburst galaxies. CALZETTI D.
1998A&A...334L..73A 1 6 21 The mid infrared spectrum of the hyperluminous galaxies IRAS F15307+3252 and the Cloverleaf. AUSSEL H., GERIN M., BOULANGER F., et al.
1998A&A...337...85M 6 1 18 Two-dimensional radiative transfer with transiently heated particles: methods and applications. MANSKE V. and HENNING T.
1998A&AS..127..521W viz 135 25 A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies. I. The data. WU H., ZOU Z.L., XIA X.Y., et al.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..132..181W viz 127 72 A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies. II. Spectral and environmental analysis. WU H., ZOU Z.L., XIA X.Y., et al.
1998AJ....115..938B 25 27 The distribution of mid- and far-infrared emission in 10 interacting galaxy systems. BUSHOUSE H.A., TELESCO C.M. and WERNER M.W.
1998AJ....116.1643W 55 17 Surface brightness of starbursts at low and high redshifts. WEEDMAN D.W., WOLOVITZ J.B., BERSHADY M.A., et al.
1998ApJ...492..137S 71 121 The starburst-AGN connection. II. The nature of luminous infrared galaxies as revealed by VLBI, VLA, infrared, and optical observations. SMITH H.E., LONSDALE C.J. and LONSDALE C.J.
1998ApJ...494..150S 59 28 Starburst galaxies. III. Properties of a radio-selected sample. SMITH D.A., HERTER T. and HAYNES M.P.
1998ApJ...495..698G 3 7 81 Far-ultraviolet spectra of starburst galaxies: stellar population and the kinematics of the interstellar medium. GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., LEITHERER C., HECKMAN T., et al.
1998ApJ...497...89V 143 75 Effects of interaction-induced activities in Hickson compact groups: CO and far-infrared study. VERDES-MONTENEGRO L., YUN M.S., PEREA J., et al.
1998ApJ...503..231F 12 2 Molecular gas in Markarian 109: constraining the O2/CO ratio in chemically young galaxies. FRAYER D.T., SEAQUIST E.R., THUAN T.X., et al.
1998ApJ...506..600F 1 41 125 Early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field: the star formation history. FRANCESCHINI A., SILVA L., FASANO G., et al.
1998ApJ...506..712K 10 21 A nearby galaxy in the deep-ultraviolet: Voyager 2 observations of M33 from Lyα to the Lyman limit. KEEL W.C.
1998ApJ...509..103S 50 6 916 Modeling the effects of dust on galactic spectral energy distributions from the ultraviolet to the millimeter band. SILVA L., GRANATO G.L., BRESSAN A., et al.
1998ApJS..119..239C 209 33 The Pico Dos Dias survey starburst galaxies. COZIOL R., TORRES C.A.O., QUAST G.R., et al.
1998PASP..110..553R viz 189 32 The supernova rate in starburst galaxies. RICHMOND M.W., FILIPPENKO A.V. and GALISKY J.
1999A&A...345...29P 1 38 161 FIRBACK. I. A deep survey at 175µm with ISO, preliminary results. PUGET J.L., LAGACHE G., CLEMENTS D.L., et al.
1999A&A...351..140S 1 4 14 Starburst nuclei: ISO observations and models. SIEBENMORGEN R., KRUEGEL E. and ZOTA V.
1999A&AS..136...35S viz 220 177 New catalogue of Wolf-Rayet galaxies and high-excitation extra-galactic HII regions. SCHAERER D., CONTINI T. and PINDAO M.
1999AJ....117.2632B 1 37 204 High-resolution CO observations of luminous infrared galaxies. BRYANT P.M. and SCOVILLE N.Z.
1999AJ....118..145Z 103 23 Molecular gas in strongly interacting galaxies. I. CO (1-0) observations. ZHU M., SEAQUIST E.R., DAVOUST E., et al.
1999ApJ...511L..17H 36   K                 9 18 Mid-infrared images of luminous infrared galaxies in a merging sequence. HWANG C.-Y., LO K.Y., GAO Y., et al.
1999ApJ...512L..99G 56 76 Molecular gas depletion and starbursts in luminous infrared galaxy mergers. GAO Y. and SOLOMON P.M.
1999ApJ...523..107T 24 20 Age and dust degeneracy for starburst galaxies solved? TAKAGI T., ARIMOTO N. and VANSEVICIUS V.
1999ApJ...525..702D 108 T K                 10 19 NICMOS observations of interaction-triggered star formation in the luminous infrared galaxy
NGC 6090.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999MNRAS.307..111R 1 3 15 Modelling ISO galaxy counts with luminosity and merger rate evolution. ROCHE N. and EALES S.A.
1999MNRAS.309..585J 22 41 Do galaxy mergers form elliptical galaxies ? A comparison of kinematic and photometric properties. JAMES P., BATE C., WELLS M., et al.
1999MNRAS.310...78A 1 7 39 Observations and a model for the infrared continuum of Centaurus A. ALEXANDER D.M., EFSTATHIOU A., HOUGH J.H., et al.
1999PASP..111..385T 221 6 Astrophysics in 1998. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
1999Ap&SS.266...73E 24 2 NICMOS Observations of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. EVANS A.S.
1999Ap&SS.269..303C 37 7 A mid and far infrared view of galaxies. CESARSKY C.J. and SAUVAGE M.
1999Ap&SS.269..367S 30 2 Ultra-luminous IR galaxies at low and high redshift. SCOVILLE N.
2000A&A...355...99B 52 11 Star formation in distant starburst galaxies. BONATTO C., BICA E., PASTORIZA M.G., et al.
2000A&AS..147..169B viz 2737 21 Accurate optical positions for 2978 objects from the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) with the Digitized Sky Survey. BICAY M.D., STEPANIAN J.A., CHAVUSHYAN V.H., et al.
2000AJ....119..991S 3 28 330 NICMOS imaging of infrared-luminous galaxies. SCOVILLE N.Z., EVANS A.S., THOMPSON R., et al.
2000ApJ...528..186M 60 45 Excitation mechanism of near-infrared [Fe II] emission in Seyfert and starburst galaxies. MOURI H., KAWARA K. and TANIGUCHI Y.
2000ApJ...529L..85E 14 14 Resolved CO (1 ⟶ 0) nuclei in IRAS 14348-1447: evidence for massive bulge progenitors to ultraluminous infrared galaxies. EVANS A.S., SURACE J.A. and MAZZARELLA J.M.
2000ApJ...529..157P 123 172 Optical spectral signatures of dusty starburst galaxies. POGGIANTI B.M. and WU H.
2000ApJ...533..682C 93 15 4209 The dust content and opacity of actively star-forming galaxies. CALZETTI D., ARMUS L., BOHLIN R.C., et al.
2000ApJ...535..735D 17 12 Shock excitation in interacting galaxies: Markarian 266. DAVIES R., WARD M. and SUGAI H.
2000ApJ...537..178T 3 9 90 Stellar dynamics and the implications on the merger evolution in NGC 6240. TECZA M., GENZEL R., TACCONI L.J., et al.
2000ApJ...537..644G 1 22 86 Atomic carbon in galaxies. GERIN M. and PHILLIPS T.G.
2000ApJ...542..201B 1 5 18 Formation and evolution of dusty starburst galaxies. I. A new method for deriving a spectral energy distribution. BEKKI K. and SHIOYA Y.
2000ApJ...544..218A 1 67 396 Multiwavelength observations of dusty star formation at low and high redshift. ADELBERGER K.L. and STEIDEL C.C.
2000ApJ...545L.103M 25 3 Numerous old starburst galaxies in the local universe. MOURI H.A. and TANIGUCHI Y.
2000ApJS..131..413Z 31 13 The structure of infrared-luminous galaxies at 100 microns. ZINK E.C., LESTER D.F., DOPPMANN G., et al.
2000MNRAS.313..734E 35 2 214 Massive star formation in galaxies: radiative transfer models of the UV to millimetre emission of starburst galaxies. EFSTATHIOU A., ROWAN-ROBINSON M. and SIEBENMORGEN R.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2000MNRAS.317..447S 109 T K                 11 3 Fabry-Perot imaging of
NGC 6090 in H2 emission.
2000MNRAS.318..124G 102 33 Cold gas and star formation in a merging galaxy sequence. GEORGAKAKIS A., FORBES D.A. and NORRIS R.P.
2000PASP..112.1526L 9 12 Exploring the structure of distant galaxies with adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope. LARKIN J.E., GLASSMAN T.M., WIZINOWICH P., et al.
2000AGAb...17R..85B 4 ~ Induced star formation in Markarian galaxies. BENNERT N., MASEGOSA J., CHINI R., et al.
2001A&A...368...64V 38 9 HI line observations of luminous infrared galaxy mergers. VAN DRIEL W., GAO Y. and MONNIER-RAGAIGNE D.
2001A&A...372..775M 4 8 114 Modeling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies. II. Disk opacity and star formation in 5 edge-on spirals. MISIRIOTIS A., POPESCU C.C., TUFFS R., et al.
2001A&A...375..805D 3 8 94 Constraints on the Lyman continuum radiation from galaxies: First results with FUSE on Mrk 54. DEHARVENG J.-M., BUAT V., LE BRUN V., et al.
2001AJ....122..140W 21 9 Gas distribution and starburst activity in the widely separated interacting galaxy pair NGC 6670. WANG W.-H., LO K.Y., GAO Y., et al.
2001AJ....122.1213S 1 25 94 High-resolution mid-infrared imaging of infrared-luminous starburst galaxies. SOIFER B.T., NEUGEBAUER G., MATTHEWS K., et al.
2001ApJ...548..681B 61 106 A comparison of ultraviolet imaging telescope far-ultraviolet and Hα star formation rates. BELL E.F. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
2001ApJ...556..562C 37 9 1015 Interpreting the cosmic infrared background: constraints on the evolution of the dust-enshrouded star formation rate. CHARY R. and ELBAZ D.
2001ApJ...558...56H 4 13 168 On the escape of ionizing radiation from starbursts. HECKMAN T.M., SEMBACH K.R., MEURER G.R., et al.
2001ApJ...563..527G 2 38 233 Ultraluminous infrared mergers: elliptical galaxies in formation? GENZEL R., TACCONI L.J., RIGOPOULOU D., et al.
2001ApJS..132...19S 167 17 Stromgren photometry from z=0 to z~1. I. The method. STEINDLING S., BROSCH N. and RAKOS K.D.
2001ApJS..135..177G 1 8 28 A comparison of tracers of cool gas in galaxies and the 12CO/13CO luminosity ratio in luminous infrared galaxies. GLENN J. and HUNTER T.R.
2001MNRAS.325.1511P 4 3 44 Evolutionary constraints from infrared source counts. PEARSON C.P.
2001PASP..113.1449C 13 17 695 The dust opacity of star-forming galaxies. (Invited review). CALZETTI D.
2001ApSSS.277...75G 20 1 Submillimeter CI and CO lines in galaxies. GERIN M. and PHILLIPS T.G.
2001NewAR..45..601C 2 3 20 The effects of dust on the spectral energy distribution of star-forming galaxies. CALZETTI D.
2002A&A...383...65H 25 27 A search for extragalactic H2O maser emission towards IRAS galaxies. Detection of a maser from an infrared-luminous merger, NGC 6240. HAGIWARA Y., DIAMOND P.J. and MIYOSHI M.
2002A&A...383..801B 85 131 Star formation and dust extinction in nearby star-forming and starburst galaxies. BUAT V., BOSELLI A., GAVAZZI G., et al.
2002AJ....123.2280P 168 15 Studies of the second Byurakan survey galaxies. I. Mergers, interacting systems, and close pairs. PETROSIAN A., McLEAN B., ALLEN R.J., et al.
2002ApJ...565..786M 151 22 Far-infrared census of Starburst-Seyfert connection. MOURI H. and TANIGUCHI Y.
2002ApJ...572..105S 100 49 The far-infrared energy distributions of Seyfert and starburst galaxies in the local universe: infrared space observatory photometry of the 12 micron active galaxy sample. SPINOGLIO L., ANDREANI P. and MALKAN M.A.
2002ApJ...574..114L 24 13 Ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies with time-dependent dust obscuration. LEITHERER C., CALZETTI D. and MARTINS L.P.
2002ApJ...578L..23S 11 7 Mid-infrared identification of faint submillimeter sources. SATO Y., COWIE L.L., KAWARA K., et al.
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