NGC 1741 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 1741 , the SIMBAD biblio (266 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:37:45

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Title First 3 Authors
1966ApJS...14....1A viz 387 689 Atlas of peculiar galaxies. ARP H.
1974A&A....37..425V 50 9 Formation of satellites by fragmentation of galaxies. VORONTSOV-VELYAMINOV B.A.
1977A&AS...28....1V 743 229 Atlas of interacting galaxies, Part. II and the concept of fragmentation of galaxies. VORONTSOV-VEL'YAMINOV B.A.
1981AJ.....86..811K 300 20 Accurate optical positions for Markarian galaxies 798-1095. KOJOIAN G., ELLIOTT R. and TOVMASSIAN H.M.
1981AJ.....86..816K 255 16 Accurate optical positions for Markarian galaxies 1096-1302. KOJOIAN G., ELLIOTT R. and BICAY M.D.
1982A&A...113...61B viz 14       D               1 395 48 Study of spiral galaxies from 392 new measurements of 21-cm line data. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L. and PATUREL G.
1982A&AS...50..101B 121 9 21-cm line profiles of 392 spiral galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L. and PATUREL G.
1982SvA....26..129A 26 2 U, B, V photometry of nests of interacting galaxies. ARKHIPOVA V.P.
1983ApJ...268..602B 98 348 Star-burst galactic nuclei. BALZANO V.A.
1984Afz....20..525D 112 7 Spectral observations of Markarian galaxies. IV. DENISYUK E.K. and LIPOVETSKY V.A.
1985ApJ...296...60M 48 51 Radio sources in dense groups. MENON T.K. and HICKSON P.
1985ApJS...57..643D 235 263 The nuclear activity of interacting galaxies. DAHARI O.
1986A&A...154..352S 10 33 Spectrophotometry of H II regions in irregular galaxies. STASINSKA G., COMTE G. and VIGROUX L.
1986A&A...169...71K 2 6 66 Further galaxies with Wolf-Rayet emission features. KUNTH D. and SCHILD H.
1986ApJ...302..640S 1 14 67 Radio observations of starburst galaxies. SRAMEK R.A. and WEEDMAN D.W.
1986ApJS...62..751M 1524 187 A catalog of Markarian galaxies. MAZZARELLA J.M. and BALZANO V.A.
1987A&A...172...15V 53 69 Some inferences on chemical evolution from a study of irregular and blue compact galaxies. VIGROUX L., STASINSKA G. and COMTE G.
1987ApJ...316..145S 58 50 IRAS observations of starburst and nonactive spiral galaxies. SEKIGUCHI K.
1987ApJS...63..265W 513 103 Neutral hydrogen in compact groups of galaxies. WILLIAMS B.A. and ROOD H.J.
1987ApJS...63..803D 161 27 Far-infrared luminosities of Markarian starburst galaxies. II. Individual galaxies. DEUTSCH L.K. and WILLNER S.P.
1988ApJ...326L..45A 20 68 The detection of Wolf-Rayet stars in a very powerful far-infrared galaxy: direct evidence for a starburst. ARMUS L., HECKMAN T.M. and MILEY G.K.
1989A&A...225...12X 135 53 A model for the far-IR emission of non-Seyfert Markarian galaxies. XU C. and DE ZOTTI G.
1989ApJS...70..687H viz 487 192 A photometric catalog of compact groups of galaxies. HICKSON P., KINDL E. and AUMAN J.R.
1990ApJ...365...86R 1 9 50 One galaxy from several: the Hickson compact group H 31. RUBIN V.C., HUNTER D.A. and FORD W.K.Jr
1990RMxAA..21...52S 78 1 The cluster of galaxies SC 2008-57 (A 3667). SODRE L.Jr, CAPELATO H.V., STEINER J.E., et al.
1991AJ....101.1957W 22 80 VLA neutral hydrogen imaging of compact groups of galaxies. II. HCG 31, 44, and 79. WILLIAMS B.A., McMAHON P.M. and VAN GORKOM J.H.
1991AJ....101.2034M 196 83 Far-infrared properties of Markarian galaxies with multiple nuclei : warm dust emission in mergers. MAZZARELLA J.M., BOTHUN G.D. and BOROSON T.A.
1991ApJ...377..115C 1 48 251 Wolf-Rayet galaxies: an introduction and a catalog. CONTI P.S.
1991ApJS...76..153R 119 162 Optical properties and dynamics of galaxies in the Hickson compact groups. RUBIN V.C., HUNTER D.A. and FORD W.K.Jr
1992A&A...259L..73K 10 20 Spectroscopic evolutionary synthesis of the emission lines HeII lambda 4686 and CIII lambda 4650 in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. KRUEGER H., FRITZE-v.ALVENSLEBEN U., FRICKE K.J., et al.
1992A&AS...94..553K 549 49 Pairing properties of Markarian starburst galaxies. KEEL W.C. and VAN SOEST E.T.M.
1992ApJ...399..353H viz 569 344 Dynamical properties of compact groups of galaxies. HICKSON P., MENDES DE OLIVEIRA C., HUCHRA J.P., et al.
1992ApJ...401..543V 3 18 275 Optical spectrophotometry of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. VACCA W.D. and CONTI P.S.
1992ApJS...79..213B 203 34 A near-infrared imaging survey of interacting galaxies : the small angular-size Arp systems. BUSHOUSE H.A. and STANFORD S.A.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993ApJ...410..520S 106 61 Searching for a far-infrared enhancement in compact groups of galaxies. SULENTIC J.W. and DE MELLO RABACA D.F.
1993ApJS...85...27M 145 168 Optical imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of Markarian galaxies with multiple nuclei. I. Basic data. MAZZARELLA J.M. and BOROSON T.A.
1993Ap&SS.205...57K 14 1 Spectroscopic evolutionary synthesis models of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. KRUEGER H., FRITZE-v.ALVENSLEBEN U., FRICKE K.J., et al.
1993Ap&SS.209..181A 232 4 On actual presence of discordant-redshift galaxies in compact groups. ANOSOVA J. and KISELEVA L.
1993SSRv...66...37C 23 4 Massive star distribution in external galaxies and starburst regions. CONTI P.S.
1994ApJ...427..684M viz 218 141 Morphology of galaxies in compact groups. MENDES DE OLIVEIRA C. and HICKSON P.
1994ARA&A..32..227M 3 18 232 Massive star populations in nearby galaxies. MAEDER A. and CONTI P.S.
1995A&A...298..767M 2 9 88 Wolf-Rayet population syntheses for starburst galaxies. MEYNET G.
1995A&A...300...78E 14 40 The chemical enrichment by massive stars in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. ESTEBAN C. and PEIMBERT M.
1995ApJS...98..369B viz 1309 34 A multifrequency radio continuum and IRAS faint source survey of Markarian galaxies. BICAY M.D., KOJOIAN G., SEAL J., et al.
1995Ap.....38..356K 84 0 Gas content of infrared luminous Markarian galaxies. KANDALIAN R., MARTIN J.-M., BOTTINELLI L., et al.
1995PASJ...47..889N 59 30 Survey observations of emission-line stars in the Orion region. V. The outer regions. NAKANO M., WIRAMIHARDJA S.D. and KOGURE T.
1996A&AS..117...39A viz 320 40 Far infrared properties of Hickson compact groups of galaxies. I. High resolution IRAS maps and fluxes. ALLAM S., ASSENDORP R., LONGO G., et al.
1996ApJ...461L..87C 76 T                   6 105 Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectroscopy of NGC 1741: a nearby template for distant energetic starbursts. CONTI P.S., LEITHERER C. and VACCA W.D.
1996ApJ...462...50H 53 128 The formation of dwarf galaxies in tidal debris: a study of the compact group environment. HUNSBERGER S.D., CHARLTON J.C. and ZARITSKY D.
1996ApJ...467L..17S 1 14 77 About the initial mass function and He II emission in young starbursts. SCHAERER D.
1996ApJ...468L...9M 2 7 42 A young cluster of galaxies at z=2.5. MALKAN M.A., TEPLITZ H. and McLEAN I.S.
1996MNRAS.281L..75E 5 5 77 Identification of a gravitationally lensed z=2.515 star-forming galaxy. EBBELS T.M.D., LE BORGNE J.-F., PELLO R., et al.
1996GriO...60i...2P 5 0 Collisions, cannibals, starbursts, and black holes ! PETERSEN C.C.
1996SSRv...77..303M 41 31 Starburst galaxies. MOORWOOD A.F.M.
1997A&AS..125..329D viz 50 3 Radial velocities and spectrophotometric properties of southern binary galaxies. DE SOUZA R.E., DE MELLO D.F. and DOS ANJOS S.
1997AJ....114...69H 3 7 68 Kinematics of the interstellar medium in NGC 1705: implications for distant star-forming galaxies. HECKMAN T.M. and LEITHERER C.
1997AJ....114.1741H 1 15 61 The apparent morphology of peculiar galaxies at intermediate to high redshifts. HIBBARD J.E. and VACCA W.D.
1997ApJ...475L..21Y 1 15 45 Molecular gas and infrared emission in HCG 31 and HCG 92 (Stephan's quintet) and tidal interactions in compact group environment. YUN M.S., VERDES-MONTENEGRO L., DEL OLMO A., et al.
1997ApJ...477..661T 2 22 135 Hubble space telescope observations of the blue compact dwarf SBS 0335-052: a probable young galaxy. THUAN T.X., IZOTOV Y.I. and LIPOVETSKY V.A.
1997ApJ...479..190I 1 6 30 Recent star formation in groups of galaxies: HCG 31. IGLESIAS-PARAMO J. and VILCHEZ J.M.
1997ApJ...481..673L viz 4 33 439 Keck spectroscopy of redshift z about 3 galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. LOWENTHAL J.D., KOO D.C., GUZMAN R., et al.
1997ApJ...485...92T 3 9 89 Galaxies at z ≃ 4 and the formation of population II. TRAGER S.C., FABER S.M., DRESSLER A., et al.
1997ApJ...489..543P 122 167 The nature of compact galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. I. Global properties. PHILLIPS A.C., GUZMAN R., GALLEGO J., et al.
1997ApJ...490..698D 4 14 202 Triggered star formation in a massive galaxy at z = 3.8: 4C 41.17. DEY A., VAN BREUGEL W., VACCA W.D., et al.
1997RMxAC...6..114L 15 3 The stellar content of starbursts - climbing the starburst distance ladder. LEITHERER C.
1997RMxAC...6Q.263I 8 ~ Starbursts induced by interactions in groups of galaxies. IGLESIAS-PARAMO J. and VILCHEZ J.M.
1998A&A...330...37L 69 46 Molecular gas in galaxies of Hickson compact groups. LEON S., COMBES F. and MENON T.K.
1998A&AS..131...73M viz 1372 15 Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. MARTIN M.C.
1998AJ....116...55M 2 19 143 The ultraviolet spectra of LINERs: a comparative study. MAOZ D., KORATKAR A., SHIELDS J.C., et al.
1998ApJ...495..698G 3 7 81 Far-ultraviolet spectra of starburst galaxies: stellar population and the kinematics of the interstellar medium. GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., LEITHERER C., HECKMAN T., et al.
1998ApJ...497...89V 143 75 Effects of interaction-induced activities in Hickson compact groups: CO and far-infrared study. VERDES-MONTENEGRO L., YUN M.S., PEREA J., et al.
1998ApJ...499L..21C 1 10 34 The UV radiation from z∼2.5 radio galaxies: Keck spectropolarimetry of 4C 23.56 and 4C 00.54. CIMATTI A., DI SEREGO ALIGHIERI S., VERNET J., et al.
1998ApJ...500..188I 2 53 410 The primordial abundance of 4He revisited. IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
1998ApJ...505..174G 4 16 194 Ultraviolet-optical observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxies NGC 7130, NGC 5135, and IC 3639: implications for the starburst-active galactic nucleus connection. GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., HECKMAN T., LEITHERER C., et al.
1998ApJS..117....1V 86 30 Atlas of Hα emission of a sample of nearby Hickson compact groups of galaxies. VILCHEZ J.M. and IGLESIAS-PARAMO J.
1998MNRAS.294..523S 30 30 A ROSAT survey of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. STEVENS I.R. and STRICKLAND D.K.
1998MNRAS.301..215S 45 20 A ROSAT survey of Wolf-Rayet galaxies - II.The extended sample. STEVENS I.R. and STRICKLAND D.K.
1998PASP..110..553R viz 189 32 The supernova rate in starburst galaxies. RICHMOND M.W., FILIPPENKO A.V. and GALISKY J.
1999A&A...343..100B 87 10 Ultraviolet spectral properties of Magellanic and non-Magellanic irregulars, HII and starburst galaxies. BONATTO C., BICA E., PASTORIZA M.G., et al.
1999A&A...348..446E 23 4 The interacting Wolf-Rayet galaxy Mkn 8. ESTEBAN C. and MENDEZ D.I.
1999A&A...351...47V 12 25 UV rest frame spectroscopy of four high redshift (z>2) active galaxies. VILLAR-MARTIN M., FOSBURY R.A.E., BINETTE L., et al.
1999A&AS..136...35S viz 220 177 New catalogue of Wolf-Rayet galaxies and high-excitation extra-galactic HII regions. SCHAERER D., CONTINI T. and PINDAO M.
1999AJ....117.1708J viz 109 T K                 17 52 The very young starburst merger system
NGC 1741.
1999ApJ...511..639I viz 2 56 468 Heavy-element abundances in blue compact galaxies. IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
1999ApJ...518...94I 123 36 On the influence of the environment on the star formation rates of a sample of galaxies in nearby compact groups. IGLESIAS-PARAMO J. and VILCHEZ J.M.
2000A&A...354..836L 2 34 210 Young massive star clusters in nearby spiral galaxies. III. Correlations between cluster populations and host galaxy properties. LARSEN S.S. and RICHTLER T.
2000A&A...359..493M 35 30 Deep optical imaging and spectroscopy of a sample of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. MENDEZ D.I. and ESTEBAN C.
2000A&A...359..900L 17 19 ISO observations of a sample of 60µm peaker galaxies. LAUREIJS R.J., WATSON D., METCALFE L., et al.
2000A&A...360..871O 15 15 ISO observations of the Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC 7714 and its companion NGC 7715. O'HALLORAN B., METCALFE L., DELANEY M., et al.
2000AJ....119.1608K 35 45 Obtaining galaxy masses using stellar absorption and [O II] emission-line diagnostics in late-type galaxies. KOBULNICKY H.A. and GEBHARDT K.
2000AJ....119.2146J 1 8 24 Recent star formation in several galaxies of the tidally disturbed system HCG 31. JOHNSON K.E. and CONTI P.S.
2000AJ....119.2664S 81 45 The nuclear activity of galaxies in the Hickson compact groups. SHIMADA M., OHYAMA Y., NISHIURA S., et al.
2000AJ....120..244B 34 57 High-resolution radio maps of Wolf-Rayet galaxies: optically thick H II regions? BECK S.C., TURNER J.L. and KOVO O.
2000AJ....120.1273J 4 7 87 Hubble space telescope observations of He 2-10: outflows and young super-star clusters. JOHNSON K.E., LEITHERER C., VACCA W.D., et al.
2000AJ....120.1691N 157 31 A dynamical study of galaxies in the Hickson compact groups. NISHIURA S., SHIMADA M., OHYAMA Y., et al.
2000ApJ...528...96P 12 11 406 The ultraviolet spectrum of MS 1512-cB58: an insight into Lyman-break galaxies. PETTINI M., STEIDEL C.C., ADELBERGER K.L., et al.
2000ApJ...531...95B 29 21 Resolving the stellar populations in a z=4 lensed galaxy. BUNKER A.J., MOUSTAKAS L.A. and DAVIS M.
2000ApJ...531..776G 1 67 219 A spectroscopic study of a large sample of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. GUSEVA N.G., IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2000PASP..112..753B 1 11 55 LINER/HII "transition" nuclei and the nature of NGC 4569. BARTH A.J. and SHIELDS J.C.
2001A&A...377..812V 128 240 Where is the neutral atomic gas in Hickson groups? VERDES-MONTENEGRO L., YUN M.S., WILLIAMS B.A., et al.
2001A&A...378L..10D 7 3 A close look into an intermediate redshift galaxy using STIS. DE MELLO D.F. and PASQUALI A.
2001AJ....121.2974L 3 32 366 Properties of globular cluster systems in nearby early-type galaxies. LARSEN S.S., BRODIE J.P., HUCHRA J.P., et al.
2001AJ....122..163G 1 15 71 Hubble space telescope images of Stephan's quintet: star cluster formation in a compact group environment. GALLAGHER S.C., CHARLTON J.C., HUNSBERGER S.D., et al.
2001ApJ...550..204I 23 43 Star-forming objects in the tidal tails of compact groups. IGLESIAS-PARAMO J. and VILCHEZ J.M.
2001ApJ...554..803Y viz 1 179 804 Radio properties of infrared-selected galaxies in the IRAS 2 Jy sample. YUN M.S., REDDY N.A. and CONDON J.J.
2001ApJS..132...37K viz 15       D               288 388 Optical classification of southern warm infrared galaxies. KEWLEY L.J., HEISLER C.A., DOPITA M.A., et al.
2001ApJS..133..321C 1 28 109 Multiband analysis of a sample of blue compact dwarf galaxies. I. Surface brightness distribution, morphology, and structural parameters. CAIROS L.M., VILCHEZ J.M., GONZALEZ-PEREZ J.N., et al.
2001ApJS..136..393C 1 28 98 Multiband analysis of a sample of blue compact dwarf galaxies. II. Spatially resolved and integrated photometry. CAIROS L.M., CAON N., VILCHEZ J.M., et al.
2001MNRAS.325..693H 210 52 X-ray luminosities of galaxies in groups. HELSDON S.F., PONMAN T.J., O'SULLIVAN E., et al.
2001MNRAS.325.1081C 55 32 Near-infrared spectroscopy of starburst galaxies. COZIOL R., DOYON R. and DEMERS S.
2001Ap&SS.276..499C 28 0 Multiband analysis of a sample of blue compact dwarf galaxies. CAIROS L.M. and VILCHEZ J.M.
2001BASI...29..407S 3 0 Wolf-Rayet galaxies and their CCD photometry. SANWAL B.B.
2001BASI...29..447S 3 1 Surface photometry of three Wolf-Rayet galaxies. SINGH M., SANWAL B.B. and STALIN C.S.
2002A&A...394..873H 44 32 Hot dust in normal star-forming galaxies: JHKL' photometry of the ISO Key Project sample. HUNT L.K., GIOVANARDI C. and HELOU G.
2002AJ....124..737G 10 16 The central starburst and ionization mechanism in the LINER/H II region transition nucleus in NGC 4569. GABEL J.R. and BRUHWEILER F.C.
2002AJ....124..862H 53 71 Star formation rates of local blue compact dwarf galaxies. I. 1.4 GHz and 60 micron luminosities. HOPKINS A.M., SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E. and DROZDOVSKY I.O.
2002AJ....124.1393L 1 55 215 The luminosity function of star clusters in spiral galaxies. LARSEN S.S.
2002ApJ...564..650C 114 19 First results from the COLA project: the Radio-Far-Infrared correlation and compact radio cores in southern COLA galaxies. CORBETT E.A., NORRIS R.P., HEISLER C.A., et al.
2002ApJ...570...86C 9 12 The gravitational lens CFRS 03.1077. CRAMPTON D., SCHADE D., HAMMER F., et al.
2002ApJ...575..747O 73 T                   14 10 Infrared space observatory observations of Hickson compact group 31 with the central Wolf-Rayet galaxy
NGC 1741.
2002ApJS..140..303L 1 26 126 Global far-ultraviolet (912-1800 Å) properties of star-forming galaxies. LEITHERER C., LI I.-H., CALZETTI D., et al.
2002ApJS..143...47D 66 87 Star formation rates in interacting starburst galaxies. DOPITA M.A., PEREIRA M., KEWLEY L.J., et al.
2003A&A...397...99R 37   K                 19 12 Is HCG 31 undergoing a merger or a fly-by interaction? RICHER M.G., GEORGIEV L., ROSADO M., et al.
2003A&A...405...99M viz 3833 14 A search for Low Surface Brightness galaxies in the near-infrared. I. Selection of the sample. MONNIER-RAGAIGNE D., VAN DRIEL W., SCHNEIDER S.E., et al.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2003AJ....125.1696H viz 10 10 Star-forming knots in the UV-bright interacting galaxies NGC 3395 and NGC 3396. HANCOCK M., WEISTROP D., EGGERS D., et al.
2003ApJ...583..670C 95 30 COLA. II. Radio and spectroscopic diagnostics of nuclear activity in galaxies. CORBETT E.A., KEWLEY L., APPLETON P.N., et al.
2003ApJ...586..794B viz 15       D               256 688 Estimating star formation rates from infrared and radio luminosities: the origin of the radio-infrared correlation. BELL E.F.
2003MNRAS.344..181C viz 467 4 The PDS versus Markarian starburst galaxies: comparing strong and weak IRAS emitter at 12 and 25 µm in the nearby Universe. COZIOL R.
2003MNRAS.345..161P 14 26 On the formation of star clusters in the merger NGC 6240. PASQUALI A., DE GRIJS R. and GALLAGHER J.S.
2003IAUS..212..728L 73 T                   2 0 The ionized gas in and around the Wolf-Rayet galaxy
NGC 1741.
2004A&A...416..515D viz 248 19 Starbursts in barred spiral galaxies. VI. HI observations and the K-band Tully-Fisher relation. DAVOUST E. and CONTINI T.
2004A&A...419..469P viz 1 10 50 HS 0837+4717 - a metal-deficient blue compact galaxy with large nitrogen excess. PUSTILNIK S., KNIAZEV A., PRAMSKIJ A., et al.
2004A&A...422..941C viz 1085 77 The gas content of peculiar galaxies: Strongly interacting systems. CASASOLA V., BETTONI D. and GALLETTA G.
2004AJ....128...16K viz 1033 424 The 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies: H I properties. KORIBALSKI B.S., STAVELEY-SMITH L., KILBORN V.A., et al.
2004AJ....128...68C 125 43 The relation between galaxy activity and the dynamics of compact groups of galaxies. COZIOL R., BRINKS E. and BRAVO-ALFARO H.
2004ApJ...602..200I viz 1 82 259 Systematic effects and a new determination of the primordial abundance of 4He and dY/dZ from observations of blue compact galaxies. IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
2004ApJ...604..153C 41 32 NGC 3125-1: the most extreme Wolf-Rayet star cluster known in the local universe. CHANDAR R., LEITHERER C. and TREMONTI C.A.
2004ApJ...608L..29D 9 23 Metal enrichment in near-infrared luminous galaxies at z∼2: signatures of proto-elliptical galaxies?. DE MELLO D.F., DADDI E., RENZINI A., et al.
2004ApJ...612L...5A 10 21 The compact group of galaxies HCG 31 in an early phase of merging. AMRAM P., MENDES DE OLIVEIRA C., PLANA H., et al.
2004ApJS..151..299H viz 921 16 Classification of spectra from the infrared space observatory PHT-s database. HODGE T.M., KRAEMER K.E., PRICE S.D., et al.
2004ApJS..153..243L 14 35 Massive star formation and tidal structures in HCG 31. LOPEZ-SANCHEZ A.R., ESTEBAN C. and RODRIGUEZ M.
2004MNRAS.350.1195M viz 15       D               1 4325 495 The HIPASS catalogue - I. Data presentation. MEYER M.J., ZWAAN M.A., WEBSTER R.L., et al.
2004MNRAS.355..641L 78 21 Infrared mergers and infrared quasi-stellar objects with galactic winds - II. NGC5514: two extranuclear starbursts with LINER properties and a supergiant bubble in the rupture phase. LIPARI S., MEDIAVILLA E., GARCIA-LORENZO B., et al.
2004IAUS..217..198R 9 1 The iron abundance in blue compact galaxies. RODRIGUEZ M. and ESTEBAN C.
2005A&A...430..443V 33 24 The evolution of HCG 31: Optical and high-resolution HI study. VERDES-MONTENEGRO L., DEL OLMO A., YUN M.S., et al.
2005A&A...435..799T viz         O           149 15 A sample of X-ray emitting normal galaxies from the BMW-HRI Catalogue. TAJER M., TRINCHIERI G., WOLTER A., et al.
2005A&A...436L..21C 19 22 Discovery of a high-redshift Einstein ring. CABANAC R.A., VALLS-GABAUD D., JAUNSEN A.O., et al.
2005A&A...439..539O 15 7 ISO observations of the Wolf-Rayet galaxies NGC 5430, NGC 6764, Mrk 309 and VII Zw 19. O'HALLORAN B., McBREEN B., METCALFE L., et al.
2005A&A...444..137N 68 23 Dust properties of UV bright galaxies at z∼2. NOLL S. and PIERINI D.
2005AJ....129..136E 8 4 Hubble space telescope observations of star-forming regions in NGC 3994/3995. EGGERS D., WEISTROP D., STONE A., et al.
2005ApJ...628..210C 42 54 The stellar content of nearby star-forming galaxies. III. Unravelling the nature of the diffuse ultraviolet light. CHANDAR R., LEITHERER C., TREMONTI C.A., et al.
2005ApJS..157...30B 100 16 Comparison of star clusters with and without Wolf-Rayet stars in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. BUCKALEW B.A., KOBULNICKY H.A. and DUFOUR R.J.
2005ApJS..160..149S viz 15       D               9541 372 A digital archive of H I 21 centimeter line spectra of optically targeted galaxies. SPRINGOB C.M., HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., et al.
2005MNRAS.361...34D viz 15       D               1 4323 182 The HIPASS catalogue - III. Optical counterparts and isolated dark galaxies. DOYLE M.T., DRINKWATER M.J., ROHDE D.J., et al.
2006A&A...449..997L 12 21 Star formation and stellar populations in the Wolf-Rayet(?) luminous compact blue galaxy IRAS 08339+6517. LOPEZ-SANCHEZ A.R., ESTEBAN C. and GARCIA-ROJAS J.
2006AJ....132..570M 52 28 The K luminosity-metallicity relation for dwarf galaxies and the tidal dwarf galaxies in the tails of HCG 31. MENDES DE OLIVEIRA C.L., TEMPORIN S., CYPRIANO E.S., et al.
2006ApJ...643..173S 53 46 Ultraviolet-to-far-infrared properties of local star-forming galaxies. SCHMITT H.R., CALZETTI D., ARMUS L., et al.
2006ApJ...645.1076N 67 34 On the determination of N and O abundances in low-metallicity systems. NAVA A., CASEBEER D., HENRY R.B.C., et al.
2006ApJ...646..858S 28 41 Kinematics of interstellar gas in nearby UV-selected galaxies measured with HST STIS spectroscopy. SCHWARTZ C.M., MARTIN C.L., CHANDAR R., et al.
2006ApJS..164...52S 50 24 Multiwavelength star formation indicators: observations. SCHMITT H.R., CALZETTI D., ARMUS L., et al.
2006ApJS..165..229F         O           82 80 A survey of O VI, C III, and H I in highly ionized high-velocity clouds. FOX A.J., SAVAGE B.D. and WAKKER B.P.
2006MNRAS.365..454H viz 408 26 The impact of the visibility of the [OIII]λ4363 line on the general properties of HII galaxies in the Local Universe. HOYOS C. and DIAZ A.I.
2006A&A...459...85N viz 16       D               133 302 Gas metallicity diagnostics in star-forming galaxies. NAGAO T., MAIOLINO R. and MARCONI A.
2007AJ....133..932U 31 26 The young stellar population of NGC 4214 as observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. Results. UBEDA L., MAIZ-APELLANIZ J. and MacKENTY J.W.
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