HD 126681 , the SIMBAD biblio

HD 126681 , the SIMBAD biblio (192 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:15:14

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1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955ApJS....2..195R viz 629 249 A catalogue of high-velocity stars. ROMAN N.G.
1959MNRAS.119..255E 115 105 Stellar groups. IV. The Groombridge 1830 group of high velocity stars and its relation to the globular clusters. EGGEN O.J. and SANDAGE A.R.
1972ApJ...177..665J 210 10 The luminosities of late-type stars of differing metal abundance. JONES D.H.P. and DIXON M.E.
1979ApJ...229..158E 305 57 Intermediate-band photometry of late-type stars. VIII. Nonvariable stars in the halo population near the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1979ApJ...233..877C 93 90 The subdwarf He abundance and the rotation of the galactic halo. CARNEY B.W.
1981BICDS..21...26B 476 1 Refined data for parallax stars. BUSCOMBE W.
1983AJ.....88.1349S 185 30 Early-type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. III. Radial velocities rotation indices, and line-strength indices for southern candidates. STETSON P.B.
1983MmSAI..54...51H 55 51 distributions, space densities and kinematics for halo stars. HARTWICK F.D.A.
1984AJ.....89.1238R 177 107 Spectral anomalies in the Hyades and Pleiades and in field stars with active chromospheres. ROSE J.A.
1985AJ.....90..787R 277 47 Red horizontal-branch stars in the galactic disk. ROSE J.A.
1985ApJ...289..556L 130 181 Abundances in field dwarf stars. II. Carbon and nitrogen abundances. LAIRD J.B.
1985ApJS...57..389L 130 46 Abundances in field dwarf stars. I. Atmospheric parameters. LAIRD J.B.
1986ApJ...302..415T 31 60 Carbon abundances in halo dwarfs. TOMKIN J., SNEDEN C. and LAMBERT D.L.
1986ApJS...61..667N viz 937 212 Population studies. II. Kinematics as a function of abundance and galactocentric position for Fe/H -0.6. NORRIS J.
1987AJ.....93...74S 1116 246 New subdwarfs. VI. Kinematics of 1125 high-proper-motion stars and the collapse of the galaxy. SANDAGE A. and FOUTS G.
1988A&AS...73..225S 14       D               785 200 Four-color uvby and Hbeta photometry of high-velocity and metal-poor stars. I. The catalogue of observations. SCHUSTER W.J. and NISSEN P.E.
1988MSS...C04....0H viz 14       D               1 33291 ~ Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol.4 HOUK N. and SMITH-MOORE M.
1989A&A...222...69S viz 221 161 uvby-beta photometry of high-velocity and metal-poor stars. III. Metallicities and ages of the halo stars. SCHUSTER W.J. and NISSEN P.E.
1990VilOB..85....3S 153 27 Catalogue of CH and metal-deficient barium stars. SLEIVYTE J. and BARTKEVICIUS A.
1991AJ....102..589S 14       D               817 78 Early type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. IV. Four-color and H-beta photometry. STETSON P.B.
1991PNAOJ...2..225W 225 ~ Selection of standard stars photometric observations with the 91-cm reflector at Okayama. WATANABE E., YUTANI M. and KONDO M.
1992AJ....104.1568T 1 33 186 The carbon-to-hydrogen ratio in halo dwarfs. TOMKIN J., LEMKE M., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
1992BaltA...1...83S 63 2 Photoelectric photometry of carbon, barium and related stars in the Vilnius system and their colour excesses. II. SLEIVYTE J.
1994A&AS..106..257O viz 6307 136 Stroemgren photometry of F- and G-type stars brighter than V = 9.6. I. uvby photometry OLSEN E.H.
1994A&AS..107..365A viz 365 80 Broad band JHK infrared photometry of an extended sample of late type dwarfs and subdwarfs. ALONSO A., ARRIBAS S. and MARTINEZ-ROGER C.
1994AJ....107..206R 194 110 The integrated spectra of M21 and of 47 Tuc: a comparative study at high spectral resolution. ROSE J.A.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1996A&A...314..191G viz 274 180 Abundances of light elements in metal-poor stars. I. Atmospheric parameters and a new Teff scale. GRATTON R.G., CARRETTA E. and CASTELLI F.
1996A&AS..117..227A viz 457 256 Determination of effective temperatures for an extended sample of dwarfs and subdwarfs (F0-K5). ALONSO A., ARRIBAS S. and MARTINEZ-ROGER C.
1996BaltA...5....1B viz 810 12 Classification of population II stars in the Vilnius photometric system. I. Methods. BARTKEVICIUS A. and LAZAUSKAITE R.
1996BaltA...5..217B 257 21 A new version of the catalog of CH and related stars (CH95 catalog). BARTKEVICIUS A.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...326..751N viz 3 30 311 Chemical composition of halo and disk stars with overlapping metallicities. NISSEN P.E. and SCHUSTER W.J.
1997A&AS..124..299C viz 3158 203 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations: 1996 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., SOUBIRAN C., FRIEL E.D., et al.
1997ApJ...491..749G 2 47 311 Ages of globular clusters from Hipparcos parallaxes of local subdwarfs. GRATTON R.G., FUSI PECCI F., CARRETTA E., et al.
1998A&A...339..858D viz 523 145 Towards a fundamental calibration of stellar parameters of A, F, G, K dwarfs and giants. DI BENEDETTO G.P.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998A&AS..129..505B viz 420 97 Determination of the temperatures of selected ISO flux calibration stars using the Infrared Flux Method. BLACKWELL D.E. and LYNAS-GRAY A.E.
1998ApJ...494...96C 3 33 317 The age of globular clusters in light of Hipparcos: resolving the age problem? CHABOYER B., DEMARQUE P., KERNAN P.J., et al.
1998MNRAS.298..747P 34 101 DELTA-Y/DELTA-Z from fine structure in the main sequence based on Hipparcos parallaxes. PAGEL B.E.J. and PORTINARI L.
1999A&AS..137...93G 66 6 Lithium abundances in metal-poor stars. I. New observations. GUTIERREZ C.M., GARCIA LOPEZ R.J., REBOLO R., et al.
1999ApJ...527..879A viz 216 75 A consistency test of spectroscopic gravities for late-type stars. ALLENDE PRIETO C., GARCIA LOPEZ R.J., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
2000A&A...353..722N 118 105 Sc and Mn abundances in disk and metal-rich halo stars. NISSEN P.E., CHEN Y.Q., SCHUSTER W.J., et al.
2000A&A...356..238C viz 271 144 Abundances of light elements in metal-poor stars. III. Data analysis and results. CARRETTA E., GRATTON R.G. and SNEDEN C.
2000AJ....120.1841F viz 178 425 Abundances and kinematics of field halo and disk stars. I. Observational data and abundance analysis. FULBRIGHT J.P.
2000ApJ...533..215C 1 78 361 Distances, ages, and epoch of formation of globular clusters. CARRETTA E., GRATTON R.G., CLEMENTINI G., et al.
2000ApJ...541..207I 71 29 Non-LTE abundances and consequences for the evolution of the α-elements in the Galaxy. IDIART T. and THEVENIN F.
2001A&A...369...87G 2 59 524 The O-Na and Mg-Al anticorrelations in turn-off and early subgiants in globular clusters. GRATTON R.G., BONIFACIO P., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
2001A&A...371..943C viz 184 98 Lithium abundances for 185 main-sequence stars. Galactic evolution and stellar depletion of lithium. CHEN Y.Q., NISSEN P.E., BENONI T., et al.
2001A&A...373..159C viz 15       D               3319 239 Catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations for FGK stars: 2001 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., SOUBIRAN C. and RALITE N.
2001MNRAS.325..931R viz 430 15 A search for previously unrecognized metal-poor subdwarfs in the Hipparcos astrometric catalogue. REID I.N., VAN WYK F., MARANG F., et al.
2001ARep...45..100S 60 3 Revised magnesium abundances in galactic halo and disk stars. SHIMANSKAYA N.N. and MASHONKINA L.I.
2002A&A...390..235N viz 1         O           41 191 O/Fe in metal-poor main sequence and subgiant stars. NISSEN P.E., PRIMAS F., ASPLUND M., et al.
2002A&A...394..927I viz 1678 83 HIPPARCOS age-metallicity relation of the solar neighbourhood disc stars. IBUKIYAMA A. and ARIMOTO N.
2002AJ....123..404F 183 143 Abundances and kinematics of field stars. II. Kinematics and abundance relationships. FULBRIGHT J.P.
2003A&A...398..721T viz 957 23 Statistical cataloging of archival data for luminosity class IV-V stars. I. The epoch 2001 temperature catalog. TAYLOR B.J.
2003A&A...398..731T viz 942 41 Statistical cataloging of archival data for luminosity class IV-V stars. II. The epoch 2001 [Fe/H] catalog. TAYLOR B.J.
2003A&A...402..343T viz 261 62 Oxygen line formation in late-F through early-K disk/halo stars. Infrared O I triplet and [O I] lines. TAKEDA Y.
2003A&A...404..187G viz 149 271 Abundances for metal-poor stars with accurate parallaxes. I. Basic data. GRATTON R.G., CARRETTA E., CLAUDI R., et al.
2003A&A...408..529G 4 22 276 Distances and ages of NGC 6397, NGC 6752 and 47 Tuc. GRATTON R.G., BRAGAGLIA A., CARRETTA E., et al.
2003ApJ...582.1011S viz 35377 223 Improved astrometry and photometry for the Luyten catalog. II. Faint stars and the revised catalog. SALIM S. and GOULD A.
2003PASA...20..165K 89 12 New metallicity calibration down to [Fe/H] = -2.75 dex. KARAALI S., BILIR S., KARATAS Y., et al.
2004A&A...418..989N viz 16705 1463 The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ∼14000 F and G dwarfs. NORDSTROEM B., MAYOR M., ANDERSEN J., et al.
2004A&A...421..603T 14 4 The distance to NGC 5904 (M 5) via the subdwarf main sequence fitting method. TESTA V., CHIEFFI A., LIMONGI M., et al.
2004A&A...427..825J 42 55 Heavy elements and chemical enrichment in globular clusters. JAMES G., FRANCOIS P., BONIFACIO P., et al.
2004AJ....127.1227C viz 519 66 Empirically constrained color-temperature relations. II. uvby. CLEM J.L., VANDENBERG D.A., GRUNDAHL F., et al.
2004AJ....128.1177V viz 796 690 Stellar chemical signatures and hierarchical galaxy formation. VENN K.A., IRWIN M., SHETRONE M.D., et al.
2004ApJ...608..243H viz 20 18 The luminosity function and color-magnitude diagram of the globular cluster M12. HARGIS J.R., SANDQUIST E.L. and BOLTE M.
2004ApJS..152..251V viz 1275 489 The Indo-US library of coude feed stellar spectra. VALDES F., GUPTA R., ROSE J.A., et al.
2004MNRAS.349..757L viz 469 94 Lithium abundances of the local thin disc stars. LAMBERT D.L. and REDDY B.E.
2005A&A...438..139S viz 744 134 Abundance trends in kinematical groups of the Milky Way's disk. SOUBIRAN C. and GIRARD P.
2005A&A...441..533C         O           283 48 Sulphur abundance in Galactic stars. CAFFAU E., BONIFACIO P., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
2006A&A...450..735M viz 10999 183 Effective temperature scale and bolometric corrections from 2MASS photometry. MASANA E., JORDI C. and RIBAS I.
2006ApJ...649..428S 11 18 A Keck HIRES Doppler search for planets orbiting metal-poor dwarfs. I. Testing giant planet formation and migration scenarios. SOZZETTI A., TORRES G., LATHAM D.W., et al.
2006MNRAS.367.1329R viz 1 179 711 Elemental abundance survey of the Galactic thick disc. REDDY B.E., LAMBERT D.L. and ALLENDE PRIETO C.
2006MNRAS.371..703S viz 15       D               991 1162 Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra. SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ P., PELETIER R.F., JIMENEZ-VICENTE J., et al.
2006MNRAS.371.1793K viz 15       D               533 17 Metallicity and absolute magnitude calibrations for UBV photometry. KARATAS Y. and SCHUSTER W.J.
2006AN....327...72B 359 19 Galactic model parameters for field giants separated from field dwarfs by their 2MASS and V apparent magnitudes. BILIR S., KARAALI S., GUVER T., et al.
2006MNRAS.373...13C viz 15       D               125 160 Accurate fundamental parameters for lower main-sequence stars. CASAGRANDE L., PORTINARI L. and FLYNN C.
2007MNRAS.374..664C viz 15       D               1021 234 Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra - II. The stellar atmospheric parameters. CENARRO A.J., PELETIER R.F., SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ P., et al.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007A&A...465..271R viz 15       D               528 183 Oxygen abundances in nearby stars. Clues to the formation and evolution of the Galactic disk. RAMIREZ I., ALLENDE PRIETO C. and LAMBERT D.L.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2008A&A...483...57S 15       D               1 86 32 Stellar populations, neutral hydrogen, and ionised gas in field early-type galaxies. SERRA P., TRAGER S.C., OOSTERLOO T.A., et al.
2008AJ....136..421Z viz 15       D               1 49475 210 The radial velocity experiment (RAVE): second data release. ZWITTER T., SIEBERT A., MUNARI U., et al.
2008A&A...489..885M         O           290 29 A new stellar library in the region of the CO index at 2.3 µm. New index definition and empirical fitting functions. MARMOL-QUERALTO E., CARDIEL N., CENARRO A.J., et al.
2009AJ....137..272R viz 15       D               1 737 45 Chemical inhomogeneities in the Milky Way stellar halo. ROEDERER I.U.
2009MNRAS.392..205T 644     A D     X C       17 29 22 Beryllium abundances in metal-poor stars. TAN K.F., SHI J.R. and ZHAO G.
2009ApJ...697..544S viz 15       D               1 164 42 A Keck HIRES Doppler search for planets orbiting metal-poor dwarfs. II. On the frequency of giant planets in the metal-poor regime. SOZZETTI A., TORRES G., LATHAM D.W., et al.
2009A&A...498..527O viz 15       D               1 357 28 Calibration of Stroemgren uvby-Hβ photometry for late-type stars - a model atmosphere approach. OENEHAG A., GUSTAFSSON B., ERIKSSON K., et al.
2009A&A...499..103S 96 33 Beryllium abundances and star formation in the halo and in the thick disk. SMILJANIC R., PASQUINI L., BONIFACIO P., et al.
2009MNRAS.396.1895C viz 15       D               1 717 9 Mg and TiO spectral features at the near-IR: spectrophotometric index definitions and empirical calibrations. CENARRO A.J., CARDIEL N., VAZDEKIS A., et al.
2009A&A...501..941H viz 15       D               1 16531 506 The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the solar neighbourhood. III. Improved distances, ages, and kinematics. HOLMBERG J., NORDSTROEM B. and ANDERSEN J.
2010A&A...511L..10N viz 17       D               2 95 450 Two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood . Evidence from stellar abundance ratios and kinematics. NISSEN P.E. and SCHUSTER W.J.
2010A&A...512A..54C viz 15       D               1 465 610 An absolutely calibrated Teff scale from the infrared flux method. Dwarfs and subgiants. CASAGRANDE L., RAMIREZ I., MELENDEZ J., et al.
2010A&A...515L...3M 15       D               1 90 139 Observational evidence for a broken Li spite plateau and mass-dependent Li depletion. MELENDEZ J., CASAGRANDE L., RAMIREZ I., et al.
2010A&A...515A.111S viz 15       D               17 17229 227 The PASTEL catalogue of stellar parameters. SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., CAYREL DE STROBEL G., et al.
2010A&A...517A..57J 15       D               1 28 26 Stellar atmosphere parameters with MAχ, a MAssive compression of χ2 for spectral fitting. JOFRE P., PANTER B., HANSEN C.J., et al.
2010AJ....140.1020V 76               F     1 45 37 An examination of recent transformations to the BV(RI)C photometric system from the perspective of stellar models for old stars. VANDENBERG D.A., CASAGRANDE L. and STETSON P.B.
2011AJ....141...25E 16       D               1 50 100 Near-infrared spectroscopy of trojan asteroids: evidence for two compositional groups. EMERY J.P., BURR D.M. and CRUIKSHANK D.P.
2011A&A...525L...5H 15       D               1 57 14 The origin of palladium and silver. HANSEN C.J. and PRIMAS F.
2011A&A...525A..71W viz 15       D               1 1277 190 Coude-feed stellar spectral library - atmospheric parameters. WU Y., SINGH H.P., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2011A&A...526A..99S viz 15       D               3 105 79 Spectroscopic characterization of a sample of metal-poor solar-type stars from the HARPS planet search program. Precise spectroscopic parameters and mass estimation. SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G., et al.
2011A&A...526A.112S viz 15       D               2 107 58 The HARPS search for southern extrasolar planets. XXV. Results from the metal-poor sample. SANTOS N.C., MAYOR M., BONFILS X., et al.
2011MNRAS.411..435B viz 15       D               1 46925 109 Bayesian inference of stellar parameters and interstellar extinction using parallaxes and multiband photometry. BAILER-JONES C.A.L.
2011A&A...530A..15N viz 15       D               2 105 146 Two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood. II. Evidence from stellar abundances of Mn, Cu, Zn, Y, and Ba. NISSEN P.E. and SCHUSTER W.J.
2011A&A...530A.138C viz 15       D               1 16600 708 New constraints on the chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood and Galactic disc(s). Improved astrophysical parameters for the Geneva-Copenhagen survey. CASAGRANDE L., SCHOENRICH R., ASPLUND M., et al.
2011MNRAS.414.1227M viz 15       D               1 763 31 Element abundances in the stars of the MILES spectral library: the Mg/Fe ratio. MILONE A. de C., SANSOM A.E. and SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ P.
2011A&A...531A.165P viz 15       D               1 985 170 The atmospheric parameters and spectral interpolator for the MILES stars. PRUGNIEL P., VAUGLIN I. and KOLEVA M.
2011ApJ...738L..33T 131       D     X C       3 44 9 A possible signature of non-uniform be-α relationships for the galaxy. TAN K. and ZHAO G.
2011A&A...533A.141S viz 15       D               1 582 233 Spectroscopic stellar parameters for 582 FGK stars in the HARPS volume-limited sample. Revising the metallicity-planet correlation. SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G., et al.
2011MNRAS.417.1534C 16       D               1 65 158 The most metal-poor damped Lyα systems: insights into chemical evolution in the very metal-poor regime. COOKE R., PETTINI M., STEIDEL C.C., et al.
2012MNRAS.419..342C viz 15       D               1 351 50 SX Phoenicis period–luminosity relations and the blue straggler connection. COHEN R.E. and SARAJEDINI A.
2012A&A...538A..21S 15       D               2 102 97 Two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood. III. Evidence from stellar ages and orbital parameters. SCHUSTER W.J., MORENO E., NISSEN P.E., et al.
2012A&A...543A..28N 15       D               1 95 20 Two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood. IV. Lithium abundances. NISSEN P.E. and SCHUSTER W.J.
2012A&A...543A..45M viz 170       D   O   C F     8 235 28 The frequency of giant planets around metal-poor stars. MORTIER A., SANTOS N.C., SOZZETTI A., et al.
2012ApJ...756...46R viz 15       D               2 1386 148 Lithium abundances in nearby FGK dwarf and subgiant stars: internal destruction, galactic chemical evolution, and exoplanets. RAMIREZ I., FISH J.R., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
2012ApJ...757..164R viz 15       D               1 77 70 Oxygen abundances in low- and high-α field halo stars and the discovery of two field stars born in globular clusters. RAMIREZ I., MELENDEZ J. and CHANAME J.
2012A&A...545A..31H 15       D               2 74 111 Silver and palladium help unveil the nature of a second r-process. HANSEN C.J., PRIMAS F., HARTMAN H., et al.
2012A&A...545A..32A viz 15       D               1 1111 446 Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program. Galactic stellar populations and planets. ADIBEKYAN V.Zh., SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2013ApJ...764...78R viz 16       D               1 830 198 Oxygen abundances in nearby FGK stars and the galactic chemical evolution of the local disk and halo. RAMIREZ I., ALLENDE PRIETO C. and LAMBERT D.L.
2013A&A...549A..68G 133       D     X         4 36 5 Polarimetric studies of carbon stars at high Galactic latitude. GOSWAMI A. and KARINKUZHI D.
2013A&A...551A.112M viz 16       D               1 1799 37 On the functional form of the metallicity-giant planet correlation. MORTIER A., SANTOS N.C., SOUSA S., et al.
2013ApJ...775...12L 16       D               1 146 12 Investigation of the puzzling abundance pattern in the stars of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. LI H., CUI W. and ZHANG B.
2013AJ....146..134K viz 16       D               1 419757 301 The radial velocity experiment (RAVE): fourth data release. KORDOPATIS G., GILMORE G., STEINMETZ M., et al.
2013A&A...557A.128C viz 16       D               1 1899 28 The fraction of first- and second-generation stars in globular clusters. I. The case of NGC 6752. CARRETTA E.
2014A&A...562A..71B viz 16       D               1 880 792 Exploring the Milky Way stellar disk. A detailed elemental abundance study of 714 F and G dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood. BENSBY T., FELTZING S. and OEY M.S.
2014A&A...564A.109S 805       D S O X C       19 4 23 MyGIsFOS: an automated code for parameter determination and detailed abundance analysis in cool stars. SBORDONE L., CAFFAU E., BONIFACIO P., et al.
2014A&A...566A..35S viz 16       D               1 110 82 The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXV. The interesting case of HD 41248 : stellar activity, no planets ? SANTOS N.C., MORTIER A., FARIA J.P., et al.
2014A&A...568A..25N viz 16       D               2 154 108 Carbon and oxygen abundances in stellar populations. NISSEN P.E., CHEN Y.Q., CARIGI L., et al.
2014A&A...568A..47H 16       D               1 72 16 Stellar abundances and presolar grains trace the nucleosynthetic origin of molybdenum and ruthenium. HANSEN C.J., ANDERSEN A.C. and CHRISTLIEB N.
2014AJ....148...81M viz 16       D               1 329180 108 APASS Landolt-Sloan BVgri photometry of RAVE stars. I. Data, effective temperatures, and reddenings. MUNARI U., HENDEN A., FRIGO A., et al.
2014MNRAS.444.2251L viz 16       D               2 298 3 Supersolar metallicity in G0-G3 main-sequence stars with V < 15. LOPEZ-VALDIVIA R., BERTONE E., CHAVEZ M., et al.
2014MNRAS.445.2223P viz 16       D               1 1048 4 On the mass estimation for FGK stars: comparison of several methods. PINHEIRO F.J.G., FERNANDES J.M., CUNHA M.S., et al.
2015MNRAS.446.2348K viz 810       D     X         21 20 8 Chemical analysis of CH stars - II. Atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances. KARINKUZHI D. and GOSWAMI A.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015A&A...576A..69D viz 16       D   O           2 855 97 Li abundances in F stars: planets, rotation, and Galactic evolution. DELGADO MENA E., BERTRAN DE LIS S., ADIBEKYAN V.Z., et al.
2015A&A...577A...9B viz 16       D               2 663 112 The origin and evolution of the odd-Z iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, and Co in the Milky Way stellar disk. BATTISTINI C. and BENSBY T.
2015A&A...579A...8W 16       D               2 98 3 Palladium and silver abundances in stars with [Fe/H] > -2.6. WU X., WANG L., SHI J., et al.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2015A&A...582A..49H 16       D     X         1 144 232 Gaia FGK benchmark stars: Effective temperatures and surface gravities. HEITER U., JOFRE P., GUSTAFSSON B., et al.
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