GRB 000926 , the SIMBAD biblio

GRB 000926 , the SIMBAD biblio (366 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:52:36

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Title First 3 Authors
2000AAS...197.8713D 1 0 Reaching towards 20th magnitude from a central campus observatory. DURIG D.T.
2000GCN...801....1H 78 T                   1 18 IPN triangulation of GRB000926. HURLEY K., MAZETS E., GOLENETSKII S., et al.
2000GCN...802....1H 74 T                   1 7 IPN triangulation of GRB000926. HURLEY K.
2000GCN...803....1G 75 T                   1 11 Optical candidate for GRB000926. GOROSABEL J., CASTRO CERON J.M., CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., et al.
2000GCN...804....1D 76 T                   1 12 GRB 000926: optical candidate. DALL T., FYNBO J.P.U., PEDERSEN H., et al.
2000GCN...805....1F 72 T                   1 2
GRB000926, radio observations.
2000GCN...806....1H 72 T                   1 1
GRB 000926, optical observation.
2000GCN...807....1F 78 T                   1 18 Spectroscopic redshift of GRB 000926. FYNBO J.P.U., MOLLER P., DALL T., et al.
2000GCN...808....1K 72 T                   1 0 GRB 000926 HST/Chandra TOO status. KULKARNI S.
2000GCN...809....1H 73 T                   1 5 GRB 000926: preliminary r-band lightcurve. HJORTH J., JENSEN B.L., PEDERSEN H., et al.
2000GCN...810....1N 72 T                   1 0 CONCAM crude optical limits before and after GRB000926. NEMIROFF R.J., PEREZ-RAMIREZ D., RAFERT J.B., et al.
2000GCN...811....1P 72 T                   1 2 GRB000926: optical observations. PRICE P.A., PEVUNOVA O., MADORE B.F., et al.
2000GCN...812....1P 73 T                   1 4 GRB000926: X-ray afterglow by BeppoSAX & plan of BSAX & Chandra obs. PIRO L.
2000GCN...813....1K 73 T                   1 3
GRB 000926, optical observation by oksanen (vsnet-grb).
2000GCN...814....1H 72 T                   1 1 GRB 000926: lightcurve update and predictions. HJORTH J., JENSEN B.L., PEDERSEN H., et al.
2000GCN...816....1D 73 T                   1 5 J and K band observations of GRB 000926. DI PAOLA A., SPEZIALI R., ANTONELLI L.A., et al.
2000GCN...817....1K 72 T                   1 1 Re:
GRB 000926, optical observation by oksanen (vsnet-grb).
2000GCN...818....1V 72 T                   1 0 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...819....1V 72 T                   1 2 GRB000926 optical observations. VRBA F. and CANZIAN B.
2000GCN...820....1F 73 T                   1 3 GRB000926 : increasing optical decay slope. FYNBO J.P.U., MOLLER P., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2000GCN...821....1K 72 T                   1 1 GRB000926 k'-band observation. KOBAYASHI N., GOTO M., TERADA H., et al.
2000GCN...823....1V 72 T                   1 1 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...824....1H 73 T                   1 3
GRB 000926, optical observations.
2000GCN...825....1F 73 T                   2 7 GRB 000926: optical observations. FYNBO J.P.U., MOLLER P., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2000GCN...826....1V 72 T                   1 0 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...827....1V 72 T                   1 1 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...829....1H 72 T                   1 2
GRB 000926, optical decay.
2000GCN...830....1V 72 T                   1 0 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...831....1V 72 T                   2 3 GRB000926 - optical observations. VEILLET C.
2000GCN...832....1P 72 T                   1 2 GRB000926: X-ray afterglow by BeppoSAX. Refined analysis. PIRO L. and ANTONELLI L.A.
2000GCN...833....1P 72 T                   1 2 GRB000926: X-ray afterglow by BeppoSAX: revised fluxes (fwd). PIRO L. and ANTONELLI L.A.
2000GCN...834....1P 72 T                   1 0 Public availability of BeppoSAX data of GRB000926. PIRO L.
2000GCN...836....1G 1 1 4 X-ray afterglow by Chandra X-ray observatory. GARMIRE G., GARMIRE A., PIRO L., et al.
2000GCN...840....1F 73 T                   1 3 GRB 000926 : the host galaxy. FYNBO J.P.U., ANDERSEN M.I., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2000GCN...844....1M 72 T                   1 0 GRB000926 - amateur optical observations. MATTEI J.A.
2000GCN...850....1R 74 T                   1 6 V,R,I band observations of GRB000926. ROL E., VREESWIJK P.M. and TANVIR N.
2000GCN...851....1C 75 T                   2 20 GRB 000926: improved absorber redshift. CASTRO S.M., DJORGOVSKI S.G., KULKARNI S.R., et al.
2000GCN...871....1F 72 T                   1 2 GRB000926: r-image of the host galaxy. FYNBO J.P.U., MOLLER P., BURUD I., et al.
2001A&A...370..909J 3         O           15 143 The afterglow of the short/intermediate-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 000301C: a jet at (z)=2.04. JENSEN B.L., FYNBO J.U., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2001A&A...372..438S 2 14 92 Host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts: Spectral energy distributions and internal extinction. SOKOLOV V.V., FATKHULLIN T.A., CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., et al.
2001A&A...373..796F 74 T       O           15 70 The optical afterglow and host galaxy of
GRB 000926.
2001A&A...374..382M 2 10 60 GRB 010222: Afterglow emission from a rapidly decelerating shock. MASETTI N., PALAZZI E., PIAN E., et al.
2001A&A...376...10S 18 17 Luminosity function of GRBs. SETHI S. and BHARGAVI S.G.
2001A&A...377..450S 18 47 Colors and luminosities of the optical afterglows of the γ-ray bursts. SIMON V., HUDEC R., PIZZICHINI G., et al.
2001A&A...380...81S 73 T                   18 19 SCUBA sub-millimeter observations of gamma-ray bursters. II. GRB 991208, 991216, 000301C, 000630, 000911, 000926. SMITH I.A., TILANUS R.P.J., WIJERS R.A.M.J., et al.
2001AJ....121.2879B 3 23 262 The prompt energy release of gamma-ray bursts using a cosmological k-correction. BLOOM J.S., FRAIL D.A. and SARI R.
2001ApJ...549L...7P 75 T                   9 57 Multicolor observations of the GRB 000926 afterglow. PRICE P.A., HARRISON F.A., GALAMA T.J., et al.
2001ApJ...551..946T 3 18 175 Trans-relativistic blast waves in supernovae as gamma-ray burst progenitors. TAN J.C., MATZNER C.D. and McKEE C.F.
2001ApJ...554L.155J 1 12 58 The redshift of the optical transient associated with GRB 010222. JHA S., PAHRE M.A., GARNAVICH P.M., et al.
2001ApJ...554L.163I 6 8 159 Peak luminosity-spectral lag relation caused by the viewing angle of the collimated gamma-ray bursts. IOKA K. and NAKAMURA T.
2001ApJ...554..643R 2 7 45 Light curves and spectra of dust echoes from gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows: continued evidence that GRB 970228 is associated with a supernova. REICHART D.E.
2001ApJ...554..667P 10 7 212 Jet energy and other parameters for the afterglows of GRB 980703, GRB 990123, GRB 990510, and GRB 991216 determined from modeling of multifrequency data. PANAITESCU A. and KUMAR P.
2001ApJ...556...70S 13 21 Hubble space telescope STIS observations of GRB 000301C: CCD imaging and near-ultraviolet MAMA spectroscopy. SMETTE A., FRUCHTER A.S., GULL T.R., et al.
2001ApJ...558..442P 75 T                   5 43 The X-ray afterglow of GRB 000926 observed by BeppoSAX and Chandra: a mildly collimated fireball in a dense medium. PIRO L., GARMIRE G., GARCIA M.R., et al.
2001ApJ...559..110Z 32 2 194 High-energy spectral components in gamma-ray burst afterglows. ZHANG B. and MESZAROS P.
2001ApJ...559..123H 116 T K                 5 119 Broadband observations of the afterglow of
GRB 000926: observing the effect of inverse Compton scattering.
2001ApJ...559..710I 2 12 73 BeppoSAX measurements of the bright gamma-ray burst 010222. IN'T ZAND J.J.M., KUIPER L., AMATI L., et al.
2001ApJ...560L..49P 12 8 301 Fundamental physical parameters of collimated gamma-ray burst afterglows. PANAITESCU A. and KUMAR P.
2001ApJ...562L..55F 16 22 1101 Beaming in gamma-ray bursts: evidence for a standard energy reservoir. FRAIL D.A., KULKARNI S.R., SARI R., et al.
2001ApJ...562..456C 7 3 65 Some properties of r-process accretion disks and jets. CAMERON A.G.W.
2001ApJ...562..654D 2 21 163 The afterglow and the host galaxy of the dark burst GRB 970828. DJORGOVSKI S.G., FRAIL D.A., KULKARNI S.R., et al.
2001ApJ...562..664S 12 19 Preexisting superbubbles as the sites of gamma-ray bursts. SCALO J. and WHEELER J.C.
2001ApJ...563..592S 1 9 49 Rapid UBVRI follow-up of the highly collimated optical afterglow of GRB 010222. STANEK K.Z., GARNAVICH P.M., JHA S., et al.
2001MNRAS.324L..11D 11 2 Light curves of jetted gamma-ray burst afterglows in circumstellar clouds. DAI Z.G., HUANG Y.F. and LU T.
2001BASI...29....1S 73 T                   32 24 GRB 000926 and its optical aferglow: another possible evidence for non-isotropic emission. SAGAR R., PANDEY S.B., MOHAN V., et al.
2001BASI...29...91S 50 27 Optical and radio observations of the bright GRB 010222 afterglow: evidence for rapid synchrotron cooling ? SAGAR R., STALIN C.S., BHATTACHARYA D., et al.
2001BASI...29..215S 24 2 Emission from GRBs and their afterglows: indian observations. SAGAR R.
2001BASI...29..459P 5 2 Optical follow-up of GRB afterglows from UPSO, Naini Tal. PANDEY S.B., SAGAR R., MOHAN V., et al.
2001JAVSO..30..126O 5 ~ Gamma-ray burst optical afterglow observations at Nyrola Observatory. OKSANEN A., HYVONEN H. and MOILANEN M.
2001PASJ...53L..27W 18 5 Optical follow-up of the GRB 010222 afterglow by Subaru Telescope. WATANABE J., KINOSHITA D., KOMIYAMA Y., et al.
2001ChJAA...1..487W 22 3 Gamma-ray bursts : a probe of black holes. WANG W. and XHAO Y.-H.
2001ARep...45..517P 39 8 Wolf-Rayet stars and cosmic gamma-ray bursts. POSTNOV K.A. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2001GCN..1088....1H 74 T                   1 3
GRB000926 host galaxy observations.
2001GCN..1091....1D 73 T                   1 2
GRB000926, host galaxy observations.
2002A&A...381..731W 8 8 Are some breaks in GRB afterglows caused by their spectra? WEI D.M. and LU T.
2002A&A...384...11G 22 23 Strategies for prompt searches for GRB afterglows: The discovery of the GRB 001011 optical/near-infrared counterpart using colour-colour selection. GOROSABEL J., FYNBO J.U., HJORTH J., et al.
2002A&A...388..425F 1 16 53 Deep Lyα imaging of two z = 2.04 GRB host galaxy fields. FYNBO J.P.U., MOLLER P., THOMSEN B., et al.
2002A&A...388.1079D 1 23 114 On the optical and X-ray afterglows of gamma ray bursts. DADO S., DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
2002A&A...396L..21M 6 4 75 Absorption systems in the spectrum of GRB 021004. MOLLER P., FYNBO J.P.U., HJORTH J., et al.
2002AJ....123.1111B 6 29 562 The observed offset distribution of gamma-ray bursts from their host galaxies: a robust clue to the nature of the progenitors. BLOOM J.S., KULKARNI S.R. and DJORGOVSKI S.G.
2002ApJ...565..174R 1 15 69 Evidence for a molecular cloud origin of gamma-ray bursts: implications for the nature of star formation in the universe. REICHART D.E. and PRICE P.A.
2002ApJ...567.1028C 1 16 89 BATSE observations of gamma-ray burst tails. CONNAUGHTON V.
2002ApJ...571..394B 23 57 Study of gamma-ray burst binary progenitors. BELCZYNSKI K., BULIK T. and RUDAK B.
2002ApJ...571..779P 17 10 520 Properties of relativistic jets in gamma-ray burst afterglows. PANAITESCU A. and KUMAR P.
2002ApJ...576L..37W 6 11 Cerenkov line emission as a possible mechanism of X-ray lines in gamma-ray bursts. WANG W., ZHAO Y. and YOU J.H.
2002ApJ...576..120T 2 12 73 Orphan afterglows of collimated gamma-ray bursts: rate predictions and prospects for detection. TOTANI T. and PANAITESCU A.
2002ApJ...577..155Y 16 39 The broadband afterglow of GRB 980329. YOST S.A., FRAIL D.A., HARRISON F.A., et al.
2002ApJ...578..818M 2 9 56 Time-dependent optical spectroscopy of GRB 010222: clues to the gamma-ray burst environment. MIRABAL N., HALPERN J.P., KULKARNI S.R., et al.
2002ApJ...579..699N 17 2 106 The detectability of orphan afterglows. NAKAR E., PIRAN T. and GRANOT J.
2002MNRAS.330L..24S 1 9 33 Was GRB 990123 a unique optical flash. SODERBERG A.M. and RAMIREZ-RUIZ E.
2002MNRAS.330..583L 45 102 On the role of extinction in failed gamma-ray burst optical/infrared afterglows. LAZZATI D., COVINO S. and GHISELLINI G.
2002MNRAS.330..955L 8 4 Overall temporal synchrotron emissions from relativistic jets: adiabatic and radiative breaks. LI Z., DAI Z.G. and LU T.
2002MNRAS.332..994W 7 16 Can all breaks in gamma-ray burst afterglows be explained by jet effects. WEI D.M. and LU T.
2002MNRAS.334..983T 29 18 Gamma-ray bursts in normal and extreme star-forming galaxies. TRENTHAM N., RAMIREZ-RUIZ E. and BLAIN A.W.
2002PASP..114....1W 5 37 586 An overview of the performance and scientific results from the Chandra X-ray observatory. (Invited review). WEISSKOPF M.C., BRINKMAN B., CANIZARES C., et al.
2002PASP..114..475T 140 2 Astrophysics in 2001. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2002BASI...30..237S 15 4 Observations of GRB afterglows from Nainital: evidence in favour of jet model. SAGAR R.
2002MmSAI..73.1155F 11 0 Gamma-ray bursts: an overview. FRONTERA F.
2002MmSAI..73.1171M 8 0 Multifrequency behaviour of GRB afterglows. MASETTI N.
2002ChJAA...2..449F 5 5 76 Optical flash of GB 990123 : constraints on the physical parameters of the reverse shock. FAN Y.-Z., DAI Z.-G., HUANG Y.-F., et al.
2002BSAO...53....5F 73 T                   1 2 Photometric study of the
GRB 000926 host galaxy field with the SCORPIO at the 6 m telescope.
2003A&A...399..505S 1 3 11 Observing scattered X-ray radiation from gamma-ray bursts: A way to measure their collimation angles. SAZONOV S.Y. and SUNYAEV R.A.
2003A&A...400..127G 2 7 58 A multi-colour study of the dark GRB 000210 host galaxy and its environment. GOROSABEL J., CHRISTENSEN L., HJORTH J., et al.
2003A&A...401..243D 1 11 51 On the radio afterglow of gamma ray bursts. DADO S., DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
2003A&A...401..491G 9 13 The dark burst 010214 with BeppoSAX: Possible variable absorption and jet X-ray emission. GUIDORZI C., FRONTERA F., MONTANARI E., et al.
2003A&A...402..125J 9 22 An HST study of three very faint GRB host galaxies. JAUNSEN A.O., ANDERSEN M.I., HJORTH J., et al.
2003A&A...404L...5C 2 6 43 Optical and NIR observations of the afterglow of GRB 020813. COVINO S., MALESANI D., TAVECCHIO F., et al.
2003A&A...406L..63F 3 16 146 On the Lyα emission from gamma-ray burst host galaxies: Evidence for low metallicities. FYNBO J.P.U., JAKOBSSON P., MOLLER P., et al.
2003A&A...408..941J 1 11 46 The afterglow and the host galaxy of GRB 011211. JAKOBSSON P., HJORTH J., FYNBO J.P.U., et al.
2003A&A...411L.315C 1 8 24 GRB 030227: The first multiwavelength afterglow of an INTEGRAL GRB. CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., GOROSABEL J., GUZIY S., et al.
2003AJ....125.2299F 75 65 A complete catalog of radio afterglows: the first five years. FRAIL D.A., KULKARNI S.R., BERGER E., et al.
2003AJ....125.2865B 28 31 Is the redshift clustering of long-duration gamma-ray bursts significant. BLOOM J.S.
2003ApJ...583..379I 11 28 Precursor plerionic activity and high-energy gamma-ray emission in the supranova model of gamma-ray bursts. INOUE S., GUETTA D. and PACINI F.
2003ApJ...585L..15D 9 12 Is the afterglow of gamma-ray burst GRB 021004 unusual? DADO S., DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
2003ApJ...585..112B 114 11 The sources of gamma-ray bursts and their connections with QSOs and active galaxies. BURBIDGE G.R.
2003ApJ...585..638S 4 10 147 Heavy-element abundances and dust depletions in the host galaxies of three gamma-ray bursts. SAVAGLIO S., FALL S.M. and FIORE F.
2003ApJ...586..128C 79 T                   3 58 Keck spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope imaging of
GRB 000926: probing a host galaxy at z = 2.038.
2003ApJ...587..128M 1 7 29 High-resolution grating spectroscopy of GRB 020405 with the Chandra low energy transmission grating spectrometer. MIRABAL N., PAERELS F. and HALPERN J.P.
2003ApJ...587..135G 2 5 37 Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based optical and ultraviolet observations of GRB 010222. GALAMA T.J., REICHART D., BROWN T.M., et al.
2003ApJ...588...99B 1 34 140 A submillimeter and radio survey of gamma-ray burst host galaxies: a glimpse into the future of star formation studies. BERGER E., COWIE L.L., KULKARNI S.R., et al.
2003ApJ...590..379B 1 41 164 A standard kinetic energy reservoir in gamma-ray burst afterglows. BERGER E., KULKARNI S.R. and FRAIL D.A.
2003ApJ...590..992F 2 7 43 The broadband afterglow of GRB 980703. FRAIL D.A., YOST S.A., BERGER E., et al.
2003ApJ...592..378V 1 11 51 On the generation of Ultra-High-Energy cosmic rays in gamma-ray bursts: a reappraisal. VIETRI M., DE MARCO D. and GUETTA D.
2003ApJ...592..390P 1 8 26 The effect of angular structure of gamma-ray burst outflows on the afterglow emission. PANAITESCU A. and KUMAR P.
2003ApJ...592.1018D 37 69 A comparative study of the X-ray afterglow properties of optically bright and dark gamma-ray bursts. DE PASQUALE M., PIRO L., PERNA R., et al.
2003ApJ...592.1025K 30 35 The very faint K-band afterglow of GRB 020819 and the dust extinction hypothesis of the dark bursts. KLOSE S., HENDEN A.A., GREINER J., et al.
2003ApJ...593L..15V 33 26 Observational evidence for a correlation between peak luminosities and beaming in gamma-ray bursts. VAN PUTTEN M.H.P.M. and REGIMBAU T.
2003ApJ...594..674B 3 36 377 Gamma-ray burst energetics and the gamma-ray burst Hubble diagram: promises and limitations. BLOOM J.S., FRAIL D.A. and KULKARNI S.R.
2003ApJ...596..944H viz 1940 47 The Serendipitous Extragalactic X-ray Source Identification program. I. Characteristics of the hard X-ray sample. HARRISON F.A., ECKART M.E., MAO P.H., et al.
2003ApJ...597..459Y 9 8 230 A study of the afterglows of four gamma-ray bursts: constraining the explosion and fireball model. YOST S.A., HARRISON F.A., SARI R., et al.
2003ApJ...597..699H 2 14 91 Very high column density and small reddening toward GRB 020124 at z=3.20. HJORTH J., MOLLER P., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2003MNRAS.339..881R 2 6 40 Gamma-ray burst afterglow emission with a decaying magnetic field. ROSSI E. and REES M.J.
2003MNRAS.342.1131W 1 16 60 Optical flashes and very early afterglows in wind environments. WU X.F., DAI Z.G., HUANG Y.F., et al.
2003MNRAS.345..575M 6 10 181 Supernova hosts for gamma-ray burst jets: dynamical constraints. MATZNER C.D.
2003BASI...31...19P 48 37 Optical observations of the bright long duration peculiar GRB 021004 afterglow. PANDEY S.B., SAHU D.K., RESMI L., et al.
2003Natur.422..284F 2 15 109 Early optical emission from the gamma-ray burst of 4 october 2002. FOX D.W., YOST S., KULKARNI S.R., et al.
2003ChJAA...3..526L 4 0 Extinction of beamed gamma-ray burst afterglows in a dense circumstellar cloud. LIANG S.-L., DAI Z.-G., HUANG Y.-F., et al.
2003IAUS..214..323L 17 0 Poynting flux dominated black hole-accretion disk system as GRB power house. LEE H.K. and KIM H.-K.
2003RMxAC..16..245C 10 0 The study of gamma-ray bursts and their host galaxies in the GTC era. CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., GOROSABEL J. and CASTRO CERON J.M.
2003PABei..21..334L 28 1 Gamma-ray bursts. LI Z., DAI Z. and LU T.
2004A&A...413..121C         O           23 18 The host galaxy of GRB 990712. CHRISTENSEN L., HJORTH J., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2004A&A...425L..33W 25 11 Massive star-formation rates of γ-ray burst host galaxies: An unobscured view in X-rays. WATSON D., HJORTH J., JAKOBSSON P., et al.
2004A&A...425..913C 6         O           15 282 UV star-formation rates of GRB host galaxies. CHRISTENSEN L., HJORTH J. and GOROSABEL J.
2004A&A...427..445N 11 13 Multiwavelength study of the very long GRB 020410. NICASTRO L., IN'T ZAND J.J.M., AMATI L., et al.
2004A&A...427..901S 27 14 The color evolution of the optical afterglow of GRB 030329 and the implications for the underlying supernova SN 2003dh. SIMON V., HUDEC R. and PIZZICHINI G.
2004ApJ...600..828F 17 19 A late-time flattening of afterglow light curves. FRAIL D.A., METZGER B.D., BERGER E., et al.
2004ApJ...602...51S 26 39 The Gemini Deep Deep Survey. II. Metals in star-forming galaxies at redshift 1.3<z<2. SAVAGLIO S., GLAZEBROOK K., ABRAHAM R.G., et al.
2004ApJ...606..369C 1 27 120 The diversity of gamma-ray burst afterglows and the surroundings of massive stars. CHEVALIER R.A., LI Z.-Y. and FRANSSON C.
2004ApJ...608..846S 2 18 117 Absorption in gamma-ray burst afterglows. STRATTA G., FIORE F., ANTONELLI L.A., et al.
2004ApJ...608..872K 35 72 Chandra observations of the X-ray environs of SN 1998bw/GRB 980425. KOUVELIOTOU C., WOOSLEY S.E., PATEL S.K., et al.
2004ApJ...609..952Z 2 24 171 A systematic analysis of supernova light in gamma-ray burst afterglows. ZEH A., KLOSE S. and HARTMANN D.H.
2004ApJ...609..962F 2 13 83 On the afterglow of the X-ray flash of 2003 July 23: photometric evidence for an off-axis gamma-ray burst with an associated supernova?. FYNBO J.P.U., SOLLERMAN J., HJORTH J., et al.
2004ApJ...612..966B 1 9 44 The nonrelativistic evolution of GRBs 980703 and 970508: beaming-independent calorimetry. BERGER E., KULKARNI S.R. and FRAIL D.A.
2004ApJ...613..477L 1 18 79 On the kinetic energy and radiative efficiency of gamma-ray bursts. LLOYD-RONNING N.M. and ZHANG B.
2004ApJ...614...84B 45 15 The galaxy density environment of gamma-ray burst host galaxies. BORNANCINI C.G., MARTINEZ H.J., LAMBAS D.G., et al.
2004ApJ...614..293S 4 7 95 Dust depletion and extinction in a gamma-ray burst afterglow. SAVAGLIO S. and FALL S.M.
2004ApJ...615..359W 19 15 Jet break time-flux density relationship and constraints on physical parameters of gamma-ray burst afterglows. WU X.F., DAI Z.G. and LIANG E.W.
2004ApJ...616..331G 5 39 595 The collimation-corrected gamma-ray burst energies correlate with the peak energy of their νFνSpectrum. GHIRLANDA G., GHISELLINI G. and LAZZATI D.
2004ApJ...617L..21J 1 40 209 Swift identification of dark gamma-ray bursts. JAKOBSSON P., HJORTH J., FYNBO J.P.U., et al.
2004MNRAS.347L...1L 5 4 66 Compton drag as a mechanism for very high linear polarization in gamma-ray bursts. LAZZATI D., ROSSI E., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2004MNRAS.348..153L 11 5 The prompt gamma-ray emissions and X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray burst jets. LIANG E.W.
2004MNRAS.350..213P 10 19 The slow decay of some radio afterglows - a puzzle for the simplest γ-ray burst fireball model. PANAITESCU A. and KUMAR P.
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2004MNRAS.354..915M 16 20 Prompt γ-ray and early afterglow emission in the external shock model. McMAHON E., KUMAR P. and PANAITESCU A.
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2004PhR...405..203D 51 132 Towards a complete theory of gamma-ray bursts. DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
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2004ChJAA...4..267X 35 2 Effect of conversion efficiency on gamma-ray burst energy. XU L. and DAI Z.-G.
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2005A&A...439..987S 27 17 SCUBA sub-millimeter observations of gamma-ray bursts. IV. GRB 021004, 021211, 030115, 030226, 041006. SMITH I.A., TILANUS R.P.J., TANVIR N., et al.
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2005ApJ...633...29C 62 71 Gamma-ray burst-selected high-redshift galaxies: comparison to field galaxy populations to z ∼ 3. CONSELICE C.J., VREESWIJK P.M., FRUCHTER A.S., et al.
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2005MNRAS.361..362C 34 20 A cosmological `probability event horizon' and its observational implications. COWARD D.M. and BURMAN R.R.
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2005MNRAS.362..921P 12 28 Models for achromatic light-curve breaks in gamma-ray burst afterglows: jets, structured outflows and energy injection. PANAITESCU A.
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2005MNRAS.363.1409P 1 15 51 Jets, structured outflows and energy injection in gamma-ray burst afterglows: numerical modelling. PANAITESCU A.
2005BASI...33..209S 14 1 Optical observations of GRB afterglows from India. SAGAR R. and MUSRA K.
2005AstL...31..365B 17 3 Analysis of the spatial distribution of gamma-ray bursts in their host galaxies. BLINNIKOV S.I., POSTNOV K.A., KOSENKO D.I., et al.
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2006A&A...449...61C 38 38 Evidence for intrinsic absorption in the Swift X-ray afterglows. CAMPANA S., ROMANO P., COVINO S., et al.
2006A&A...451L..47F 6 14 175 Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB 060206 at z = 4.048. FYNBO J.P.U., STARLING R.L.C., LEDOUX C., et al.
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2006A&A...455..803G         O           33 28 X-ray continuum properties of GRB afterglows observed by XMM-Newton and Chandra. GENDRE B., CORSI A. and PIRO L.
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2006ApJ...637..889Z 61 97 Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves in the pre-Swift era: a statistical study. ZEH A., KLOSE S. and KANN D.A.
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2006ApJ...641..993K 2 45 214 Signatures of extragalactic dust in pre-Swift GRB afterglows. KANN D.A., KLOSE S. and ZEH A.
2006ApJ...642..979B 7 7 101 Spectroscopy of GRB 050505 at z = 4.275: a logN(H i) = 22.1 DLA host galaxy and the nature of the progenitor. BERGER E., PENPRASE B.E., CENKO S.B., et al.
2006ApJ...647..471L 44 50 Infrared and optical observations of GRB 030115 and its extremely red host galaxy: implications for dark bursts. LEVAN A., FRUCHTER A., RHOADS J., et al.
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2007ApJ...661..787S 301       S   X C       6 25 75 Gamma-ray burst afterglows as probes of environment and blast wave physics. I. Absorption by host-galaxy gas and dust. STARLING R.L.C., WIJERS R.A.M.J., WIERSEMA K., et al.
2007ApJ...663..420C 167       D     X C       4 10 48 On the absence of wind signatures in GRB afterglow spectra: constraints on the Wolf-Rayet winds of GRB progenitors. CHEN H.-W., PROCHASKA J.X., RAMIREZ-RUIZ E., et al.
2007ApJ...663L..57P 4 4 33 Properties of a gamma-ray burst host galaxy at z ∼ 5. PRICE P.A., SONGAILA A., COWIE L.L., et al.
2007A&A...470..431D 75             C       2 25 44 A new comprehensive set of elemental abundances in DLAs. III. Star formation histories. DESSAUGES-ZAVADSKY M., CALURA F., PROCHASKA J.X., et al.
2007ApJ...666..267P 19       D               2 20 199 Probing the interstellar medium near star-forming regions with gamma-ray burst afterglow spectroscopy: gas, metals, and dust. PROCHASKA J.X., CHEN H.-W., DESSAUGES-ZAVADSKY M., et al.
2007MNRAS.380..374P 75           X         2 118 38 Jet breaks in the X-ray light-curves of Swift gamma-ray burst afterglows. PANAITESCU A.
2007ApJ...667L.125C 43 63 A new constraint on the escape fraction in distant galaxies using γ-ray burst afterglow spectroscopy. CHEN H.-W., PROCHASKA J.X. and GNEDIN N.Y.
2007ChJAA...7..503Z 30 0 GRB energies and Egamma - Epeak correlation with the jet expanding laterally at the sound speed. ZHAO X.-H. and BAI J.-M.
2007PASP..119.1211F 1 27 98 Constraints on type Ib/c supernovae and gamma-ray burst progenitors. FRYER C.L., MAZZALI P.A., PROCHASKA J., et al.
2008ApJ...672...59P 18       D               2 16 118 On the nature of velocity fields in high-z galaxies. PROCHASKA J.X., CHEN H.-W., WOLFE A.M., et al.
2008ApJ...672..433S 189       S   X         4 17 54 Gamma-ray burst afterglows as probes of environment and blast wave physics. II. The distribution of p and structure of the circumburst medium. STARLING R.L.C., VAN DER HORST A.J., ROL E., et al.
2008ApJ...672..449P viz 45           X         1 7 107 The troublesome broadband evolution of GRB 061126: does a gray burst imply gray dust? PERLEY D.A., BLOOM J.S., BUTLER N.R., et al.
2008ApJ...675..528L 15       D               3 126 175 A comprehensive analysis of Swift XRT data. III. Jet break candidates in X-ray and optical afterglow light curves. LIANG E.-W., RACUSIN J.L., ZHANG B., et al.
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2008MNRAS.385..453Z 38           X         1 21 17 GRB 060607A: a gamma-ray burst with bright asynchronous early X-ray and optical emissions. ZIAEEPOUR H., HOLLAND S.T., BOYD P.T., et al.
2008MNRAS.387..319G 15       D               1 78 90 The Epeak-Eiso plane of long gamma-ray bursts and selection effects. GHIRLANDA G., NAVA L., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2008ApJ...683..620G 90       D   O X         3 80 13 X-ray afterglow light curves: toward a standard candle? GENDRE B., GALLI A. and BOER M.
2008ApJ...683..924C 41           X         1 9 65 A comprehensive study of GRB 070125, a most energetic gamma-ray burst. CHANDRA P., CENKO S.B., FRAIL D.A., et al.
2008ApJ...688..456C 15       D               1 69 18 Does the addition of a duration improve the Liso-EpeakRelation for gamma-ray bursts? COLLAZZI A.C. and SCHAEFER B.E.
2008MNRAS.391..411B 15       D               1 69 61 Testing gamma-ray bursts as standard candles. BASILAKOS S. and PERIVOLAROPOULOS L.
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2008MNRAS.391..639N 15       D               1 137 57 Peak energy of the prompt emission of long gamma-ray bursts versus their fluence and peak flux. NAVA L., GHIRLANDA G., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2009ApJ...691..152C 622       D S   X C F     14 28 82 High-redshift starbursting dwarf galaxies revealed by γ-ray burst afterglows. CHEN H.-W., PERLEY D.A., POLLACK L.K., et al.
2009ApJ...691..182S 17       D               5 83 394 The galaxy population hosting gamma-ray bursts. SAVAGLIO S., GLAZEBROOK K. and LE BORGNE D.
2009MNRAS.392...91V 15       D               1 97 103 Low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts as a distinct GRB population: a firmer case from multiple criteria constraints. VIRGILI F.J., LIANG E.-W. and ZHANG B.
2009ApJ...697.1725E 511       D     X C F     12 22 136 Dust extinction in high-z galaxies with gamma-ray burst afterglow spectroscopy: the 2175 Å feature at z = 2.45. ELIASDOTTIR A., FYNBO J.P.U., HJORTH J., et al.
2009ApJ...701..824N viz 15       D               1 459 138 A comparison of the afterglows of short- and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. NYSEWANDER M., FRUCHTER A.S. and PE'ER A.
2009ApJ...701.1605P 38           X         1 8 14 An imaging and spectroscopic study of four strong mg II absorbers revealed by GRB 060418. POLLACK L.K., CHEN H.-W., PROCHASKA J.X., et al.
2009A&A...503..771V 53       D     X         2 26 40 Statistics and characteristics of MgII absorbers along GRB lines of sight observed with VLT-UVES. VERGANI S.D., PETITJEAN P., LEDOUX C., et al.
2009ApJ...703.1696Z 93       D       C       2 71 309 Discerning the physical origins of cosmological gamma-ray bursts based on multiple observational criteria: the cases of z = 6.7 GRB 080913, z = 8.2 GRB 090423, and some Short/Hard GRBs. ZHANG B., ZHANG B.-B., VIRGILI F.J., et al.
2009MNRAS.400...90S 38           X         1 14 26 Constraining the energy budget of GRB080721. STARLING R.L.C., ROL E., VAN DER HORST A.J., et al.
2009MNRAS.400..775C 15       D               1 83 53 An updated gamma-ray bursts Hubble diagram. CARDONE V.F., CAPOZZIELLO S. and DAINOTTI M.G.
2009ApJ...707..387X 15       D               3 119 25 Estimating redshifts for long gamma-ray bursts. XIAO L. and SCHAEFER B.E.
2009ApJ...707.1634N 15       D               1 7 7 Probing the long gamma-ray burst progenitor by Lyα emission of host galaxies. NIINO Y., TOTANI T. and KOBAYASHI M.A.R.
2010ApJ...711..641C 78             C       1 29 122 The collimation and energetics of the brightest Swift gamma-ray bursts. CENKO S.B., FRAIL D.A., HARRISON F.A., et al.
2010ApJ...712L..31C 77               F     3 13 46 Discovery of radio afterglow from the most distant cosmic explosion. CHANDRA P., FRAIL D.A., FOX D., et al.
2010ApJ...720..862R viz 40           X         1 13 53 A very metal-poor damped Lyman-α system revealed through the most energetic GRB 090926A. RAU A., SAVAGLIO S., KRUHLER T., et al.
2010ApJ...720.1513K viz 93       D       C       2 134 327 The afterglows of swift-era gamma-ray bursts. I. Comparing pre-Swift and swift-era Long/Soft (Type II) GRB optical afterglows. KANN D.A., KLOSE S., ZHANG B., et al.
2010A&A...517A..61C 39           X         1 8 25 GRB 021004: tomography of a gamma-ray burst progenitor and its host galaxy. CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., MOLLER P., GARCIA-SEGURA G., et al.
2010A&A...522A..20D 76             C       1 13 18 The afterglow and host galaxy of GRB 090205: evidence of a Ly-α emitter at z = 4.65. D'AVANZO P., PERRI M., FUGAZZA D., et al.
2010A&A...523A..70T 38           X         1 62 43 Photometry and spectroscopy of GRB 060526: a detailed study of the afterglow and host galaxy of a z = 3.2 gamma-ray burst. THOENE C.C., KANN D.A., JOHANNESSON G., et al.
2011ApJ...726L...4W 15       D               1 24 13 Gamma-ray burst afterglows as analogs of high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. WANG J. and WEI J.Y.
2011A&A...525A.113S 15       D               1 36 45 The missing gas problem in GRB host galaxies: evidence for a highly ionised component. SCHADY P., SAVAGLIO S., KRUEHLER T., et al.
2011ApJ...732...29C 79             C       1 33 171 Afterglow observations of Fermi large area telescope gamma-ray bursts and the emerging class of hyper-energetic events. CENKO S.B., FRAIL D.A., HARRISON F.A., et al.
2011ApJ...734...58S 207       D     X C F     4 24 20 A beaming-independent estimate of the energy distribution of long gamma-ray bursts: initial results and future prospects. SHIVVERS I. and BERGER E.
2011MNRAS.415.3423W 15       D               1 116 53 The updated luminosity correlations of gamma-ray bursts and cosmological implications. WANG F.-Y., QI S. and DAI Z.-G.
2010RAA....10..142G 15       D               1 52 11 GRB jet beaming angle statistics. GAO Y. and DAI Z.-G.
2011MNRAS.416.2193N 16       D               1 13 33 Constraints on cold magnetized shocks in gamma-ray bursts. NARAYAN R., KUMAR P. and TCHEKHOVSKOY A.
2012MNRAS.419.3039C 117           X         3 9 21 Near-infrared spectroscopy of gamma-ray burst host galaxies at z ≳ 1.5 : insights into host galaxy dynamics and interpretations of afterglow absorption spectra. CHEN H.-W.
2012ApJ...745..168L 15       D               1 80 22 Selection effects on the observed redshift dependence of gamma-ray burst jet opening angles. LU R.-J., WEI J.-J., QIN S.-F., et al.
2012ApJ...746..156C viz 15       D               6 305 185 A radio-selected sample of gamma-ray burst afterglows. CHANDRA P. and FRAIL D.A.
2012A&A...538A..44D 15       D               1 125 45 Pre-ALMA observations of GRBs in the mm/submm range. DE UGARTE POSTIGO A., LUNDGREN A., MARTIN S., et al.
2012ApJ...749..176K 40           X         1 17 35 A super-damped Lyα quasi-stellar object absorber at z = 2.2. KULKARNI V.P., MEIRING J., SOM D., et al.
2012A&A...542A.103B 15       D               1 19 26 Constraining the nature of the most distant gamma-ray burst host galaxies. BASA S., CUBY J.G., SAVAGLIO S., et al.
2012ApJ...756...25M 93       D       C       3 44 32 The optically unbiased GRB host (TOUGH) survey. IV. Lyα emitters. MILVANG-JENSEN B., FYNBO J.P.U., MALESANI D., et al.
2012ApJ...758...27L 15       D               1 146 96 A comprehensive study of gamma-ray burst optical emission. I. Flares and early shallow-decay component. LI L., LIANG E.-W., TANG Q.-W., et al.
2012Sci...338.1445N viz 15       D               1 290 177 A Universal scaling for the energetics of relativistic jets from black hole systems. NEMMEN R.S., GEORGANOPOULOS M., GUIRIEC S., et al.
2013ApJ...764...75G 16       D               1 65 11 On the correlation of low-energy spectral indices and redshifts of gamma-ray bursts. GENG J.J. and HUANG Y.F.
2013MNRAS.428.3590T 16       D               1 47 64 GRB 100219A with X-shooter - abundances in a galaxy at z =4.7. THONE C.C., FYNBO J.P.U., GOLDONI P., et al.
2013MNRAS.430..163Q 16       D               1 154 11 Statistical classification of gamma-ray bursts based on the Amati relation. QIN Y.-P. and CHEN Z.-F.
2013ApJ...766...23R 16       D               1 29 5 On the significance of the excess number of strong mg II absorbers observed toward gamma-ray bursts. RAPOPORT S., ONKEN C.A., WYITHE J.S.B., et al.
2013ApJ...772...43W 16       D               2 48 65 The gamma-ray burst Hubble diagram and its implications for cosmology. WEI J.-J., WU X.-F. and MELIA F.
2013ApJ...772...62M 39           X         1 7 7 GRB 090510: a disguised short gamma-ray burst with the highest Lorentz factor and circumburst medium. MUCCINO M., RUFFINI R., BIANCO C.L., et al.
2013ApJ...773...82C 55       D     X         2 118 15 An independent measurement of the incidence of Mg II absorbers along gamma-ray burst sight lines: the end of the mystery? CUCCHIARA A., PROCHASKA J.X., ZHU G., et al.
2013ApJ...774..132W 16       D               1 113 14 A comprehensive study of gamma-ray burst optical emission. III. Brightness distributions and luminosity functions of optical afterglows. WANG X.-G., LIANG E.-W., LI L., et al.
2013ApJ...778..128P viz 17       D               1 71 180 A population of massive, luminous galaxies hosting heavily dust-obscured gamma-ray bursts: implications for the use of GRBs as tracers of cosmic star formation. PERLEY D.A., LEVAN A.J., TANVIR N.R., et al.
2013ApJ...778..172P 16       D               1 33 30 Radio constraints on heavily obscured star formation within dark gamma-ray burst host galaxies. PERLEY D.A. and PERLEY R.A.
2013A&A...560A..26Z 16       D               1 54 65 The metals-to-dust ratio to very low metallicities using GRB and QSO absorbers: extremely rapid dust formation. ZAFAR T. and WATSON D.
2013A&A...560A..88D 134       D     X C       3 31 79 Dust-to-metal ratios in damped Lyman-α absorbers. Fresh clues to the origins of dust and optical extinction towards γ-ray bursts. DE CIA A., LEDOUX C., SAVAGLIO S., et al.
2014MNRAS.438.3443H 79           X         2 13 1 Chemical abundances associated with gamma-ray bursts: nucleosynthesis in afterglows. HU T. and WANG M.
2014ApJ...785...29S 16       D               1 113 124 Magnetic fields in relativistic collisionless shocks. SANTANA R., BARNIOL DURAN R. and KUMAR P.
2014ApJ...785...84J 55       D     X         2 121 33 Phenomenology of reverse-shock emission in the optical afterglows of gamma-ray bursts. JAPELJ J., KOPAC D., KOBAYASHI S., et al.
2014ApJS..213...15W 16       D               1 83 16 Long GRBs are metallicity-biased tracers of star formation: evidence from host galaxies and redshift distribution. WANG F.Y. and DAI Z.G.
2014A&A...566A.102S 40           X         1 41 97 GRB 120422A/SN 2012bz: Bridging the gap between low- and high-luminosity gamma-ray bursts. SCHULZE S., MALESANI D., CUCCHIARA A., et al.
2014MNRAS.442.3147B 16       D               2 39 25 Constraining the magnetic field in GRB relativistic collisionless shocks using radio data. BARNIOL DURAN R.
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