* sig Cyg , the SIMBAD biblio

* sig Cyg , the SIMBAD biblio (266 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:16:48

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Title First 3 Authors
1950ApJ...111....1K 60 61 Neutral Oxygen in stellar atmospheres. KEENAN P.C. and HYNEK J.A.
1950ApJ...112..362M 128 38 Revised standards for supergiants on the system of the Yerkes spectral Atlas. MORGAN W.W. and ROMAN N.G.
1951ApJ...113..100D 409 56 Intensities of the interstellar band at lambda 4430. DUKE D.
1952AnAp...15..201C 240 154 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. V. Etude du spectre continu de 150 etoiles entre 3150 et 4600 A. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1952AnAp...15..237D 91 3 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. VI. Remarques sur les proprietes absorbantes de la matiere interstellaire. DIVAN L.
1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1747 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W.
1953ApJ...118..318M 230 268 Studies in galactic structure. I. A preliminary determination of the space distribution of the blue giants. MORGAN W.W., WHITFORD A.E. and CODE A.D.
1953AnAp...16..417H 241 10 Etude du spectre d'absorption de 243 etoiles de types spectraux compris entre O6 et F8 pour la recherche de criteres quantitatifs de classification spectrale bidimensionelle. HACK M.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..146S 181 176 The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types B8-A2. SLETTEBAK A.
1955ApJ...121..611M 26 59 A description of certain galactic nebulosities. MORGAN W.W., STROMGREN B. and JOHNSON H.M.
1955ApJS....2...41M 1279 406 Studies in galactic structure. II. Luminosity classification for 1270 blue giants stars. MORGAN W.W., CODE A.D. and WHITFORD A.E.
1956AJ.....61...90M 626 5 Proper motions of 650 bright B-type stars. MORGAN H.R.
1956ApJ...123..253S 99 24 Photoelectric spectrophotometry. I. Hydrogen line intensities of O, B and A type stars. STOCK J.
1957ApJ...126..138A 24 127 The variability of supergiants. ABT H.A.
1958ApJ...128..185C 13       D               194 119 Two-dimensional spectral classification by narrow-band photometry for B stars in clusters and associations. CRAWFORD D.L.
1958ApJS....3..141B 336 677 A catalog of magnetic stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958PASP...70..561K 146 50 Color excesses from six-color photometry of supergiant stars. KRON G.E.
1959ApJ...130..159O 436 84 Spectral classification of 533 B8-A2 stars and the mean absolute magnitude of A0V stars. OSAWA K.
1960ApJ...132...66C 32 28 Early-type stars used as standards in photoeletric H-beta photometry. CRAWFORD D.L.
1960BAN....15..255B 328 33 Seven-colour photometry of O, B and A stars. BORGMAN J.
1962IzKry..27..241V 8 2 A quantitative analysis of the atmospheres of hot supergiants. I. B8-A0 supergiants. VITRICHENKO E.A. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1963AJ.....68..428S 134 1 Rotational velocities of faint stars of early spectral types. SVOLOPOULOS S.N.
1963ApJ...138..988H 137 27 On a correlation between the radial velocities of optical and radio interstellar lines. HOWARD III W.E., WENTZEL D.G. and McGREE R.X.
1963MNRAS.125..141W 555 33 Photoelectric measures of the 4430 A diffuse interstellar band. WALKER G.A.H.
1964BAN....17..358B 368 80 Luminosities and photometric distances of early-type stars. BORGMAN J. and BLAAUW A.
1965ApJ...141..923J 100 473 Interstellar extinction in the Galaxy. JOHNSON H.L.
1966AJ.....71..114C 13       D               80 377 Standard stars for photoelectric H-beta photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and MANDER J.
1966ArA.....4..101R 44 12 Investigations of a Milky Way field in Scorpius. III. Galactic structure from UBV and H beta photometries of O and B stars. ROSLUND C.
1966GeoOM..21....0C 13       D               677 93 Investigation of the magnetic and related stars through narrow-band photometry. CAMERON R.C.
1967AJ.....72..727K 20 7 Mean Balmer-line strengths and variability of peculiar stars. KIZILIRMAK A. and WOOD H.J.
1967JO.....50...83B 500 18 Photoelectric 4430 observations of 506 O, B and A stars. BAERENTZEN J., GAMMELGAARD P., HILBERG T., et al.
1967JO.....50..237B 964 10 Catalogue d'etoiles O et B. BONNEAU M.
1969AJ.....74..920T viz 81 8 H-alpha and H-beta photoelectric photometry for 80 bright stars. TEBBE P.L.
1969ApJ...157..135H 75 237 Interferometric studies of interstellar sodium lines. HOBBS L.M.
1969ApJ...158..461H 45 21 Regional studies of interstellar sodium lines. HOBBS L.M.
1970A&AS....1..165J 13       D               489 28 Photoelectric observations of early A stars. JOHANSEN K.T. and GYLDENKERNE K.
1970A&AS....1..189F 439 3 A catalogue of proper motions for 437 A stars. FOGH OLSEN H.J.
1970AJ.....75..337L 152 8 An attempt to define luminosity criteria in O stars via narrow-band photoelectric photometry. LANDOLT A.U.
1970AJ.....75..602H 691 193 The space distribution and kinematics of supergiants. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1970AJ.....75..978C 349 564 Standard stars for uvby photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and BARNES J.V.
1970ApJ...159..107R 64 38 Evolutionnary effects in the rotation of supergiants. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1971A&A....12....5H 370 7 Narrow-band photometry of early-type stars. HAGGKVIST L.
1971A&A....12..442M 81 18 On the transfer of photometric systems. MORENO H.
1972A&AS....5..109C 13       D               577 71 Four-color and H beta photometry for the brighter A0-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., GIBSON J., et al.
1972AJ.....77..150F 140 16 Photometric data for 139 supergiants. FERNIE J.D.
1972ApJ...173...43M 66 150 Interferometric studies of interstellar calcium lines. MARSCHALL L.A. and HOBBS L.M.
1972MNRAS.157..461M 52 16 Photoelectric measurements of the 6284 Angstroms diffuse interstellar line. MURDIN P.
1973A&A....23...69C 117 57 La classification stellaire BCD: parametre caracteristique du type spectral calibration en magnitudes absolues. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1973A&A....26...17B 27 45 Observations of diffuse interstellar features in the spectra of dust-embedded and field stars. BROMAGE G.E. and NANDY K.
1973A&AS...12..277G 545 35 A new general O type stars catalogue. GOY G.
1973AJ.....78..642M 212 8 Star catalogs for the Washington and Richmond photographic zenith tubes. McCARTHY D.D.
1973ApJ...181...79H 30 82 Interferometric studies of interstellar CH+ molecules. HOBBS L.M.
1973ApJ...181..841F 39 4 The last Balmer line and H gamma in model B stars. FISCHEL D. and KLINGLESMITH D.A.
1973ApJ...182..523R 20 34 Observations of some early-type supergiants with variable H alpha profiles. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1973ApJ...186..909R 61 116 A survey of H-alpha emission in early-type high-luminosity stars. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1974AJ.....79..642O 113 9 Narrow-band hydrogen line photometry of three early-type eclipsing binary systems. OLSON E.C. and WEIS E.W.
1974AJ.....79..809B 66 2 Photoelectric measurements of H gamma line strengths in early-type stars. BLANCHARD P., BOWEN W.E., LEDDEN J.E., et al.
1974AJ.....79.1416S 145 25 Photometry of the near-infrared OI feature in A- and F-type stars. SORVARI J.
1974ApJ...191..381H 85 344 A comparison of interstellar Na I, Ca II, and K I absorption. HOBBS L.M.
1974MNRAS.169..171F viz 13       D               299 36 Photoelectric measures of the hydrogen lines in early-type stars. FEINSTEIN A.
1975A&A....43..267F 16 3 Photometric scans of H alpha in early A-stars. FRANDSEN S.
1975A&A....44..195N 125 277 Studies of ultraviolet interstellar extinction with the sky-survey telescope of the TD-1 satellite. I. Results for three galactic regions. NANDY K., THOMPSON G.I., JAMAR C., et al.
1975ApJ...195..379M 1 3 22 The diffuse interstellar features studied in HD 21389 by polarimetry and spectrophotometry. MARTIN P.G. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1975MNRAS.173..419D 74 18 A rotational velocity study of sharp-line B stars. DAY R.W. and WARNER B.
1975Ap&SS..37..371R 77 2 The abundance of negative hydrogen in small hot interstellar clouds. RUDKJOBING M.
1975S&T....49...96G 5 0 Laboratory exercises in astronomy-proper motion. GINGERICH O.
1976PASP...88..380H 9 19 CRL 2688 "the egg nebula" preplanetary nebula or protostellar system ? HUMPHREYS R.M., WARNER J.W. and GALLAGHER J.S.
1976IzKry..55..200Z 38 0 Results of the ultraviolet photometry of Stars on the board of satellite "Cosmos-215". ZVEREVA A.M. and EERME K.A.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977A&A....61..563H 255 7 Detection of errors in spectral classification by cluster analysis. HECK A., ALBERT A., DEFAYS D., et al.
1977A&AS...30....1C viz 294 11 Photoelectric Halpha line photometry of early-type stars. CESTER B., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1977ApJ...213..737B 1 45 396 Infrared photometry and mass loss rates for OBA supergiants and Of stars. BARLOW M.J. and COHEN M.
1977ApJS...34..115W viz 14       D               770 200 A photometric study of the Ori OB1 association. I. Observational data. WARREN W.H. and HESSER J.E.
1978A&A....65..357B 32 54 The semi-period-luminosity-colour relation for supergiant stars. BURKI G.
1978A&AS...31..159B 1139 11 Catalogue general des etoiles observees a l'astrolabe (1957-1975), corrections individuelles aux positions du FK4. BILLAUD G., GUALLINO G. and VIGOUROUX G.
1978A&AS...33...15C 605 7 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra III. Early A-type stars. CUCCHIARO A., MACAU-HERCOT D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1978ApJ...223..458S 51 14 The diffuse interstellar band lambda 5780. SCHMIDT E.G.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1979PASP...91..180M 186 71 Secondary standards for BVRI photometry. MOFFETT T.J. and BARNES III T.G.
1979AN....300...99G 240 0 Koordinatenverbesserungen von FK4-Sternen aus Beobachtungen am Ni2-astrolab. GERSTBACH G.
1980A&A....83..287H 648 6 Prediction of spectral classification from photometric observations-application to the uvby beta photometry and the MK spectral classification. I. Prediction assuming a luminosity class. HECK A. and MERSCH G.
1980A&A....85...93M 731 8 Prediction of spectral classification from photometric observations -application to the uvby beta photometry and the MK spectral classification. II. General case. MERSCH G. and HECK A.
1980A&A....90..311M 33 129 Supergiant variability: amplitudes and pulsation constants in relation with mass loss and convection. MAEDER A.
1980A&AS...40..207C 481 17 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra. CUCCHIARO A., JASCHEK M., JASCHEK C., et al.
1980ApJ...242..723N 53 31 Stellar winds, fast rotators and magnetic acceleration. NERNEY S.
1980ApJS...42..283M 170 11 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXVIII. A second atlas of ultraviolet stellar spectra. MEADE M.R. and CODE A.D.
1981PASP...93...45B 142 16 Spectral classification of middle-type supergiants in the photographic infrared. BOUW G.D.
1982A&AS...48..375D 62 2 Equivalent width measurements in galactic supergiant and in Small Magellanic Cloud star spectra. DUBOIS P.
1982A&AS...50..147C 917 3 Quatrieme meridien de l'Observatoire de Besancon. CREZE M., MAZODIER B., CLAIREMIDI J., et al.
1982A&AS...50..199D 186 51 Largeurs equivalentes de raies spectrales dans les etoiles B. DIDELON P.
1982AJ.....87.1029E 3 60 1053 Infrared standard stars. ELIAS J.H., FROGEL J.A., MATTHEWS K., et al.
1982ApJ...256..568O 20 10 X-ray luminosities of B supergiants estimated from ultraviolet resonance. ODEGARD N. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1982AN....303..105G 423 6 The interstellar 2200 A band : a catalogue of equivalent widths. GURTLER J., SCHIELICKE R., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1983A&A...126..192Z 261 14 Far ultraviolet colors of B and Be stars. ZOREC J., BRIOT D. and DIVAN L.
1983A&AS...53..223H viz 1577 8 Meridian observations made with the Carlsberg automatic meridian circle at Brorfelde (Copenhagen University Observatory) 1981-1982. HELMER L., FABRICIUS C., EINICKE O.H., et al.
1983AJ.....88..666K 79 109 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars and the nature of their cool components. KENYON S.J. and GALLAGHER J.S.
1983ApJ...264L..19P 5 16 HD 207739: A strange composite star. PARSONS S.B., HOLM A.V. and KONDO Y.
1984AJ.....89.1366S 41 31 Photometric standard stars for L' and M filter bands. SINTON W.M. and TITTEMORE W.C.
1984ApJ...279..225A 25 68 2 to 20 micron observations of mass loss from early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C., TELESCO C.M. and WOLFF S.C.
1984ApJ...279..698W 48 66 The variation of galactic interstellar extinction in the ultraviolet. WITT A.N., BOHLIN R.C. and STECHER T.P.
1984ApJS...54..271C 577 15 The S201 far-ultraviolet imaging survey. II. A field in Cygnus. CARRUTHERS G.R. and PAGE T.
1984PASP...96..105H 469 90 Binary stars unresolved by speckle interferometry. III. HARTKOPF W.I. and McALISTER H.A.
1984NInfo..56...59A 467 20 Exciting stars and the distances of the diffuse nebulae. AVEDISOVA V.S. and KONDRATENKO G.I.
1984RMxAA...9...53S 69 7 Thirteen-color photometry of B-type stars. SCHUSTER W.J.
1984RMxAA...9...65T 96 32 Near-infrared and visual photometry of h and khi Persei. TAPIA M., ROTH M., COSTERO R., et al.
1985MNRAS.217..217D 8 21 Near-infrared observations of the bipolar outflow source G 35.2N. DENT W.R.F., LITTLE L.T., SATO S., et al.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1986ApJS...60..577T 746 167 Transformation equations and other aids for VRI photometry. TAYLOR B.J.
1986PASP...98.1186H 77 12 The Mv - W (H-gamma) calibration for O6 to A3 supergiants. HILL G.M., WALKER G.A.H. and YANG S.
1986AISAO..22....3G 64 2 Determination of physical parameters of the atmospheres of B- and A-stars in the spectral range near the Balmer discontinuity. GULYAEV S.A., PANCHUK V.E., PLESHAKOV V.V., et al.
1986Afz....25..309C 121 2 On the intensities of the resonance lines of neutral and ionised magnesium in stellar spectra. CHOLAKYAN V.G.
1986RMxAA..13..115T 24 33 A set of photometric near-infrared standard stars observed at San Pedro Martir. TAPIA M., NERI L. and ROTH M.
1987ApJ...316..449K 128 21 Interdependence of the 4430 A diffuse interstellar band, polarization, and ultraviolet extinction. KRELOWSKI J., WALKER G.A.H., GRIEVE G.R., et al.
1987PASP...99.1184P 367 125 A catalog of bright uvby beta standard stars. PERRY C.L., OLSEN E.H. and CRAWFORD D.L.
1987AISAO..25...60G 44 2 Determination of physical characteristics of atmospheres of B- and A-stars by the Balmer indices method. GULYAYEV S.A., PANCHUK V.E. and PYATKES S.G.
1987BAICz..38...52H 30 7 Non-canonical insights into the evolution of stars. II. Are variable supergiants indeed pulsating ? HARMANEC P.
1988AJ.....96..337K 165 69 The cool components of symbiotic stars. II. Infrared photometry. KENYON S.J.
1988ApJ...326..356L 149 167 H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars. LEITHERER C.
1988IzKry..79...49I 1 1 A model atmosphere analysis of the supergiant sig Cyg (B9Iab). IVANOVA Z.K. and LYUBIMKOV L.S.
1989A&AS...77..411S 453 4 A catalogue of right ascensions and declinations of FK4 stars. SADZAKOV S. and DACIC M.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989AJ.....97.1147M 59 8 Narrowband photometry of luminosity class I stars. MENDOZA V E.E.
1989AJ.....98.1831D 24 13 Radio-continuum emission from the ionized stellar winds of warm supergiants. DRAKE S.A. and LINSKY J.L.
1989ApJ...344..413S 2 24 231 Absorption features in the 3 micron spectra of protostars. SMITH R.G., SELLGREN K. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
1989ApJ...346..303S 151 179 The evolution of chromospheric activity of cool giant and subgiant stars. SIMON T. and DRAKE S.A.
1989BICDS..36...27G viz 907 49 A list of MK standard stars. GARCIA B.
1989VilOB..83...29S 52 0 The R-I color indices measured with the S-20 photocathode. STRAIZYS V. and MEISTAS E.
1990A&A...227..526J 40 80 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the near-infrared spectra of 24 IRAS sources. JOURDAIN DE MUIZON M., D'HENDECOURT L.B. and GEBALLE T.R.
1990A&AS...83..225A 185 ~ An uvby-beta catalogue of FO-KO supergiant stars brighter than V = 6.5. ARELLANO FERRO A., PARRAO L., SCHUSTER W., et al.
1990A&AS...84..229A 259 125 Six centimetre VLA radio survey of compact planetary nebulae. AAQUIST O.B. and KWOK S.
1990A&AS...85.1069S viz 683 24 MK classification and photometry of stars used for time and latitude observations at Mizusawa and Washington. SATO K. and KUJI S.
1990ApJ...364..272F 217 40 Spectral synthesis in the ultraviolet. III. The spectral morphology of normal stars in the mid-ultraviolet. FANELLI M.N., O'CONNELL R.W., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1990MNRAS.242..267B 2 2 20 High-velocity gas components towards 4 Lac. BATES B., CATNEY M.G. and KEENAN F.P.
1990MNRAS.243..320B 12 14 IUE observations of mass-loss spectral features in B5-B9 supergiants. BATES B. and GILHEANY S.
1990BICDS..38..175K 660 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1991A&A...245..150Z 269 93 Absolute magnitudes of B emission line stars : correlation between the luminosity excess and the effective temperature. ZOREC J. and BRIOT D.
1991ApJ...376..430N 2 7 66 Infrared and visible photometry of the gravitational lens system 2237+030. NADEAU D., YEE H.K.C., FORREST W.J., et al.
1991PASP..103..987C 43 22 JHK infrared standard stars and absolute calibration of the San Pedro Martir Observatory (OAN) photometric system. CARRASCO L., RECILLAS-CRUZ E., GARCIA-BARRETO J.A., et al.
1991PPMtO..10..214Y 508 0 The correction in right ascension of 508 stars determinated with PMO photoelectric transit instrument. YAO J.-S.
1992A&AS...92....1G viz 241 49 Secondary spectrophotometric standards. GLUSHNEVA I.N., KHARITONOV A.V., KNYAZEVA L.N., et al.
1992A&AS...96..593L viz 54 135 A library of near-IR stellar spectra from 1.428 to 2.5 mu.m. LANCON A. and ROCCA-VOLMERANGE B.
1992ApJS...82..197F viz 217 106 Spectral synthesis in the ultraviolet. IV. A library of mean stellar groups. FANELLI M.N., O'CONNELL R.W., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1992AcA....42..211P 425 10 Extinction law survey based on UV ANS photometry. PAPAJ J. and KRELOWSKI J.
1992IzKry..84...90M 90 0 The continuous spectrum of the normal galaxies central regions obtained on the station "ASTRON". MERKULOVA N.I., METIK L.P., PRONIK V.I., et al.
1992PPMtO..11..184X 1204 0 Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992. XIAN D.-Z., LI N.-Y. and YAO H.-Y.
1994ApJS...95..163S viz 233 29 An atlas of ultraviolet P Cygni profiles. SNOW T.P., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., LINDHOLM D.M., et al.
1994IzKry..91...24L 46 1 Some problems of chemical composition of stellar atmospheres. LYUBIMKOV L.S.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJ...449..839V 35 119 CNO abundances and the evolutionary status of galactic, A-type supergiants. VENN K.A.
1995ApJ...455..269L 117 364 Terminal velocities and the bistability of stellar winds. LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., SNOW T.P. and LINDHOLM D.M.
1995PASJ...47..169T 26 26 On the abundances of nitrogen and sulfur in late-B through F supergiants atmospheres. TAKEDA Y. and TAKADA-HIDAI M.
1995GCTP..C......0V viz 14       D               1 7047 ~ The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition. VAN ALTENA W.F., LEE J.T. and HOFFLEIT E.D.
1996A&A...313..191R 10 6 HD 105262: a high latitude metal-poor post-AGB. A supergiant with large proper motion. REDDY B.E., PARTHASARATHY M. and SIVARANI T.
1996A&AS..118..481B viz 1826 175 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars. BERGHOEFER T.W., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1996ApJS..107..281H viz 181 305 A spectral atlas of hot, luminous stars at 2 microns. HANSON M.M., CONTI P.S. and RIEKE M.J.
1996MNRAS.283..577Z 2 4 30 The size distribution of dust grains in single clouds.I. The analysis of extinction using multicomponents mixtures of bare spherical grains. ZUBKO V.G., KRELOWSKI J. and WEGNER W.
1996MNRAS.283..798F 8 16 Flaring and quiescent infrared behaviour of Cygnus X-3. FENDER R.P., BELL BURNELL S.J., WILLIAMS P.M., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...328..290S 1 14 43 The remarkable asymmetric outflow from the Cygnus Egg Nebula. SKINNER C.J., MEIXNER M., BARLOW M.J., et al.
1997AJ....114..850S viz 689 6 Systematic errors in the FK5 catalog as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame. STONE R.C.
1997MNRAS.292..414G 12 3 On the relation between the carriers of diffuse interstellar bands and simple molecular species. GALAZUTDINOV G.A., KRELOWSKI J., MUSAEV F.A., et al.
1997PNAOJ...5....1Y viz 6645 0 The Tokyo PMC Catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle. YOSHIZAWA M. and SUZUKI S.
1997BaltA...6..585K 68 1 Flux distributions for 59 stars in Cygnus. KHARITONOV A.V., TERESHCHENKO V.M., KNYAZEVA L.N., et al.
1998A&AS..129..289M viz 131 28 Long-term visual spectrophotometric behaviour of Be stars. MOUJTAHID A., ZOREC J., HUBERT A.M., et al.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998ApJ...493..217K 47 27 Diffuse interstellar bands: physical conditions that facilitate the formation or preservation of their carriers. KRELOWSKI J., GALAZUTDINOV G.A. and MUSAEV F.A.
1998PASJ...50..629T 26 31 Oxygen abundances in late-B through F supergiants. TAKEDA Y. and TAKADA-HIDAI M.
1999A&A...351..680M 80 42 On correlations between diffuse interstellar bands. MOUTOU C., KRELOWSKI J., D'HENDECOURT L., et al.
1999AJ....117..354D viz 1276 1157 A Hipparcos census of the nearby OB associations. DE ZEEUW P.T., HOOGERWERF R., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., et al.
1999AJ....117..521V 74 201 Radii and effective temperatures for G, K, and M giants and supergiants. VAN BELLE G.T., LANE B.F., THOMPSON R.R., et al.
1999AJ....118.1073M 634 2 A second catalog of orbiting astronomical observatory 2 filter photometry: ultraviolet photometry of 614 stars. MEADE M.R.
1999ApJ...516..704S 14 14 Probing the dust-enshrouded regions of the interacting galaxy system Arp 299:A near-infrared study. SATYAPAL S., WATSON D.M., PIPHER W.J., et al.
1999ApJ...517..883B 55 135 New 3 micron spectra of young stellar objects with H2O ice bands. BROOKE T.Y., SELLGREN K. and GEBALLE T.R.
2000A&A...364..237A viz 8 9 A spectral analysis of Deneb (A2 Iae). ALBAYRAK B.
2000PASJ...52..113T 23 19 Helium and carbon abundances in late-B and early-A supergiants. TAKEDA Y. and TAKADA-HIDAI M.
2000ARep...44..548K viz 78 1 The normal energy distributions in stellar spectra: giants and supergiants. KNYAZEVA L.N. and KHARITONOV A.V.
2000AstL...26..439K viz 11 22 Optical spectrum of the bipolar nebula AFGL 2688. KLOCHKOVA V.G., SZCZERBA R. and PANCHUK V.E.
2001A&A...365..222G viz 1542 14 The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5. GONTCHAROV G.A., ANDRONOVA A.A., TITOV O.A., et al.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001AJ....121.3224M viz 1040 56 Speckle interferometry of new and problem Hipparcos binaries. II. Observations obtained in 1998-1999 from McDonald observatory. MASON B.D., HARTKOPF W.I., HOLDENRIED E.R., et al.
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