* 110 Her , the SIMBAD biblio

* 110 Her , the SIMBAD biblio (411 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST15:32:00

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Title First 3 Authors
1917ApJ....46..313A 227 17 The luminosities and parallaxes of five hundred stars. ADAMS W.S. and JOY A.H.
1919ApJ....50..161L 186 20 The radial velocities of 185 stars observed at the Cape. LUNT J.
1950ApJ...112..554R 94 82 A correlation between the spectroscopic and dynamical characteristics of the late F and early G type stars. ROMAN N.G.
1951AJ.....56..200W 51 ~ Photographic determinations of the parallax of 50 stars with the Thaw refractor. WAGMAN N.E., DANIEL Z. and JAMESON E.
1951ApJ...113..663E 93 2 Photoelectric studies. VII. Color and magnitude systems for brighter stars and the color-spectral-type relation. EGGEN O.J.
1952AnAp...15..201C 240 154 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. V. Etude du spectre continu de 150 etoiles entre 3150 et 4600 A. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1747 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W.
1953ApJ...118...92M 193 118 Some characteristics of color systems. MORGAN W.W., HARRIS D.L. and JOHNSON H.L.
1953AnAp...16..417H 241 10 Etude du spectre d'absorption de 243 etoiles de types spectraux compris entre O6 et F8 pour la recherche de criteres quantitatifs de classification spectrale bidimensionelle. HACK M.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955AJ.....60...65E 833 50 Magnitudes and colors for 833 Northern and Southern stars. EGGEN O.J.
1955ApJ...121..118H 647 81 Axial rotation and line broadening in stars of spectral types F0-K5. HERBIG G.H. and SPALDING J.Jr
1955ApJ...121..653S 217 170 The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types A3-G0. SLETTEBAK A.
1955AnAp...18..292J 389 209 A photometric system. JOHNSON H.L.
1955ZA.....36..194W 65 T                   1 14 3 Ein Vergleich des Spektren von alpha Canis Minoris und
110 Herculis.
1956AJ.....61..361E 188 25 Photometric parallaxes and the mass-luminosity relation. EGGEN O.J.
1956AJ.....61..405E 228 22 The nearest visual binaries. EGGEN O.J.
1957AJ.....62...45E 262 33 Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array. EGGEN O.
1957ApJ...126..509O 99 14 Determination of spectroscopic absolute magnitude for late-type stars. OKE J.B.
1957ZA.....43....1W 5 1 Ein Vergleich der Spektren von theta Draconis und HR 7955. WELLMANN P.
1959ApJ...130..487O 140 15 The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for F5-K2 stars with the most accurate absolute magnitudes. OKE J.B.
1959ApJ...130..507P 152 435 A spectroscopic study of the RR Lyrae stars. PRESTON G.W.
1960ApJ...132..101M 1 9 99 Line-blanketing effects on A-G dwarfs. MELBOURNE W.G.
1960MNRAS.121...17W 228 26 Absolute measures of stellar radiation. WILLSTROP R.V.
1961BAICz..12..130A 22 0 Nova Her 1960. ANTAL M.
1962ApJ...135...94W 4 7 207 On the effect of Fraunhoffer lines on UBV measurements. WILDEY R.L., BURBIDGE E.M., SANDAGE A.R., et al.
1963AJ.....68..413V 102 15 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of stars. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1963AJ.....68..483E 271 110 Three-color photometry of the components in 228 wide double and multiple systems. EGGEN O.J.
1963ApJ...137.1057S 96 98 A four-color photometric system applied to line blanketing of subdwarfs. SANDAGE A. and SMITH L.L.
1964ZA.....58..253S 7 16 Blanketing corrections for the RGU system. SMITH L.L. and STEINLIN U.W.
1965AJ.....70..353V 206 39 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of stars. II. VAN DEN BERGH S. and SACKMANN I.J.
1965ApJ...141..588H 98 226 Lithium abundances in F5-G8 dwarfs. HERBIG G.H.
1965ApJS...11...47C 25 44 The atmospheres of the metallic-line stars in the Hyades. CONTI P.S.
1965SvA.....9..297K 46 1 A study of the UBV photometric system. KARYAGINA Z.V. and KHARITONOV A.V.
1966AJ.....71..709C 13       D               1192 112 Photoelectric H-beta photometry for 1217 stars brighter than V= 6.5 mag. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., FAURE B.Q., et al.
1966ApJ...144..695W 308 174 Stellar convection zones, chromospheres and rotation. WILSON O.C.
1966ApJ...144.1101M 120 23 Narrow-band photometry of F5-K5 stars. MINER E.D.
1966ApJ...146..392D 77 31 Lithium observations in the Pleiades and in F stars in the field. DANZIGER I.J. and CONTI P.S.
1966MNRAS.133..475A 641 58 UBV photometry of 550 F, G and K type stars. ARGUE A.N.
1966AnAp...29..601S 129 28 Methode quantitative de classification tri-dimensionnelle d'etoiles froides; applications. SPITE F.
1966JO.....49..417R 659 2 Catalogue des etoiles mesurees dans le systeme photometrique de l'Observatoire de Geneve. RUFENER F., HAUCK B., GOY G., et al.
1967ApJ...149..317G 35 58 Photometric determination of stellar radii. GRAY D.F.
1967ApJ...150..501S 58 21 The helium content of subdwarfs. STROM S.E. and STROM K.M.
1967ApJ...150..551K 221 714 Studies of stellar rotation. V. The dependence of rotation on age among solar-type stars. KRAFT R.P.
1968ApJ...151..567C 38 8 The Li/Be ratio in main-sequence stars. CONTI P.S.
1968ApJ...153..213J 116 11 The spectral-energy curves of subdwarfs. JOHNSON H.L. and MITCHELL R.I.
1968JO.....51..123N 54 1 Photoelectric observations of an index of the microturbulence in the atmospheres of F and G main sequence stars. NISSEN P.E.
1969AJ.....74..920T viz 81 8 H-alpha and H-beta photoelectric photometry for 80 bright stars. TEBBE P.L.
1969ApJ...156.1007K 3 4 Curve of growth analysis for the close binary HR 5317. KONDO Y. and McCLUSKEY G.E.
1970A&A.....4..291C 24 32 Microturbulence in main sequence stars. CHAFFEE F.H.
1970A&A.....6..138N 54 86 The relative metal/hydrogen ratio for the Sun, Hyades and 53 F5 - G2 stars. NISSEN P.E.
1970ApJ...159..443N 19 88 The blue horizontal branch stars of M 15, M 92, M 13, M 3. NEWELL E.B.
1970ApJS...19..281B 157 35 Spectral classification of A & F stars. BARRY D.C.
1971A&A....15..337M 1 37 412 The production of the elements Li, Be, B by galactic cosmic rays in space and its relation with stellar observations. MENEGUZZI M., AUDOUZE J. and REEVES H.
1971MNRAS.153..287D 44 30 Effective temperatures and gravities for A and F-type stars in the delta Scuti region. DICKENS R.F. and PENNY A.J.
1971MNRAS.153..501S 29 34 On the energy distributions of main sequence stars. STICKLAND D.J.
1971MNRAS.154..343B viz 47 77 Theoretical colours for F and G dwarf stars. BELL R.A.
1971MNRAS.155...65B 142 45 The temperatures, abundances and gravities of F dwarf stars. BELL R.A.
1972PASP...84..515C 45 25 The (B-V) and (U-B) color indices of the Sun. CROFT S.K., McNAMARA D.H. and FELTZ K.A.
1973AJ.....78...61T 21 8 Two methods for computing monochromatic extinction from BV measurements. TAYLOR B.J.
1973AJ.....78.1074O 153 134 Absolute spectral energy distributions of common stellar types. O'CONNELL W.R.
1973ApJS...25..137A 75 166 The binary frequency for Ap stars. ABT H.A. and SNOWDEN M.S.
1973PASP...85..542E 406 51 Luminosity and velocity distribution of high-luminosity red stars. III. Old-disk-population giants. EGGEN O.J.
1973PASP...85..666A 52 7 Dependence of microturbulence on absolute f-values. ANDERSEN P.H.
1974PASJ...26...65S 8 3 Variations of line profiles of eclipsing binary systems during the eclipse. SATO K.
1975A&A....38..417P 46 5 Line blanketing and model atmospheres. II. Interpretation of broad-band photometric observations. PEYTREMANN E.
1975AJ.....80..955C 2 52 686 Empirical calibrations of the uvby-beta system. I. The F-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L.
1975AJ.....80.1011H viz 1434 53 Classification of 831 two-micron sky survey sources south of +5 degrees. HANSEN O.L. and BLANCO V.M.
1975JRASC..69..265W 19 1 Current trends in astronomical spectroscopy. WRIGHT K.O.
1976ApJ...210..466B 38 81 Beryllium in main-sequence stars. BOESGAARD A.M.
1976ApJS...30..273A 139 502 Multiplicity among solar-type stars. ABT H.A. and LEVY S.G.
1976ApJS...32....7B viz 640 231 Catalog of spectrophotometric scans of stars. BREGER M.
1976PASP...88...95C 643 85 Spectral classification of the bright F stars. COWLEY A.P.
1976IzKry..55..127B 468 2 Abundances of lithium in stellar atmospheres. BOYARCHUK M.E.
1976MmRAS..81....1C 38 25 Numerical simulation of natural photometric systems. COUSINS A.W.J. and JONES D.H.P.
1977A&AS...27..267G 234 0 Kinematical data of two samples of late-type stars. GRENIER S., HECK A. and JUNG J.
1977A&AS...29..195D 182 14 Recalibration and analysis of Spite's method of quantitative three-dimensional classification for the F8-K1 stars. DA SILVA L. and GRENIER S.
1978A&A....66..335H 708 12 Absolute luminosity calibration of F stars. HECK A.
1978A&AS...31..159B 1139 11 Catalogue general des etoiles observees a l'astrolabe (1957-1975), corrections individuelles aux positions du FK4. BILLAUD G., GUALLINO G. and VIGOUROUX G.
1978ApJS...36..173T 71 34 The differential blanketing of the main-sequence and near-main-sequence M 67 stars relative to the Hyades and Coma. TAYLOR B.J.
1979PASP...91..553S 862 44 Three-dimensional motion of dwarf stars and RR Lyrae variables. SAIO H. and YOSHII Y.
1979AN....300...99G 240 0 Koordinatenverbesserungen von FK4-Sternen aus Beobachtungen am Ni2-astrolab. GERSTBACH G.
1979RMxAA...4..233S 183 18 Thirteen-color photometry of subdwarf stars. I. Observations, sensitivity of the indices, and evolutionary effects. SCHUSTER W.J.
1979RMxAA...4..307S 124 4 Thirteen-color photometry of subdwarf stars. III. Chemical compositions, kinematics and the (g,45-63) diagram. SCHUSTER W.J.
1980A&AS...40..307A 340 23 A catalogue of stellar spectrophotometric data. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1980AJ.....85..242T 44 46 An investigation of previously derived Hyades, Coma, and M 67 reddenings. TAYLOR B.J.
1980ATsir1144....1F 7 0 Standard chemical composition of atmospheres of A1-G0 type stars. FENINA Z.N. and ROMANOV Y.S.
1981A&A....97..145N 180 196 Metal abundance and microturbulence in F0-G2 stars and the calibration of the Stromgren m1 index. NISSEN P.E.
1981PASP...93...45B 142 16 Spectral classification of middle-type supergiants in the photographic infrared. BOUW G.D.
1981IBVS.1966....1B 12 5 A search for Maia variables. BREGER M., HSU J.C. and BOZYAN E.
1982A&AS...50..147C 917 3 Quatrieme meridien de l'Observatoire de Besancon. CREZE M., MAZODIER B., CLAIREMIDI J., et al.
1982ApJ...260..655Z 416 84 Lambda 10830 He I observations of 455 stars. ZIRIN H.
1982IUE3r......327H 4 ~ The UV stellar classification programme. HECK A., BENVENUTI P., BIANCHI L., et al.
1983A&AS...53..223H viz 1577 8 Meridian observations made with the Carlsberg automatic meridian circle at Brorfelde (Copenhagen University Observatory) 1981-1982. HELMER L., FABRICIUS C., EINICKE O.H., et al.
1983ApJS...53..643J 1981 18 Predicted infrared brightness of stars within 25 parsecs of the Sun. JOHNSON H.M. and WRIGHT C.D.
1984A&A...133..363K 44 4 A comparison between various UV photometric systems for late-type stars. KJAERGAARD P., NORGAARD-NIELSEN H.U., CACCIARI C., et al.
1984A&AS...57..213H viz 228 20 IUE low-dispersion spectra flux catalogue. Part 1 Normal stars (magnetic tape). HECK A., EGRET D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1984IUE84......507H 231 ~ IUE low-dispersion reference atlas. HECK A., EGRET D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1985A&AS...60..365M 300 30 Observed and computed spectral flux distribution of non-supergiant 09-G8 stars. III. Determination of Teff for the stars in the Breger Catalogue. MOROSSI C. and MALAGNINI M.L.
1985A&AS...61..387K 538 48 Photometric observations of emission B-stars in the Southern Milky Way. KOZOK J.R.
1985ApJ...290..307S 125 221 An Einstein Observatory X-ray survey of main-sequence stars with shallow convection zones. SCHMITT J.H.M.M., GOLUB L., HARNDEN F.R.Jr, et al.
1985ApJS...59..197B viz 14       D               1 3392 78 G.P. Kuiper's spectral classifications of proper-motion stars. BIDELMAN W.P.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985IUEEN..22...25B 14 2 Absolute stellar UV fluxes obtained with the TD1, ANS and IUE satellites. BARYLAK M.
1986A&A...155..371H 307 28 Metallicism among A and F giant stars. HAUCK B.
1986A&A...162..140M 43 64 The empirical BC versus T eff scale for non-supergiant O9-G5 stars. MALAGNINI M.L., MOROSSI C., ROSSI L., et al.
1986A&A...166..216T 10 22 A new step towards the explanation of lithium-and beryllium-deficient F stars. I. The field stars. THEVENIN F., VAUCLAIR S. and VAUCLAIR G.
1986AJ.....91.1140S 1686 92 New subdwarfs. IV. UBV photometry of 1690 high-proper-motion stars. SANDAGE A. and KOWAL C.
1986AJ.....91.1189F viz 875 43 New subdwarfs. V. Radial velocities for 889 high-proper-motion stars measured with the Mount Wilson 100 inch reflector. FOUTS G. and SANDAGE A.
1986ApJ...304..365Z 110 20 The dependence of He I lambda 10830 absorption strength upon X-ray emission in late-type stars. ZARRO D.M. and ZIRIN H.
1986ApJ...309..762B 19 50 Abundances in beryllium-deficient F stars. BOESGAARD A.M. and LAVERY R.J.
1986ApJ...310..360W 79 66 Activity in F stars. WOLFF S.C., BOESGAARD A.M. and SIMON T.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1986PASP...98..223B 259 22 Radial velocities of standard stars. BARNES III T.G., MOFFETT T.J. and SLOVAK M.H.
1986PASP...98..319G 12 31 The rotation effect - A mechanism for measuring granulation velocities in stars. GRAY D.F.
1986Afz....25..309C 121 2 On the intensities of the resonance lines of neutral and ionised magnesium in stellar spectra. CHOLAKYAN V.G.
1987AJ.....93...74S 1116 246 New subdwarfs. VI. Kinematics of 1125 high-proper-motion stars and the collapse of the galaxy. SANDAGE A. and FOUTS G.
1987AJ.....93..920S 73 61 Chromospheric and transition-region emission from young solar-type stars in clusters, kinematic groups, and the field. SODERBLOM D.R. and CLEMENTS S.D.
1987TarOT..84...25M 112 0 An Hipparcos astrometric programme for spectral classification standard stars. MALYUTO V. and JIMSHELEISHVILI G.
1988A&A...203..341P 216 11 Stellar integrated fluxes for 216 stars in the wavelength range 380nm-900nm. PETFORD A.D., BLACKWELL D.E., BOOTH A.J., et al.
1988A&A...206...63A 31 33 An empirical approach to the location of the theoretical isochrones in the observational plane. ARRIBAS S. and MARTINEZ ROGER C.
1988A&AS...74..127S 176 47 Narrow band 1 mu.m-4 mu.m infrared photometry of 176 stars. SELBY M.J., HEPBURN I., BLACKWELL D.E., et al.
1988AJ.....95.1484B 37 22 Synthetic Stromgren photometry for F dwarf stars. BELL R.A.
1988AJ.....95.1558R 14       D               56 8 H-beta photometry for uvby standard stars. REGLERO V., GIMENEZ A., FABREGAT J., et al.
1988ApJ...325..749B 27 68 Lithium and metallicity in the Ursa Major group. BOESGAARD A.M., BUDGE K.G. and BURCK E.E.
1988VilOB..80....7S 397 ~ Energy distribution in the stellar spectra of different spectral types and luminosities. V. Normal stars. SVIDERSKIENE Z.
1989A&AS...77..411S 453 4 A catalogue of right ascensions and declinations of FK4 stars. SADZAKOV S. and DACIC M.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989ApJ...346..303S 151 179 The evolution of chromospheric activity of cool giant and subgiant stars. SIMON T. and DRAKE S.A.
1989AZh....66.1024G 7 4 Physical characteristics and energy distribution for stars of spectral type F. Comparison with theoretical models. GLUSHNEVA I.N.
1989AN....310..223R 90 3 Surface distribution of the luminous and early-type emission stars in the OB Vulpeculia associations. RADOSLAVOVA T.
1989BICDS..36...27G viz 907 49 A list of MK standard stars. GARCIA B.
1990A&A...232..396B 113 149 Determination of temperatures and angular diameters of 114 F-M stars using the infrared flux method (IRFM). BLACKWELL D.E., PETFORD A.D., ARRIBAS S., et al.
1990A&A...236..440B 164 26 New calibrations of blanketing parameters DELTA m2 and delta m1 in terms of [Fe/H]. BERTHET S.
1990A&AS...85..971P 497 18 Catalogue des etoiles variables ou suspectes dans le voisinage du soleil. PETIT M.
1990A&AS...85.1015M 75 41 Accurate absolute luminosities, effective temperatures, radii, masses and surface gravities for a selected sample of field stars. MALAGNINI M.L. and MOROSSI C.
1990ApJ...351..467B 76 249 Chemical composition of open clusters. I. Fe/H from high-resolution spectroscopy. BOESGAARD A.M. and FRIEL E.D.
1990ApJ...351..480F 38 48 Chemical composition of open clusters. II. C/H and C/Fe in F dwarfs from high-resolution spectroscopy. FRIEL E.D. and BOESGAARD A.M.
1990ApJ...354..310B 199 170 Lithium depletion and rotation in main-sequence stars. BALACHANDRAN S.
1990ApJ...364..272F 217 40 Spectral synthesis in the ultraviolet. III. The spectral morphology of normal stars in the mid-ultraviolet. FANELLI M.N., O'CONNELL R.W., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1990ApJ...365..704S 130 259 Einstein Observatory coronal temperatures of late-type stars. SCHMITT J.H.M.M., COLLURA A., SCIORTINO S., et al.
1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1991A&A...244..335N 95 25 The nature of the F str Lambda 4077 stars. II. Frequency, kinematics, metallicity, binarity and rotational velocities. NORTH P. and DUQUENNOY A.
1991A&A...245..567B 113 94 Effect of improved H- opacity on the infrared flux method temperature scale and derived angular diameters. Use of a self-consistent calibration. BLACKWELL D.E., LYNAS-GRAY A.E. and PETFORD A.D.
1991A&A...248..485D 1 346 2503 Multiplicity among solar-type stars in the solar neighbourhood. II - Distribution of the orbital elements in an unbiased sample. DUQUENNOY A. and MAYOR M.
1991A&A...252..203R 306 136 Magnetic structure in cool stars. XVII. Minimum radiative losses from the outer atmosphere. RUTTEN R.G.M., SCHRIJVER C.J., LEMMENS A.F.P., et al.
1991A&AS...88..281D 278 107 Multiplicity among solar type stars in the solar neighbourhood. I. CORAVEL radial velocity observations of 291 stars. DUQUENNOY A., MAYOR M. and HALBWACHS J.-L.
1991AJ....101..655S 57 10 On the utility of low resolution IUE spectroscopy of the 2800 Angstroms Mg II lines as a stellar chromosphere indicator. SMITH G.H., BURSTEIN D., FANELLI M.N., et al.
1991ApJ...368..241C 119 210 On winds and X-rays of O-type stars. CHLEBOWSKI T. and GARMANY C.D.
1991ApJ...375..716H 74 35 Absolute far-ultraviolet spectrophotometry of hot sublimous stars from Voyager. HOLBERG J.B., ALI B., CARONE T.E., et al.
1991ApJ...375..722S 182 260 The chromospheric emission-age relation for stars of the lower main sequence and its implications for the star formation rate. SODERBLOM D.R., DUNCAN D.K. and JOHNSON D.R.H.
1991ApJ...380..200S 176 62 The onset of chromospheric activity among the A and F stars. SIMON T. and LANDSMAN W.
1991ApJS...76..383D viz 1216 361 Ca II H and K measurements made at Mount Wilson Observatory, 1966-1983. DUNCAN D.K., VAUGHAN A.H., WILSON O.C., et al.
1991MNRAS.252p..21J 39 ~ The dependence of coronal temperatures on Rossby numbers. JORDAN C. and MONTESINOS B.
1991KFNT....7a..64G 228 ~ The surface-brightness method and the dependence of the bolometric correction on star effective temperature. GUBOCHKIN A.N. and MIROSHNICHENKO A.S.
1992A&A...259L...5H 6 23 CX Draconis : the orbit parameters for both components. HORN J., HUBERT A.M., HUBERT H., et al.
1992A&AS...95..273C viz 1597 172 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations : 1991 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., HAUCK B., FRANCOIS P., et al.
1992A&AS...95..355C viz 1037 6 Santiago Fundamental Catalogue. A catalogue of 1105 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1992AJ....103.2090R 200 30 A radio optical reference frame. III. Additional radio and optical positions in the southern hemisphere. RUSSELL J.L., JAUNCEY D.L., HARVEY B.R., et al.
1992ApJ...387..170F 46 146 Chemical composition of open clusters. III. Iron and carbon in F dwarfs in Coma, Praesepe, and M 67. FRIEL E.D. and BOESGAARD A.M.
1992ApJS...82..197F viz 217 106 Spectral synthesis in the ultraviolet. IV. A library of mean stellar groups. FANELLI M.N., O'CONNELL R.W., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1992JAVSO..21...42W 15 12 Three-color narrow-band photoelectric photometry of red variables. WING R.F.
1992Natur.357..379G 39 110 Is beryllium in metal-poor stars of galactic or cosmological origin ? GILMORE G., GUSTAFSSON B., EDVARDSSON B., et al.
1992PPMtO..11..184X 1204 0 Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992. XIAN D.-Z., LI N.-Y. and YAO H.-Y.
1993A&A...268..653N 2 65 543 On the determination of effective temperature and surface gravity of B, A, and F stars using Stromgren uvby-beta photometry. NAPIWOTZKI R., SCHOENBERNER D. and WENSKE V.
1993A&A...269..446S 76 28 Magnetic activity in dwarf stars with shallow convective envelopes. SCHRIJVER C.J.
1993A&A...273..482G 140 23 A study of activity in F-type main-sequence stars using the D3 line of HeI. GARCIA LOPEZ R.J., REBOLO R., BECKMAN J.E., et al.
1993A&A...275..101E viz 2 194 1916 The chemical evolution of the galactic disk. I. Analysis and results. EDVARDSSON B., ANDERSEN J., GUSTAFSSON B., et al.
1993A&AS..101..551L viz 1003 31 Optical polarization of 1000 stars within 50 pc from the Sun LEROY J.L.
1993A&AS..102..603E viz 189 62 The chemical evolution of the galactic disk II. Observational data. EDVARDSSON B., ANDERSEN J., GUSTAFSSON B., et al.
1993AJ....105..226S viz 88 145 Stellar kinematic groups. I. The Ursa Major group. SODERBLOM D.R. and MAYOR M.
1993AJ....105.2299S viz 48 99 The evolution of the Lithium abundances of solar-type stars.II. The Ursa Major group. SODERBLOM D.R., PILACHOWSKI C.A., FEDELE S.B., et al.
1993ApJ...408..305L viz 277 39 A catalog of stellar Lyman-alpha fluxes. LANDSMAN W. and SIMON T.
1993ApJ...412..173G 52 38 Oxygen abundances in F-type stars of the Hyades and the Ursa Major group. GARCIA LOPEZ R.J., REBOLO R., HERRERO A., et al.
1994A&A...282..899B viz 80 167 Stellar effective temperatures and angular diameters determined by the infrared flux method (IRFM) : revisions using improved Kurucz LTE stellar atmospheres. BLACKWELL D.E. and LYNAS-GRAY A.E.
1994A&A...286.1006O 99 7 On the sytematic accuracy of the equatorial UBVRI standard stars. OJA T.
1994A&AS..103..427K viz 519 3 The second Quito astrolabe catalogue. KOLESNIK Y.B. and DAVILA H.
1994PASP..106..382D viz 151 53 An atlas of southern MK standards from 5800 to 10,200 A1. DANKS A.C. and DENNEFELD M.
1994PASP..106..452T viz 419 27 Analyses of archival data for cool dwarfs. II. A catalog of temperatures. TAYLOR B.J.
1994BAAS...26..869T 71 T                   2 ~ The boron abundances of 110 Her and 45 Tau. THORBURN J.A., DUNCAN D.K. and PETERSON R.C.
1995A&A...300..775M 74 38 Activity versus rotation in the extreme ultraviolet. MATHIOUDAKIS M., FRUSCIONE A., DRAKE J.J., et al.
1995A&AS..109..501C viz 3386 1 SANTIAGO 91, a right ascension catalogue of 3387 stars (equinox J2000). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995AJ....109.2204T 104 56 Carbon in field F and G disk dwarfs. TOMKIN J., WOOLF V.M. and LAMBERT D.L.
1995AJ....110.2319C viz 108 151 The composition of HB stars: RR Lyrae variables. CLEMENTINI G., CARRETTA E., GRATTON R., et al.
1995AJ....110.2862E 160 22 Reality tests of superclusters in the young disk population. EGGEN O.J.
1995ApJ...439..405A 83 24 A method for estimating the fractional area coverage of active regions on dwarf F and G stars. ANDRETTA V. and GIAMPAPA M.S.
1995ApJ...442..778H 12 7 Activity cycles in cool stars. I. Observations and analysis methods and case studies of four well-observed examples. HALL J.C., LOCKWOOD G.W. and GIBB E.L.
1995ApJ...453..660W 82 96 The r-process element Europium in galactic disk F and G dwarf stars. WOOLF V.M., TOMKIN J. and LAMBERT D.L.
1995ApJS...96..223A 95 99 The RIASS coronathon: joint X-ray and ultraviolet observations of normal F-K stars. AYRES T.R., FLEMING T.A., SIMON T., et al.
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2012ApJ...757..112B viz 16       D               1 120 477 Stellar diameters and temperatures. II. Main-sequence K- and M-stars. BOYAJIAN T.S., VON BRAUN K., VAN BELLE G., et al.
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