* 84 UMa , the SIMBAD biblio

* 84 UMa , the SIMBAD biblio (158 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:37:46

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Title First 3 Authors
1926ApJ....64..262D 206 4 Spectroscopic magnitudes of A-type stars. DOUGLAS A.V.
1933ApJ....77..330M 46 32 Some evidence for the existence of a peculiar branch of the spectral sequence in the interval B8-F0. MORGAN W.W.
1951ApJ...113..437S 20 9 Lines of neutral oxygen in the infrared spectra of peculiar A stars. SLETTEBAK A.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1958ApJS....3..141B 336 677 A catalog of magnetic stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958ZA.....45...35J 136 36 The position of the peculiar A-type stars in the color-absolute magnitude diagram. JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1959JO.....42...45B 477 41 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1960JO.....43..129B 487 22 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles A a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1966GeoOM..21....0C 13       D               677 93 Investigation of the magnetic and related stars through narrow-band photometry. CAMERON R.C.
1967JO.....50..425B 177 25 Observations spectrographiques d'etoiles A a spectre particulier et a raies metalliques. BERTAUD C. and FLOQUET M.
1970A&AS....1..165J 13       D               489 28 Photoelectric observations of early A stars. JOHANSEN K.T. and GYLDENKERNE K.
1970A&AS....1..189F 439 3 A catalogue of proper motions for 437 A stars. FOGH OLSEN H.J.
1970MNRAS.147...75D 139 22 Rotation and chemical abundances in the peculiar A stars. II. DURRANT C.J.
1972A&AS....5..109C 13       D               577 71 Four-color and H beta photometry for the brighter A0-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., GIBSON J., et al.
1972ApJ...175..779A 61 106 Rotational velocities of Ap stars. ABT H.A., CHAFFEE F.H. and SUFFOLK G.
1972AN....294....1J 182 20 Uber die veranderlichkeit der sterne des spektraltyps A. JACKISCH G.
1973AJ.....78..192W 280 34 Uvby photometry of Am and Ap stars. WARREN W.H.
1973ApJ...185..577L 57 75 Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. VIII. The blue Ap stars. LECKRONE D.S.
1973ApJS...25..137A 75 166 The binary frequency for Ap stars. ABT H.A. and SNOWDEN M.S.
1974ApJ...194...65W 197 51 The manganese stars. WOLFF S.C. and WOLFF R.J.
1974PASP...86..241E 132 28 Luminosities and motions of peculiar B-type stars. EGGEN O.J.
1974PASP...86..408B 30 31 Spectrum variations in the Ap-type stars. I. A survey of stars between 7h and 19h right ascension. BONSACK W.K.
1975AJ.....80.1026A 69 10 Interstellar circular polarization. II. Northern and southern hemisphere survey results and observational search criteria. AVERY R.W., STOKES R.A., MICHALSKY J.J., et al.
1975IBVS..961....1K 498 5 60th name-list of variable stars. KUKARKIN B.V., KHOLOPOV P.N., KUKARKINA N.P., et al.
1976A&AS...26...49H 195 15 A photoelectric parameter of the peculiarity of the Ap stars. HAUCK B.
1977PASP...89..519G 57 2 A photoelectric peculiarity index in the Ap stars. GETTYS J. and SCHILD R.E.
1977ATsir.969....7L 7 1 Possibly near-by open clusters. LATYSHEV I.N.
1978A&A....66..187V 105 13 Ultraviolet photometric observations of Ap and Am stars. VAN DIJK W., KERSSIES A., HAMMERSCHLAG-HENSBERGE G., et al.
1978A&A....69..285H 192 15 Photometric parameters for Am and Ap stars. HAUCK B.
1978A&AS...33...15C 605 7 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra III. Early A-type stars. CUCCHIARO A., MACAU-HERCOT D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1979AJ.....84..857A 131 26 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. I. On the detection of the lam 4200 and lam 5200 broad, continuum features of peculiar A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1980A&A....86..149A viz 7 21 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. V. HD 32650, 84 Ursa Majoris, HD 149822, 19 Lyrae, 4 Cygni, HD 196178, and 108 Aquarii. ADELMAN S.J.
1980A&AS...41..111C 210 27 Catalogue of photometric data related to surface magnetic fields for B-type stars. CRAMER N. and MAEDER A.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1980Ap&SS..69..401F 407 4 Apparent radii and other parameters for 416 B5V-F5V stars of the catalogue of the Geneva Observatory. FRACASSINI M., MANZOLINI F., PASINETTI L.E., et al.
1980IBVS.1841....1W 56 0 Is there a magnetic field-period relation for the hotter Ap-stars ? WEISS W.W.
1981A&A...100...24G 107 10 The absolute magnitudes of the Ap stars. GRENIER S., JASCHEK M., GOMEZ A.E., et al.
1981A&A...101..176F 85 13 Effective temperature of Ap stars. FLOQUET M.
1981A&AS...44..265A viz 13 19 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. X. HD 2453, HD 8441, HD 18078, HD 50169, HD 110066 and gamma Equulei. ADELMAN S.J.
1981PASP...93..344B 25 17 Photometric UBV period study of eight Ap stars. BURKE E.W. and BARR T.H.
1982A&A...114...23H 595 82 Photometric properties of Ap stars in the Geneva system. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1983A&AS...53...33L 26 3 A physical study of the Ursa Major cluster (with special attention tothe peculiar A stars) LODEN L.O.
1984A&A...141..328N 158 27 The rotation of Ap stars. NORTH P.
1984A&AS...55..371C viz 230 70 Catalogue des periodes observees pour des etoiles Ap. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1984A&AS...57...55S 92 19 Radial velocities of northern mercury stars. STICKLAND D.J. and WEATHERBY J.
1984A&AS...58..387N 705 31 Evidence of decay of the magnetic fields of Ap stars. NORTH P. and CRAMER N.
1985A&AS...60...99W 2021 82 The local system of early type stars. Spatial extent and kinematics. WESTIN T.N.G.
1985PASP...97..970A 65 22 On the ultraviolet energy distributions and the temperatures of peculiar B and A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1985AISAO..19...28G 23 4 The investigation of the mean surface fields of the Ap stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., BYCHKOV V.D., ROMANJUK I.I., et al.
1985AISAO..20...26G 72 1 To the problem of the surface magnetic fields of the chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1986AISAO..21...21L 221 0 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. I. The stars with known periods. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..21...30L 207 4 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. II. The stars with the depression of continuum spectrum at lambda 5200 A. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..22...39G 343 2 On the effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and CHUNAKOVA N.M.
1986AISAO..23...37G 207 8 The magnetic field and other parameters of the chemically peculiar stars. I. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., ROMANYUK I.I., CHUNAKOVA N.M., et al.
1986NIA86.......71S 54 ~ Search for chromospheric MG II emission in Ap-type stars. SEGGEWISS W.
1987AISAO..25...13G 110 3 Balmer discontinuities of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and GTOPILSKAJA G.P.
1987VilOB..76....8Z 36 1 Determination of the effective temperatures of peculiar stars in the Vilnius photometric system. ZITKEVICIUS V.
1988AN....309..181R 112 7 A search for age-dependency of Ap star parameters. RUEDIGER G. and SCHOLZ G.
1989A&A...219..197S 20 37 Effective temperatures of Ap stars. STEPIEN K. and DOMINICZAK R.
1989A&A...220..105S 69 18 Radii and space orientation of the rotational axes of Ap stars. STEPIEN K.
1989A&AS...81..127G 125 27 Behaviour of OI triplet lambda-7773. II. Ap stars. GERBALDI M., FLOQUET M., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
1989PBeiO..14...12L 1243 0 Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. LU L.-Z.
1990Ap&SS.165..219R 24 2 Spectrum variability of some selected bright CP stars on the main sequence. RAJAMOHAN R.
1991A&A...249..401H 78 2 On the origin of the statistical correlation between rotation periods and apparent radii for CP 2 stars. HENSBERGE H., VAN RENSBERGEN W. and BLOMME R.
1991A&AS...89..429R viz 14       D               1 6690 131 General catalogue of Ap and Am stars. RENSON P., GERBALDI M. and CATALANO F.A.
1993A&A...268..653N 2 65 543 On the determination of effective temperature and surface gravity of B, A, and F stars using Stromgren uvby-beta photometry. NAPIWOTZKI R., SCHOENBERNER D. and WENSKE V.
1993A&A...269..403H 95 65 Effective temperature of Ap and Am stars from Geneva photometry. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1993A&AS..101..393A 77 9 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. XIX. Variability of the magnetic CP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and PYPER D.M.
1993AJ....105.1903N 125 30 A seven-year northern sky survey of Ap stars for rapid variability. NELSON M.J. and KREIDL T.J.
1993BAAS...25..871W 71 T                   1 ~ Doppler imaging of the Ap star 84 UMa. WEHLAU W.H. and RICE J.B.
1994A&A...281..594C 31 8 Photometric calibration of the international Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) for high resolution spectra. CASSATELLA A., SELVELLI P.L., PONZ J.D., et al.
1994A&A...291..825R 5 16 Doppler imaging of the Ap star 17 Comae Berenices. RICE J.B. and WEHLAU W.H.
1994A&AS..105..125M viz 212 7 Catalogue of CP stars with references to short time scale variability. MALANUSHENKO V.P., POLOSUKHINA N.S. and WEISS W.W.
1994MNRAS.271..129M 228 55 The Cape rapidly oscillating Ap star survey - III. Null results of searches for high-overtone pulsation. MARTINEZ P. and KURTZ D.W.
1994PASP..106..134R 71 T                   4 4 Surface distribution of iron and chromium on 84 Ursae Majoris. RICE J. and WEHLAU W.
1994BSAO...38..152G viz 672 30 A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJS...99..135A viz 2017 518 The relation between rotational velocities and spectral peculiarities among A-type stars. ABT H.A. and MORRELL N.I.
1996A&AS..118..481B viz 1826 175 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars. BERGHOEFER T.W., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1996PAZh...22..917R 8 ~ Surface distribution of chromium on the CP2 star HD 220825 (kappa Psc). RYABCHIKOVA T.A., PAVLOVA V.M., DAVYDOVA E.S., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1998A&A...335..565H viz 103 128 Investigation of the variability of bright Be stars using Hipparcos photometry. HUBERT A.M. and FLOQUET M.
1998A&A...335..973W viz 108 T K                 5 8 Magnetic field models for A and B stars. V. The magnetic field and photometric variation of 84 Ursae Majoris. WADE G.A., HILL G.M., ADELMAN S.J., et al.
1998A&AS..127..421C viz 369 38 The observed periods of Ap and Bp stars. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1998A&AS..128..573M viz 131 12 {DELTA}a and Stroemgren photometry of stars in the Renson-catalogue of Ap and Am stars. MAITZEN H.M., PRESSBERGER R. and PAUNZEN E.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998A&AS..130..215S viz 68 18 Effective temperatures of Ap stars. SOKOLOV N.A.
1998A&AS..132...93A viz 649 27 On the Hipparcos photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars. ADELMAN S.J.
2000A&A...355..308A 27 30 On the effective temperatures, surface gravities and optical region fluxes of the CP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and RAYLE K.E.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001AJ....122.2008A 103 15 Are stellar rotational axes distributed randomly. ABT H.A.
2002A&A...392..637S 75 142 A highly sensitive search for magnetic fields in B, A and F stars. SHORLIN S.L.S., WADE G.A., DONATI J.-F., et al.
2002A&A...393..897R viz 2184 207 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. II. Measurement of vsini in the northern hemisphere. ROYER F., GRENIER S., BAYLAC M.-O., et al.
2002ApJ...573..359A viz 1098 321 Rotational velocities of B stars. ABT H.A., LEVATO H. and GROSSO M.
2002Ap.....45..408G 19 4 Investigation of weakly magnetic CP stars. I. GLAGOLEVSKII Y.V. and CHUNTONOV G.A.
2003A&A...407..631B viz 597 86 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2003A&A...411..447L viz 571 319 3D mapping of the dense interstellar gas around the Local Bubble. LALLEMENT R., WELSH B.Y., VERGELY J.-L., et al.
2005A&A...441..631P viz 326 27 On the detection of chemically peculiar stars using Δa photometry. PAUNZEN E., STUETZ C. and MAITZEN H.M.
2006A&A...450..763K viz 248 190 Evolutionary state of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. KOCHUKHOV O. and BAGNULO S.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007AJ....133..545R 69 25 Adaptive optics photometry and astrometry of binary stars. II. A multiplicity survey of B stars. ROBERTS L.C.Jr, TURNER N.H. and TEN BRUMMELAAR T.A.
2007AN....328...10M 104 20 On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. MIKULASEK Z., JANIK J., ZVERKO J., et al.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2007PASP..119.1256A 87 3 uvby FCAPT photometry of six small-amplitude mCP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and WOODROW S.L.
2008MNRAS.385..481L 203       D     X   F     5 32 9 Effective temperatures of magnetic chemically peculiar stars from full spectral energy distributions. LIPSKI L. and STEPIEN K.
2007AstBu..62..244G viz 15       D               271 2 Magnetic field dependence of chemical anomalies in CP stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
2008AstBu..63..139R         O           356 25 Magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars. I. The catalog of magnetic CP stars. ROMANYUK I.I. and KUDRYAVTSEV D.O.
2008MNRAS.389..869E viz 15       D               1 4737 155 A catalogue of multiplicity among bright stellar systems. EGGLETON P.P. and TOKOVININ A.A.
2008A&A...491..545N 185 57 Chemically peculiar stars and their temperature calibration. NETOPIL M., PAUNZEN E., MAITZEN H.M., et al.
2009MNRAS.394.1338B viz 15       D               3 1222 78 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields - II. Re-discussion of chemically peculiar A and B stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2009A&A...498..961R viz 15       D               1 8221 329 Catalogue of Ap, HgMn and Am stars. RENSON P. and MANFROID J.
2009AstBu..64..239R         O           169 5 Magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars. II: magnetic fields and rotation of stars with strong and weak anomalies in the continuum energy distribution. ROMANYUK I.I., KUDRYAVTSEV D.O. and SEMENKO E.A.
2010A&A...510A..54W viz 15       D               1 1869 138 New 3D gas density maps of NaI and CaII interstellar absorption within 300 pc. WELSH B.Y., LALLEMENT R., VERGELY J.-L., et al.
2011MNRAS.414.2602D viz 2567 132 Random forest automated supervised classification of Hipparcos periodic variable stars. DUBATH P., RIMOLDINI L., SUVEGES M., et al.
2011MNRAS.415.1105S viz 15       D               1 393 10 Distance limits to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds. SMOKER J.V., FOX A.J. and KEENAN F.P.
2011SerAJ.182...35D viz 15       D               1 1201 1 Corrected µdelta for stars of Hipparcos catalogue from independent latitude observations over many decades. DAMLJANOVIC G. and MILIC I.S.
2012AJ....143...28F viz 15       D               1 1543 2 High ionization species in the nearby interstellar medium from an exhaustive analysis of the IUE INES database. FREIRE FERRERO R., MORALES DURAN C., HALBWACHS J.-L., et al.
2008CoSka..38..353S 27 1 Effective temperatures of magnetic CP stars: semi-fundamental data. STEPIEN K. and LIPSKI L.
2012ApJS..199....8G viz 15       D               2 3038 80 A compilation of interstellar column densities. GUDENNAVAR S.B., BUBBLY S.G., PREETHI K., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012AstL...38..694G viz 15       D               1 20524 9 Spatial distribution and kinematics of OB stars. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95691 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013A&A...553A..95M viz 16       D               1 3574 9 A PCA approach to stellar effective temperatures. MUNOZ BERMEJO J., ASENSIO RAMOS A. and ALLENDE PRIETO C.
2014A&A...562A..65S 16       D               1 108 2 Spectrophotometric analysis of the 5200 Å region for peculiar and normal stars. STIGLER C., MAITZEN H.M., PAUNZEN E., et al.
2014MNRAS.443.1629S viz 16       D               1 204 5 Interferometry of chemically peculiar stars: theoretical predictions versus modern observing facilities. SHULYAK D., PALADINI C., LI CAUSI G., et al.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015ApJ...804..146D viz 16       D               1 3722 110 The ages of early-type stars: Stromgren photometric methods calibrated, validated, tested, and applied to hosts and prospective hosts of directly imaged exoplanets. DAVID T.J. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2017AJ....153...16S viz 16       D               1 1535 ~ A catalog of calibrator stars for next-generation optical interferometers. SWIHART S.J., GARCIA E.V., STASSUN K.G., et al.
2016A&A...596A..49B viz 16       D               1 1821 2 A database of synthetic photometry in the GALEX ultraviolet bands for the stellar sources observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer. BEITIA-ANTERO L. and GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I.
2017A&A...597A..58K 16       D               2 42 13 Doppler imaging of chemical spots on magnetic Ap/Bp stars Numerical tests and assessment of systematic errors. KOCHUKHOV O.
2017AJ....153..218C viz 16       D               1 436 1 A new photometric study of Ap and Am stars in the infrared. CHEN P.S., LIU J.Y. and SHAN H.G.
2017AJ....153..257O viz 16       D               1 10625 142 Comoving stars in Gaia DR1: an abundance of very wide separation comoving pairs. OH S., PRICE-WHELAN A.M., HOGG D.W., et al.
2017MNRAS.468.2745N viz 16       D               1 1355 50 An investigation of the rotational properties of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. NETOPIL M., PAUNZEN E., HUMMERICH S., et al.
2017AJ....154..115H viz 16       D               1 22399 12 Optimized trajectories to the nearest stars using lightweight high-velocity photon sails. HELLER R., HIPPKE M. and KERVELLA P.
2017MNRAS.472..675A viz 16       D               1 13581 89 Wide binaries in Tycho-Gaia: search method and the distribution of orbital separations. ANDREWS J.J., CHANAME J. and AGUEROS M.A.
2018PASP..130d4202D 905 T K A D S   X C       20 29 ~ Studies of FCAPT uvby photometry with Period04: the mCP stars HD 5797, HD 36792, HD 27309, HD 47913, HD 74521,
HD 120198, HD 171263, and HD 215441.
2018AJ....155..149B viz 16       D               1 9764 5 Fundamental properties of co-moving stars observed by Gaia. BOCHANSKI J.J., FAHERTY J.K., GAGNE J., et al.
2018A&A...615A..49C viz 16       D               1 224764 54 Characterising open clusters in the solar neighbourhood with the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., VALLENARI A., SORDO R., et al.
2018ApJ...863...91F 58       D     X         2 289 47 New and known moving groups and clusters identified in a Gaia comoving catalog. FAHERTY J.K., BOCHANSKI J.J., GAGNE J., et al.
2018MNRAS.480.2953G viz 16       D               1 417 41 New catalogue of chemically peculiar stars, and statistical analysis. GHAZARYAN S., ALECIAN G. and HAKOBYAN A.A.
2018A&A...620A.172Z viz 16       D               1 127608 99 3D mapping of young stars in the solar neighbourhood with Gaia DR2. ZARI E., HASHEMI H., BROWN A.G.A., et al.
2019MNRAS.483.2300S 17       D               6 65 49 A volume-limited survey of mCP stars within 100 pc - I. Fundamental parameters and chemical abundances. SIKORA J., WADE G.A., POWER J., et al.
2019MNRAS.483.3127S viz 18       D               2 66 67 A volume-limited survey of mCP stars within 100 pc II: rotational and magnetic properties. SIKORA J., WADE G.A., POWER J., et al.
2019AstBu..74...66G viz 17       D               1 599 19 Catalog of fundamental parameters of magnetic stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117374 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019A&A...624L..11F viz 17       D               1 394 31 Extended stellar systems in the solar neighborhood. III. Like ships in the night: the Coma Berenices neighbor moving group. FURNKRANZ V., MEINGAST S. and ALVES J.
2019ApJ...877...12T viz 17       D               1 423 70 Discovery of tidal tails in disrupting open clusters: Coma Berenices and a neighbor stellar group. TANG S.-Y., PANG X., YUAN Z., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2020A&A...642A.101P 187       D     X         5 26 ~ Benchmarking the fundamental parameters of Ap stars with optical long-baseline interferometric measurements. PERRAUT K., CUNHA M., ROMANOVSKAYA A., et al.
2021MNRAS.504.3758P 17       D               2 167 4 Magnetic chemically peculiar stars investigated by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager. PAUNZEN E., SUPIKOVA J., BERNHARD K., et al.
2021A&A...650A.125D 17       D               3 17 12 Fundamental properties of a selected sample of Ap stars: Inferences from interferometric and asteroseismic constraints. DEAL M., CUNHA M.S., KESZTHELYI Z., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115489 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2021A&A...652A..31B viz 17       D               1 360 ~ Catalog of averaged magnetic phase curves of stars. Second edition. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2021A&A...655A.106R viz 1219 T   A D     X C       27 16 ~ Fundamental parameters of the Ap-stars GO And,
84 UMa, and κ Psc.
2022A&A...657L...3M viz 63       D     X         2 174 16 Gyrochronological dating of the stellar moving group Group X. MESSINA S., NARDIELLO D., DESIDERA S., et al.
2023A&A...675A..28O 112       D       C       2 653 ~ The cosmic waltz of Coma Berenices and Latyshev 2 (Group X) Membership, phase-space structure, mass, and energy distributions. OLIVARES J., LODIEU N., BEJAR V.J.S., et al.

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