Cl Haffner 2 , the SIMBAD biblio

Cl Haffner 2 , the SIMBAD biblio (131 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:16:43

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1938PASP...50..171T 2 4 Two new faint galactic star clusters. TOMBAUGH C.W.
1941PASP...53..219T 5 7 Three more new galactic star clusters. TOMBAUGH C.W.
1957ZA.....43...89H 25 17 Neue galaktische Sternhaufen in der sudlichen Milchstrasse. HAFFNER H.
1982ApJS...49..425J 454 232 Open clusters and galactic structure. JANES K. and ADLER D.
1982PASP...94..905A 69 T                   1 9 11 The distant open cluster
Tombaugh 2.
1987AJ.....94...84G 55 56 Washington photometry of open cluster giants: seven metal-poor anticenter clusters. GEISLER D.
1990BAAS...22.1284M 3 4 Short-period eclipsing binaries in globular and old open clusters. MATEO M. and KRZEMINSKI W.
1991A&A...247...35S 77 32 An observational age-metallicity relation for the galaxy. STROBEL A.
1992AJ....103.1928L 1 14 69 On the possibility of a collisional origin for the blue stragglers and contact binaries in the old open clusters M 67 and NGC 188. LEONARD P.J.T. and LINNELL A.P.
1992AcA....42..155K 70 T                   214 34 Variable stars in the old open cluster Tombaugh 2. KUBIAK M., KALUZNY J., KRZEMINSKI W., et al.
1993A&A...267...75F 181 313 Metallicities and radial velocities of old open clusters. FRIEL E.D. and JANES K.A.
1993MNRAS.262...49K 15 31 Discovery of 12 short-period eclipsing binaries in the old open cluster Berkeley 39. KALUZNY J., MAZUR B. and KRZEMINSKI W.
1993MNRAS.265..405M 21 9 Photometric study of the intermediate-age open cluster Be 33. MAZUR B., KALUZNY J. and KRZEMINSKI W.
1993BAAS...25.1455B 71 T                   1 ~ The chemical composition of the remote disk cluster Tombaugh 2. BROWN J.A., WALLERSTEIN G. and GEISLER D.
1994A&A...287..761C 37 123 The Galactic system of old open clusters: age calibration and age-metallicity relation. CARRARO G. and CHIOSI C.
1994AJ....107.1079P 92 191 Development of the galactic disk: a search for the oldest open clusters. PHELPS R.L., JANES K.A. and MONTGOMERY K.A.
1994AJ....107.1806M 47 19 Berkeley 20: an unusual old open cluster. MacMINN D., PHELPS R.L., JANES K.A., et al.
1994AJ....108.1773J 108 255 The galactic system of old star clusters: the development of the galactic disk. JANES K.A. and PHELPS R.L.
1994MmSAI..65..113R 10 15 New results on contact systems in stellar clusters. RUCINSKI S. and KALUZNY J.
1994MmSAI..65..685C 27 0 Properties of the galactic old open clusters system. CARRARO G.
1995ARA&A..33..381F 1 74 480 The old open clusters of the Milky Way. FRIEL E.D.
1995BAAS...27.1438M 11 ~ Determining cluster reddenings : a new method. MILLER N.A., et al.
1996AJ....112.1551B 71 T                   18 48 Chemical abundances in the outer disk clusters
Tombaugh 2, Melotte 71, and NGC 2112.
1997AJ....113..722N 19 15 A technique for simultaneous determination of the metallicity and reddening of old open clusters using (V,B-V) color-magnitude diagrams. NORIEGA-MENDOZA H. and RUELAS-MAYORGA A.
1997AJ....113..729L 125 9 UBVI CCD photometry of the remote old open cluster AM-2. LEE M.G.
1997AJ....114.2556T 1 76 363 Some revised observational constraints on the formation and evolution of the galactic disk. TWAROG B.A., ASHMAN K.M. and ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J.
1997MmSAI..68..827B 16 0 Constraints on disk age and evolution from the study of old open clusters. BRAGAGLIA A., TOSI M. and MARCONI G.
1998AJ....116..723B viz 1 26 98 Ages and metallicities of star clusters and surrounding fields in the outer disk of the Large Magellanic Cloud. BICA E., GEISLER D., DOTTORI H., et al.
1998AJ....116.2998R 197 71 Contact binaries of the galactic disk: comparison of the Baade's window and open cluster samples. RUCINSKI S.M.
1998MNRAS.296.1045C 1 37 182 On the Galactic disc age-metallicity relation. CARRARO G., NG Y.K. and PORTINARI L.
1999Ap&SS.265..281B 15 0 Old open clusters: constriants ondisk age and evolution. BRAGAGLIA A., TOSI M. and MARCONI G.
2000A&A...359..347D viz 277 60 Foreground and background dust in star cluster directions. DUTRA C.M. and BICA E.
2001NewA....6..293T         O           164 23 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - I. Properties' estimations. TADROSS A.L.
2002A&A...389..871D viz 3 83 839 New catalogue of optically visible open clusters and candidates. DIAS W.S., ALESSI B.S., MOITINHO A., et al.
2002AJ....124.2693F 288 316 Metallicities of old open clusters. FRIEL E.D., JANES K.A., TAVAREZ M., et al.
2002MNRAS.332..705C 19 43 The intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2158. CARRARO G., GIRARDI L. and MARIGO P.
2002ChJAA...2...17H 89 14 Abundance gradient from open clusters and implications for the galactic disk evolution. HOU J.-L., CHANG R.-X. and CHEN L.
2002IAUS..207...24P 24 1 The galactic system of open star clusters: a personal perspective. PHELPS R.L.
2002NewA....7..553T         O           166 39 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - II. Relationships projected onto the Galactic plane. TADROSS A.L., WERNER P., OSMAN A., et al.
2003AJ....125.1397C viz 217 230 On the galactic disk metallicity distribution from open clusters. I. New catalogs and abundance gradient. CHEN L., HOU J.L. and WANG J.J.
2003AJ....126.2372F 1 17 53 Abundances of red giants in the old open cluster Collinder 261. FRIEL E.D., JACOBSON H.R., BARRETT E., et al.
2003MNRAS.340.1249P viz 2534 23 The relatively young and metal-poor Galactic open cluster NGC 2194. PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J. and AHUMADA A.V.
2003MNRAS.343..547C 7 7 NGC 1883: a neglected intermediate-age open cluster located in the outskirts of the Galactic disc. CARRARO G., BAUME G. and VILLANOVA S.
2004A&A...414..163S 72 167 The age of the oldest open clusters. SALARIS M., WEISS A. and PERCIVAL S.M.
2004A&A...421..991P viz 8 17 Improvements on the fundamental parameters of the open cluster Tombaugh 1 through Washington system photometry. PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J. and AHUMADA A.V.
2004AJ....127.3394F 25 44 The globular cluster system of the Canis Major dwarf galaxy. FORBES D.A., STRADER J. and BRODIE J.P.
2004AJ....128.2306C 35 54 Morphology of galactic open clusters. CHEN W.P., CHEN C.W. and SHU C.G.
2004ApJ...602L..21F 28 76 Star clusters in the Galactic anticenter stellar structure and the origin of outer old open clusters. FRINCHABOY P.M., MAJEWSKI S.R., CRANE J.D., et al.
2004MNRAS.348...12M 2 40 330 A dwarf galaxy remnant in Canis Major: the fossil of an in-plane accretion on to the Milky Way. MARTIN N.F., IBATA R.A., BELLAZZINI M., et al.
2004MNRAS.354..713V 70 93 Globular clusters and the formation of the outer Galactic halo. VAN DEN BERGH S. and MacKEY A.D.
2004MNRAS.354.1263B 1 14 70 Detection of the Canis Major galaxy at (l:b) = (244°:-8°) and in the background of Galactic open clusters. BELLAZZINI M., IBATA R., MONACO L., et al.
2004NewA....9..475D         O           71 50 On the recent star formation history of the Milky Way disk. DE LA FUENTE MARCOS R. and DE LA FUENTE MARCOS C.
2005AJ....130..652V viz 15 26 Metal abundances in extremely distant galactic old open clusters. II. Berkeley 22 and Berkeley 66. VILLANOVA S., CARRARO G., BRESOLIN F., et al.
2005ApJ...630L.153C 23 46 Detection of a young stellar population in the background of open clusters in the third galactic quadrant. CARRARO G., VAZQUEZ R.A., MOITINHO A., et al.
2005MNRAS.363.1247P 61 12 Washington photometry of open cluster giants: two moderately metal-poor anticentre clusters. PARISI M.C., CLARIA J.J., PIATTI A.E., et al.
2006AJ....131..461A viz 13 19 vbyCaHβ CCD photometry of clusters. VI. The metal-deficient open cluster NGC 2420. ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J., TANNER D., CRACRAFT M., et al.
2006AJ....131..922F 142 19 Photometry and spectroscopy of old, outer disk star clusters: vdB-Hagen 176, Berkeley 29, and Saurer 1. FRINCHABOY P.M., MUNOZ R.R., PHELPS R.L., et al.
2006AJ....131.1544B 1 46 93 The Bologna open cluster chemical evolution project: midterm results from the photometric sample. BRAGAGLIA A. and TOSI M.
2006AJ....131.1559V viz 20 10 Diameters of open star clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2006AJ....132..299T 12 6 uvbyCaHβ CCD photometry of clusters. VII. The intermediate-age anticenter cluster Melotte 71. TWAROG B.A., CORDER S. and ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J.
2006MNRAS.366..865B 38   K                 16 45 The core of the Canis Major galaxy as traced by red clump stars. BELLAZZINI M., IBATA R., MARTIN N., et al.
2007A&A...463..559V 32 24 K-band magnitude of the red clump as a distance indicator. VAN HELSHOECHT V. and GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
2007A&A...463..789A viz 15       D               1 528 97 New catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J.A. and LAPASSET E.
2007AJ....133.1161D 2 27 116 Chemical homogeneity in Collinder 261 and implications for chemical tagging. DE SILVA G.M., FREEMAN K.C., ASPLUND M., et al.
2007PASJ...59..607L 37           X         1 11 8 CCD photometric study of the contact binary TX Cnc in the young open cluster NGC 2632. LIU L., QIAN S.-B., BOONRUCKSAR S., et al.
2007A&A...476..217C viz 278       D     X C       7 46 100 Old open clusters in the outer Galactic disk. CARRARO G., GEISLER D., VILLANOVA S., et al.
2008A&A...480...79B viz 38           X         1 58 54 Old open clusters as key tracers of Galactic chemical evolution. II. Iron and elemental abundances in NGC 2324, NGC 2477, NGC 2660, NGC 3960, and Berkeley 32. BRAGAGLIA A., SESTITO P., VILLANOVA S., et al.
2008MNRAS.384.1263C 15       D               1 21 20 Binary coalescence from case A evolution: mergers and blue stragglers. CHEN X. and HAN Z.
2008MNRAS.390L..54P 550     A     X C F     13 12 4 The apparent overdensity of open clusters in the Canis Major overdensity. PIATTI A.E. and CLARIA J.J.
2008MNRAS.391...39F 3940 T K A S   X C       102 65 13
Tombaugh 2: the first open cluster with a significant abundance spread or embedded in a cold stellar stream ?
2008MmSAI..79..663B 76             C       1 2 7 Open clusters in the log age vs. M_V plane. BELLAZZINI M., PERINA S., GALLETI S., et al.
2009NewA...14...97P 76           X         2 18 5 CCD Washington photometry of three highly field star contaminated open clusters in the third Galactic quadrant. PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J., PARISI M.C., et al.
2009PASA...26...11D 27 25 Reconstructing fossil sub-structures of the Galactic disk: clues from abundance patterns of old open clusters and moving groups. DE SILVA G.M., FREEMAN K.C. and BLAND-HAWTHORN J.
2010A&A...509A.102V 1701 T K A     X C       43 44 11 The metallicity of the open cluster
Tombaugh 2.
2010A&A...511A..56P viz 16       D               1 78 174 Chemical abundance analysis of the open clusters Cr 110, NGC 2099 (M 37), NGC 2420, NGC 7789, and M 67 (NGC 2682). PANCINO E., CARRERA R., ROSSETTI E., et al.
2010PASJ...62..447T 15       D               1 49 21 Evidence of early enrichment of the Galactic disk by large-scale winds. TSUJIMOTO T., BLAND-HAWTHORN J. and FREEMAN K.C.
2010A&A...517A..32P 168       D     X C       4 195 36 On the metallicity of open clusters. I. Photometry. PAUNZEN E., HEITER U., NETOPIL M., et al.
2010ApJ...721..582B 44           X         1 4 51 The chemical signatures of the first star clusters in the universe. BLAND-HAWTHORN J., KARLSSON T., SHARMA S., et al.
2010MNRAS.404.1203F 54       D     X         2 119 316 Accreted versus in situ Milky way globular clusters. FORBES D.A. and BRIDGES T.
2010A&A...523A..11M viz 38           X         1 47 53 Open clusters towards the Galactic Centre: chemistry and dynamics. A VLT spectroscopic study of NGC 6192, NGC 6404, NGC 6583. MAGRINI L., RANDICH S., ZOCCALI M., et al.
2011A&A...525A.124M viz 115           X C       2 12 7 High resolution HDS/SUBARU chemical abundances of the young stellar cluster Palomar 1. MONACO L., SAVIANE I., CORRENTI M., et al.
2011AJ....141...58J viz 15       D               1 80 36 A chemical abundance study of red giants in open clusters NGC 2204 and NGC 2243. JACOBSON H.R., FRIEL E.D. and PILACHOWSKI C.A.
2011MNRAS.412.1265A viz 2382 T K A D S   X C F     59 19 39 Old open clusters and the galactic metallicity gradient: Berkeley 20, Berkeley 66 and
Tombaugh 2.
2011MNRAS.417..698L 39           X         1 44 88 Overlapping abundance gradients and azimuthal gradients related to the spiral structure of the galaxy. LEPINE J.R.D., CRUZ P., SCARANO S.Jr, et al.
2011A&A...535A..30C viz 15       D               1 106 111 Chemical abundance analysis of the open clusters Berkeley 32, NGC 752, Hyades, and Praesepe. CARRERA R. and PANCINO E.
2012ApJ...746..149C 16       D               1 53 133 Metallicity gradients in the Milky Way disk as observed by the SEGUE survey. CHENG J.Y., ROCKOSI C.M., MORRISON H.L., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.3527M viz 39           X         1 18 6 Elemental abundances of intermediate-age open cluster NGC 3680. MITSCHANG A.W., DE SILVA G.M. and ZUCKER D.B.
2012AstL...38..506G viz 15       D               1 595 20 Heterogeneity of the population of open star clusters in the Galaxy. GOZHA M.L., BORKOVA T.V. and MARSAKOV V.A.
2013A&A...558A..53K viz 16       D               1 3011 561 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. II. The catalogue of basic parameters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2014A&A...561A..93H viz 173       D     X         5 679 94 On the metallicity of open clusters. II. Spectroscopy. HEITER U., SOUBIRAN C., NETOPIL M., et al.
2014A&A...564A..79D viz 16       D               1 1797 136 Proper motions of the optically visible open clusters based on the UCAC4 catalog. DIAS W.S., MONTEIRO H., CAETANO T.C., et al.
2014A&A...566A..37G viz 16       D               1 601 158 On the fine structure of the Cepheid metallicity gradient in the Galactic thin disk. GENOVALI K., LEMASLE B., BONO G., et al.
2014ApJ...797...59H 39           X         1 14 19 Some stars are totally metal: a new mechanism driving dust across star-forming clouds, and consequences for planets, stars, and galaxies. HOPKINS P.F.
2015MNRAS.450.3771P 79           X         2 20 3 New age-metallicity diagnostic diagram for the Washington photometric system. PIATTI A.E. and PERREN G.I.
2015MNRAS.450.4301R viz 16       D               3 83 25 Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 1342, 1662, 1912, 2354 and 2447. REDDY A.B.S., GIRIDHAR S. and LAMBERT D.L.
2016AJ....151....6S viz 80           X         2 73 5 Properties of the open cluster Tombaugh 1 from high-resolution spectroscopy and uvbyCaHβ photometry. SALES SILVA J.V., CARRARO G., ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J., et al.
2016A&A...585A.101K viz 16       D               1 3073 67 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. V. Integrated JHKS magnitudes and luminosity functions. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2016A&A...585A.150N viz 16       D               1 191 160 On the metallicity of open clusters. III. Homogenised sample. NETOPIL M., PAUNZEN E., HEITER U., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.4031C 64     A     X         2 21 4 The complex stellar populations in the background of open clusters in the third Galactic quadrant. CARRARO G., SELEZNEV A.F., BAUME G., et al.
2016ARep...60...43M viz 16       D               1 349 3 Peculiarities of α-element abundances in Galactic open clusters. MARSAKOV V.A., GOZHA M.L., KOVAL' V.V., et al.
2016ARep...60...61M 40           X         1 23 4 Peculiarities of the abundances of neutron-capture elements in Galactic open clusters. MARSAKOV V.A., GOZHA M.L., KOVAL' V.V., et al.
2016A&A...588A.120C viz 1060       D S   X C       25 66 21 Abundances and kinematics for ten anticentre open clusters. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., DONATI P., VALLENARI A., et al.
2017NewA...52...29L 19 ~ Photometric investigation of two contact binaries in the young open cluster NGC 957. LUO C., ZHANG X., DENG L., et al.
2017PASP..129d4101G 16       D               1 17 2 Keplerian rotation of our Galaxy? GNACINSKI P. and MLYNIK T.
2017MNRAS.470.3937S viz 16       D               1 1854 51 A multimembership catalogue for 1876 open clusters using UCAC4 data. SAMPEDRO L., DIAS W.S., ALFARO E.J., et al.
2018MNRAS.478.5184D viz 16       D               1 1115 6 Update of membership and mean proper motion of open clusters from UCAC5 catalogue. DIAS W.S., MONTEIRO H. and ASSAFIN M.
2018A&A...618A..93C viz 99       D       C       3 87620 517 A Gaia DR2 view of the open cluster population in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., JORDI C., VALLENARI A., et al.
2019AJ....158...35S viz 17       D               1 112 ~ The Swift UVOT Stars Survey. III. Photometry and color-magnitude diagrams of 103 Galactic open clusters. SIEGEL M.H., LAPORTE S.J., PORTERFIELD B.L., et al.
2020A&A...633A..99C viz 17       D               1 257585 169 Clusters and mirages: cataloguing stellar aggregates in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T. and ANDERS F.
2020A&A...640A...1C viz 17       D               1 235399 241 Painting a portrait of the Galactic disc with its stellar clusters. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., ANDERS F., CASTRO-GINARD A., et al.
2020A&A...642L..19G 43         O X         1 26 17 VVVX-Gaia discovery of a low luminosity globular cluster in the Milky Way disk. GARRO E.R., MINNITI D., GOMEZ M., et al.
2021A&A...647A..19T viz 17       D               1 24814 55 3D kinematics and age distribution of the open cluster population. TARRICQ Y., SOUBIRAN C., CASAMIQUELA L., et al.
2021MNRAS.504..356D viz 61       D     X         2 1748 88 Updated parameters of 1743 open clusters based on Gaia DR2. DIAS W.S., MONTEIRO H., MOITINHO A., et al.
2021A&A...650A..67R viz 17       D               3 1427 26 A new, Gaia-based, catalogue of blue straggler stars in open clusters. RAIN M.J., AHUMADA J.A. and CARRARO G.
2021A&A...651A..84M viz 17       D               1 11678 30 The Gaia-ESO survey: Mixing processes in low-mass stars traced by lithium abundance in cluster and field stars. MAGRINI L., LAGARDE N., CHARBONNEL C., et al.
2021A&A...651A.104P viz 17       D               1 1886 63 Galactic spiral structure revealed by Gaia EDR3. POGGIO E., DRIMMEL R., CANTAT-GAUDIN T., et al.
2021MNRAS.507.1699J viz 17       D               1 2039 15 Blue straggler stars in open clusters using Gaia: dependence on cluster parameters and possible formation pathways. JADHAV V.V. and SUBRAMANIAM A.
2021AJ....162..303S 61       D     X         2 70 41 Final targeting strategy for the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2S survey. SANTANA F.A., BEATON R.L., COVEY K.R., et al.
2022MNRAS.509..421N viz 18       D               2 157 20 The Galactic metallicity gradient shown by open clusters in the light of radial migration. NETOPIL M., AKKAYA ORALHAN I., CAKMAK H., et al.
2022MNRAS.509.4276F 108       D         F     2 117 10 Gaia EDR3 bright star parallax zero-point using stellar clusters. FLYNN C., SEKHRI R., VENVILLE T., et al.
2021A&A...656A..49H viz 17       D               1 1256 6 Decoding the morphological evolution of open clusters. HU Q., ZHANG Y. and ESAMDIN A.
2022ApJS..258...43M viz 18       D               1 124 9 A Fresh Look at AGB Stars in Galactic Open Clusters with Gaia: Impact on Stellar Models and the Initial-Final Mass Relation. MARIGO P., BOSSINI D., TRABUCCHI M., et al.
2022AJ....163..229S viz 18       D               1 609 4 The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances and Mapping Survey. VII. APOGEE DR17 [C/N]-Age Calibration. SPOO T., TAYAR J., FRINCHABOY P.M., et al.
2022A&A...660A.135V viz 18       D               1 68 14 The Gaia-ESO survey: Age-chemical-clock relations spatially resolved in the Galactic disc. VISCASILLAS VAZQUEZ C., MAGRINI L., CASALI G., et al.
2022A&A...663A.131P viz 645       D     X C       14 42 3 An analysis of the most distant cataloged open clusters. Re-assessing fundamental parameters with Gaia EDR3 and ASteCA. PERREN G.I., PERA M.S., NAVONE H.D., et al.
2022MNRAS.516.3631G 45           X         1 3 2 Signature of a chemical spread in the open cluster M37. GRIGGIO M., SALARIS M., CASSISI S., et al.
2022A&A...666A.121R viz 18       D               1 38011 44 The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy,. RANDICH S., GILMORE G., MAGRINI L., et al.
2023A&A...669A.119M viz 19       D               6 64 7 The Gaia-ESO survey: Mapping the shape and evolution of the radial abundance gradients with open clusters. MAGRINI L., VISCASILLAS VAZQUEZ C., SPINA L., et al.
2023ApJS..264...41Y viz 19       D               1 185 5 Revised Extinctions and Radii for 1.5 Million Stars Observed by APOGEE, GALAH, and RAVE. YU J., KHANNA S., THEMESSL N., et al.
2023A&A...670A.129V 19       D               2 87 7 The Gaia-ESO survey: Placing constraints on the origin of r-process elements. VAN DER SWAELMEN M., VISCASILLAS VAZQUEZ C., CESCUTTI G., et al.
2023MNRAS.526.1057R 112       D         F     8 26 ~ Determination of dynamical ages of open clusters through the A+ parameter - II. RAO K.K., VAIDYA K., AGARWAL M., et al.

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