HD 42301 , the SIMBAD biblio

HD 42301 , the SIMBAD biblio (64 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST03:02:54

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Title First 3 Authors
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1957MNRAS.117..449D 368 41 Spectral types and luminosities of B, A and F southern stars. DE VAUCOULEURS A.
1966JO.....49..387L 283 2 Resultats des observations faites a Tananarive avec l'astrolabe A. Danjon. LEFEBVRE M. and GUINOT B.
1972MNRAS.160..155S 13       D               567 37 Four-colour and H beta photometry of some bright southern stars- II. STOKES N.R.
1974A&A....33...79M 61 17 Absolute ultraviolet spectrophotometry from the TD-1 satellite. III. The continuum of A type stars between 1350 and 2500 angstroms. MALAISE D., GROS M. and MACAU D.
1977A&AS...27..443G viz 14       D               2696 173 Photoelectric Hbeta photometry for bright O to G0 type stars south of declinaison +10. GRONBECH B. and OLSEN E.H.
1978A&AS...31..159B 1139 11 Catalogue general des etoiles observees a l'astrolabe (1957-1975), corrections individuelles aux positions du FK4. BILLAUD G., GUALLINO G. and VIGOUROUX G.
1978A&AS...32..409G 458 45 Space velocities and ages of nearby early-type stars. GROSBOL P.J.
1980A&AS...40..207C 481 17 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra. CUCCHIARO A., JASCHEK M., JASCHEK C., et al.
1984ApJS...55..597E 407 56 The A0 stars. EGGEN O.J.
1985A&AS...60...99W 2021 82 The local system of early type stars. Spatial extent and kinematics. WESTIN T.N.G.
1988MSS...C04....0H viz 14       D               1 33291 ~ Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol.4 HOUK N. and SMITH-MOORE M.
1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1992A&AS...95..355C viz 1037 6 Santiago Fundamental Catalogue. A catalogue of 1105 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1992PPMtO..11..184X 1204 0 Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992. XIAN D.-Z., LI N.-Y. and YAO H.-Y.
1994A&AS..106..441N viz 514 3 Second astrolabe catalogue of Santiago. NOEL F.
1994PBeiO..24...71L viz 1400 1 The position corrections of 1400 stars observed with PA II in San Juan. LU L., MANRIQUE W.T. and PERDOMO R.
1995A&AS..109..501C viz 3386 1 SANTIAGO 91, a right ascension catalogue of 3387 stars (equinox J2000). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJS...99..135A viz 2017 518 The relation between rotational velocities and spectral peculiarities among A-type stars. ABT H.A. and MORRELL N.I.
1995GCTP..C......0V viz 14       D               1 7047 ~ The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition. VAN ALTENA W.F., LEE J.T. and HOFFLEIT E.D.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997AJ....114..850S viz 689 6 Systematic errors in the FK5 catalog as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame. STONE R.C.
1997PNAOJ...5....1Y viz 6645 0 The Tokyo PMC Catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle. YOSHIZAWA M. and SUZUKI S.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998A&AS..130..455V viz 807 23 An extensive {DELTA}a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars. VOGT N., KERSCHBAUM F., MAITZEN H.M., et al.
1998A&AS..132..155H viz 1037 113 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright main-sequence stars and subgiant stars. HUENSCH M., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and VOGES W.
1999A&AS..135..503G viz 604 50 Radial velocities of Hipparcos southern B8-F2 type stars. GRENIER S., BURNAGE R., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
1999A&AS..137..273G viz 71 21 Search for reference A0 dwarf stars: Masses and luminosities revisited with Hipparcos parallaxes. GERBALDI M., FARAGGIANA R., BURNAGE R., et al.
2001A&A...365..222G viz 1542 14 The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5. GONTCHAROV G.A., ANDRONOVA A.A., TITOV O.A., et al.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2002A&A...381..105R viz 528 102 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. I. Measurement of vsini in the southern hemisphere. ROYER F., GERBALDI M., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
2002A&A...393..897R viz 2184 207 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. II. Measurement of vsini in the northern hemisphere. ROYER F., GRENIER S., BAYLAC M.-O., et al.
2005AJ....129.2420M viz 3785 146 Statistical constraints for astrometric binaries with nonlinear motion. MAKAROV V.V. and KAPLAN G.H.
2006A&A...458..293P viz 285 10 An empirical temperature calibration for the Δa photometric system. II. The A-type and mid F-type stars. PAUNZEN E., SCHNELL A. and MAITZEN H.M.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007A&A...463..671R viz 1548 211 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. III. Velocity distributions. ROYER F., ZOREC J. and GOMEZ A.E.
2007A&A...464..377F viz 15       D               3640 57 Proper-motion binaries in the Hipparcos catalogue. Comparison with radial velocity data. FRANKOWSKI A., JANCART S. and JORISSEN A.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2007A&A...475..677S viz 15       D               1 317 75 X-ray emission from A-type stars. SCHROEDER C. and SCHMITT J.H.M.M.
2008AJ....135.2245R viz 15       D               1 206 98 Absolute physical calibration in the infrared. RIEKE G.H., BLAYLOCK M., DECIN L., et al.
2008MNRAS.389..869E viz 15       D               1 4737 155 A catalogue of multiplicity among bright stellar systems. EGGLETON P.P. and TOKOVININ A.A.
2009ApJS..185..289R 15       D               2 339 587 The infrared telescope facility (IRTF) spectral library: cool stars. RAYNER J.T., CUSHING M.C. and VACCA W.D.
2012AJ....143...28F viz 15       D               1 1543 2 High ionization species in the nearby interstellar medium from an exhaustive analysis of the IUE INES database. FREIRE FERRERO R., MORALES DURAN C., HALBWACHS J.-L., et al.
2012A&A...537A.120Z viz 15       D               1 2017 206 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. IV. Evolution of rotational velocities. ZOREC J. and ROYER F.
2012A&A...542A.116A viz 93       D   O X         3 628 83 New measurements of rotation and differential rotation in A-F stars: are there two populations of differentially rotating stars ? AMMLER-VON EIFF M. and REINERS A.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012AstL...38..694G viz 15       D               1 20524 9 Spatial distribution and kinematics of OB stars. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95691 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013ARep...57...56G 33 2 The magnetic-field structures of chemically peculiars stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Yu.V.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015ApJ...804..146D viz 16       D               1 3722 110 The ages of early-type stars: Stromgren photometric methods calibrated, validated, tested, and applied to hosts and prospective hosts of directly imaged exoplanets. DAVID T.J. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2015PASP..127.1218A 16       D               1 181 1 Hot gaseous stellar disks avoid regions of low interstellar densities. ABT H.A.
2016A&A...591A.118S viz 16       D               3 31407 141 The PASTEL catalogue: 2016 version. SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., BROUILLET N., et al.
2016AJ....152...40G viz 16       D               1 344 22 The close companion mass-ratio distribution of intermediate-mass stars. GULLIKSON K., KRAUS A. and DODSON-ROBINSON S.
2017AJ....154..115H viz 16       D               1 22399 12 Optimized trajectories to the nearest stars using lightweight high-velocity photon sails. HELLER R., HIPPKE M. and KERVELLA P.
2018A&A...609A.116R viz 16       D               1 143018 65 Empirical photometric calibration of the Gaia red clump: Colours, effective temperature, and absolute magnitude. RUIZ-DERN L., BABUSIAUX C., ARENOU F., et al.
2018A&A...620A.172Z viz 16       D               1 127608 99 3D mapping of young stars in the solar neighbourhood with Gaia DR2. ZARI E., HASHEMI H., BROWN A.G.A., et al.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117374 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115489 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2022AJ....163...45R viz 18       D               1 1400 6 Infrared absolute calibration. I. Comparison of Sirius with fainter calibration stars. RIEKE G.H., SU K., SLOAN G.C., et al.
2023AJ....165..267H viz 19       D               1 64663 1 Bioverse: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Capabilities of Extremely Large Telescopes to Probe Earth-like O2 Levels in Nearby Transiting Habitable-zone Exoplanets. HARDEGREE-ULLMAN K.K., APAI D., BERGSTEN G.J., et al.

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