Kepler-64b , the SIMBAD biblio

Kepler-64b , the SIMBAD biblio (51 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:36:08

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2011PASP..123..412W viz 15       D               1 2897 398 The Exoplanet Orbit Database. WRIGHT J.T., KAKHOURI O., MARCY G.W., et al.
2013A&A...552A.119S viz 16       D               1 1487 118 Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvenic planet star and moon planet interactions. SAUR J., GRAMBUSCH T., DULING S., et al.
2013ApJ...768..127S viz 1511     A S   X C       37 14 169 Planet hunters: a transiting circumbinary planet in a quadruple star system. SCHWAMB M.E., OROSZ J.A., CARTER J.A., et al.
2013ApJ...770...52K 353           X C       8 17 68 A gas giant circumbinary planet transiting the F star primary of the eclipsing binary star KIC 4862625 and the independent discovery and characterization of the two transiting planets in the Kepler-47 system. KOSTOV V.B., McCULLOUGH P.R., HINSE T.C., et al.
2013ApJ...773...74M 16       D               1 13 17 Formation of circumbinary planets in a dead zone. MARTIN R.G., ARMITAGE P.J. and ALEXANDER R.D.
2013ApJ...776...10W 39           X         1 50 35 Planet hunters. V. A confirmed jupiter-size planet in the habitable zone and 42 planet candidates from the Kepler archive data. WANG J., FISCHER D.A., BARCLAY T., et al.
2013ApJ...777..166H 41           X         1 13 66 Calculating the habitable zone of binary star systems. II. P-type binaries. HAGHIGHIPOUR N. and KALTENEGGER L.
2014MNRAS.437.1352F 157           X C       3 16 16 Assessing circumbinary habitable zones using latitudinal energy balance modelling. FORGAN D.
2014ApJ...782L..11L 40           X         1 10 25 Forming circumbinary planets: N-body simulations of Kepler-34. LINES S., LEINHARDT Z.M., PAARDEKOOPER S., et al.
2014ApJ...784...14K 167           X         4 7 144 Kepler-413b: a slightly misaligned, Neptune-size transiting circumbinary planet. KOSTOV V.B., McCULLOUGH P.R., CARTER J.A., et al.
2014ApJ...790..141L 16       D               1 14 2 Transits of planets with small intervals in circumbinary systems. LIU H.-G., WANG Y., ZHANG H., et al.
2014AJ....148...28S 118           X         3 34 36 Planet Hunters. VI. An independent characterization of KOI-351 and several long period planet candidates from the Kepler archival data. SCHMITT J.R., WANG J., FISCHER D.A., et al.
2014A&A...570A..50S 16       D   O           1 26 3 Effects of X-ray and extreme UV radiation on circumbinary planets. SANZ-FORCADA J., DESIDERA S. and MICELA G.
2014MNRAS.444.1873A 333       D     X C       8 16 106 On the abundance of circumbinary planets. ARMSTRONG D.J., OSBORN H.P., BROWN D.J.A., et al.
2015ApJ...799...88H 40           X         1 11 14 Predicting a third planet in the Kepler-47 circumbinary system. HINSE T.C., HAGHIGHIPOUR N., KOSTOV V.B., et al.
2015MNRAS.446.1283C 238           X C       5 22 9 A dynamical stability study of Kepler Circumbinary planetary systems with one planet. CHAVEZ C.E., GEORGAKARAKOS N., PRODAN S., et al.
2015ApJ...802...94G 79             C       1 13 11 Analytic orbit propagation for transiting circumbinary planets. GEORGAKARAKOS N. and EGGL S.
2015AJ....149..118R 79           X         2 11 11 Know the star, know the planet. III. Discovery of late-type companions to two exoplanet host stars. ROBERTS L.C.Jr, TOKOVININ A., MASON B.D., et al.
2015ApJ...806...98B 41           X         1 17 39 Planet formation around binary stars: tatooine made easy. BROMLEY B.C. and KENYON S.J.
2015A&A...578L...4L 40         O X         1 5 9 Mass of WASP-33b. LEHMANN H., GUENTHER E., SEBASTIAN D., et al.
2015ARA&A..53..247M 119           X         3 12 16 Ideas for citizen science in astronomy. MARSHALL P.J., LINTOTT C.J. and FLETCHER L.N.
2015ARA&A..53..409W 85             C       1 44 608 The occurrence and architecture of exoplanetary systems. WINN J.N. and FABRYCKY D.C.
2015ApJ...809...26W 43           X         1 19 114 Kepler 453 b–The 10th Kepler transiting circumbinary planet. WELSH W.F., OROSZ J.A., SHORT D.R., et al.
2015A&A...582A...5L 40   K                 1 15 14 Modelling circumbinary protoplanetary disks. I. Fluid simulations of the Kepler-16 and 34 systems. LINES S., LEINHARDT Z.M., BARUTEAU C., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.3180H 97       D       C       2 17 26 A triple origin for the lack of tight coplanar circumbinary planets around short-period binaries. HAMERS A.S., PERETS H.B. and PORTEGIES ZWART S.F.
2016AJ....151...68K viz 16       D               1 2915 316 Kepler eclipsing binary stars. VII. The catalog of eclipsing binaries found in the entire Kepler data set. KIRK B., CONROY K., PRSA A., et al.
2016AstL...42..260P 16       D               1 27 3 On possible circumbinary configurations of the planetary systems of α Centauri and EZ Aquarii. POPOVA E.A. and SHEVCHENKO I.I.
2016ApJ...826..225M 120           X         3 13 4 Examining Tatooine: atmospheric models of Neptune-like circumbinary planets. MAY E.M. and RAUSCHER E.
2016MNRAS.459.2827H 44           X         1 9 37 Secular dynamics of hierarchical multiple systems composed of nested binaries, with an arbitrary number of bodies and arbitrary hierarchical structure. First applications to multiplanet and multistar systems. HAMERS A.S. and PORTEGIES ZWART S.F.
2016ApJ...827...86K 46           X         1 18 114 Kepler-1647b: the largest and longest-period Kepler transiting circumbinary planet. KOSTOV V.B., OROSZ J.A., WELSH W.F., et al.
2016Sci...353..673W 2 31 63 Direct imaging discovery of a Jovian exoplanet within a triple-star system. WAGNER K., APAI D., KAPSER M., et al.
2016ApJ...831...96L 57       D     X         2 19 28 Uncovering circumbinary planetary architectural properties from selection biases. LI G., HOLMAN M.J. and TAO M.
2016ApJ...832..183K viz 80             C       1 18 16 Tatooine's future: the eccentric response of Kepler's circumbinary planets to common-envelope evolution of their host stars. KOSTOV V.B., MOORE K., TAMAYO D., et al.
2017ApJ...834...55G 41           X         1 20 3 P-type planet-planet scattering: Kepler close binary configurations. GONG Y.-X.
2017MNRAS.465.3235M 16       D               1 20 5 Circumbinary planets - II. When transits come and go. MARTIN D.V.
2017MNRAS.465.4735M 41           X         1 17 9 The role of disc self-gravity in circumbinary planet systems - I. Disc structure and evolution. MUTTER M.M., PIERENS A. and NELSON R.P.
2017A&A...602A.117K viz 122           X C       2 670 2 Limits to the presence of transiting circumbinary planets in CoRoT Data. KLAGYIVIK P., DEEG H.J., CABRERA J., et al.
2017AJ....154...66F 219       D     X         6 90 6 The densities of planets in multiple stellar systems. FURLAN E. and HOWELL S.B.
2017MNRAS.469.4504M 41           X         1 15 4 The role of disc self-gravity in circumbinary planet systems - II. Planet evolution. MUTTER M.M., PIERENS A. and NELSON R.P.
2017AJ....154..179G 16       D               1 15 7 The scattering outcomes of Kepler circumbinary planets: planet mass ratio. GONG Y.-X. and JI J.
2018ApJ...856..150Q 19       D               1 19 57 Stability limits of circumbinary planets: is there a pile-up in the Kepler CBPs? QUARLES B., SATYAL S., KOSTOV V., et al.
2018MNRAS.478.1763L viz 16       D               1 518 9 The detectability of radio emission from exoplanets. LYNCH C.R., MURPHY T., LENC E., et al.
2019MNRAS.487.3288S 125           X   F     2 10 ~ Instabilities in multiplanet circumbinary systems. SUTHERLAND A.P. and KRATTER K.M.
2019AJ....158....8H 84           X         2 11 ~ Could there be an undetected inner planet near the stability limit in Kepler-1647? HONG Z., QUARLES B., LI G., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.1313W 476       D     X C F     10 10 ~ An automated method to detect transiting circumbinary planets. WINDEMUTH D., AGOL E., CARTER J., et al.
2020MNRAS.499.1506Y 128           X   F     2 18 ~ Effects of flux variation on the surface temperatures of Earth-analog circumbinary planets. YADAVALLI S.K., QUARLES B., LI G., et al.
2021A&A...645A..68P 88           X         2 19 25 Parking planets in circumbinary discs. PENZLIN A.B.T., KLEY W. and NELSON R.P.
2021MNRAS.503.4092B 17       D               1 124 ~ Revisiting the Kepler field with TESS: Improved ephemerides using TESS 2 min data. BATTLEY M.P., KUNIMOTO M., ARMSTRONG D.J., et al.
2021AJ....162...84M viz 44           X         1 24 16 Searching for small circumbinary planets. I. The STANLEY automated algorithm and no new planets in existing systems. MARTIN D.V. and FABRYCKY D.C.
2022MNRAS.511.3571S 90             C       1 21 13 BEBOP II: sensitivity to sub-Saturn circumbinary planets using radial-velocities. STANDING M.R., TRIAUD A.H.M.J., FARIA J.P., et al.
2023A&A...669A.123G 47           X         1 16 2 Circumbinary planets: migration, trapping in mean-motion resonances, and ejection. GIANUZZI E., GIUPPONE C. and CUELLO N.

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