NGC 4809 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 4809 , the SIMBAD biblio (76 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:22:37

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1966ApJS...14....1A viz 387 689 Atlas of peculiar galaxies. ARP H.
1976ApJ...208...20T 320 183 Binary galaxies. I. A well-defined statistical sample. TURNER E.L.
1977A&AS...28....1V 743 229 Atlas of interacting galaxies, Part. II and the concept of fragmentation of galaxies. VORONTSOV-VEL'YAMINOV B.A.
1980A&AS...41..421K viz 385 51 A radio continuum survey at 1.4 GHz of the galaxies in the Virgo region. KOTANYI C.G.
1982ApJS...50..319T 563 53 Double galaxy investigations. I. Observations. TIFFT W.G.
1983PAZh....9...67K 106 2 Double galaxies, their radial velocity measurement errors and mean mass-to-luminosity ratio. KARACHENTSEV I.D.
1984A&AS...56..381B 797 165 HI line studies of galaxies. III. Distance moduli of 822 disk galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1984ApJ...281...31T 124 317 Infall of galaxies into the virgo cluster and some cosmological constraints TULLY R.B. and SHAYA E.J.
1985A&A...151..108G 107 26 Evolution of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. I. Statistical analysis of HI deficiency and colors. GUIDERDONI B. and ROCCA-VOLMERANGE B.
1985ApJS...57..643D 235 263 The nuclear activity of interacting galaxies. DAHARI O.
1985PASJ...37..133T 277 12 The structure of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. TANAKA K.I.
1986A&A...167...25G 108 15 The orbits of H I-deficient spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. GIRAUD E.
1987A&A...180...12D 155 129 Ultraviolet observations and star-formation rate in galaxies. DONAS J., DEHARVENG J.M., LAGET M., et al.
1988AJ.....96.1192S 46 32 The far-infrared properties of optically selected emission-line galaxies. SALZER J.J. and MacALPINE G.M.
1989ApJS...69...65H 154 77 HI observations in the Virgo cluster area. III. All "member" spirals. HOFFMAN G.L., LEWIS B.M., HELOU G., et al.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992ApJS...79..213B 203 34 A near-infrared imaging survey of interacting galaxies : the small angular-size Arp systems. BUSHOUSE H.A. and STANFORD S.A.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1995A&A...297...49P viz 154 21 The spatial distribution of supernovae in paired and interacting galaxies. PETROSIAN A.R. and TURATTO M.
1995A&AS..109..341R viz 362 13 The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The ``non-IUE'' data. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995A&AS..114..527R viz 372 35 The UV properties of normal galaxies. III. Standard luminosity profiles and total magnitudes. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1996ApJ...473..822H viz 1246 3 A Minnesota automated plate scanner catalog of galaxies behind the Virgo cluster and toward its antipode. HOFFMAN G.L., DICKEY J.M., LU N.Y., et al.
1998A&AS..131...73M viz 1372 15 Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. MARTIN M.C.
1998ApJS..119..277G viz 1085 28 A complete redshift survey to the Zwicky catalog limit in a 2hx15° region around 3C 273. GROGIN N.A., GELLER M.J. and HUCHRA J.P.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
2000A&A...361...19S 100 24 HI observations of emission-line galaxies. SMOKER J.V., DAVIES R.D., AXON D.J., et al.
2000AJ....120..703H 32 60 Kinematic evidence of minor mergers in normal Sa galaxies: NGC 3626, NGC 3900, NGC 4772, and NGC 5854. HAYNES M.P., JORE K.P., BARRETT E.A., et al.
2000ApJ...543..178G viz 6317 128 Nearby optical galaxies: selection of the sample and identification of groups. GIURICIN G., MARINONI C., CERIANI L., et al.
2002AJ....123.2976R viz 8030 125 The UZC-SSRS2 group catalog. RAMELLA M., GELLER M.J., PISANI A., et al.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2004A&A...422..941C viz 1085 77 The gas content of peculiar galaxies: Strongly interacting systems. CASASOLA V., BETTONI D. and GALLETTA G.
2004ApJS..153..429K viz 656 152 Strong emission line H II galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. I. Catalog of DR1 objects with oxygen abundances from te measurements. KNIAZEV A.Y., PUSTILNIK S.A., GREBEL E.K., et al.
2007ApJS..173..185G viz 15       D               1050 692 The GALEX ultraviolet atlas of nearby galaxies. GIL DE PAZ A., BOISSIER S., MADORE B.F., et al.
2010MNRAS.408..392D 92       D         F     5 33 9 The evolution of dwarf galaxies: a comparison of UBVR photometry. DUNN J.M.
2010PASP..122.1397S viz 15       D               1 2337 421 The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G). SHETH K., REGAN M., HINZ J.L., et al.
2011AJ....141..125A 476       D     X         13 74 8 Very large array and ATCA search for natal star clusters in nearby star-forming galaxies. AVERSA A.G., JOHNSON K.E., BROGAN C.L., et al.
2011A&A...528A..28P viz 15       D               1 209 9 The WSRT Virgo HI filament survey. II. Cross correlation data. POPPING A. and BRAUN R.
2011A&A...532A..74B viz 15       D               1 4469 118 The EFIGI catalogue of 4458 nearby galaxies with detailed morphology. BAILLARD A., BERTIN E., DE LAPPARENT V., et al.
2011A&A...533A.122P viz 15       D               1 265 4 Diffuse neutral hydrogen in the H I Parkes All Sky Survey. POPPING A. and BRAUN R.
2011CBET.2962....1H 38 T       O X         3 0 Supernova 2011jm in NGC 4809 = TCP J12545110+0239149. HOWERTON S., DRAKE A.J., DJORGOVSKI S.G., et al.
2011CBET.2962....2F 38 T       O X         3 0 Supernova 2011jm in NGC 4809 = TCP J12545110+0239149. FOLEY R.J. and FONG W.
2012MNRAS.424.2841H viz 15       D               1 245 30 A central excess of stripped-envelope supernovae within disturbed galaxies. HABERGHAM S.M., JAMES P.A. and ANDERSON J.P.
2012ApJ...756..111M 15       D               1 100 114 Core-collapse supernovae missed by optical surveys. MATTILA S., DAHLEN T., EFSTATHIOU A., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.1927C 16       D               2 330 52 On the association between core-collapse supernovae and HII regions. CROWTHER P.A.
2013A&A...556A..10M viz 874       D     X C F     21 23 8 Deep multiband surface photometry on a sample of 24 blue compact galaxies. II. A volume-limited sample of 21 emission line galaxies. MICHEVA G., OESTLIN G., ZACKRISSON E., et al.
2014ApJ...781...12H viz 16       D               2 2345 23 Morphological parameters of a Spitzer survey of stellar structure in galaxies. HOLWERDA B.W., MUNOZ-MATEOS J.-C., COMERON S., et al.
2014A&A...569A..91K viz 16       D               2 2200 25 Optical imaging for the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies. Data release and notes on interacting galaxies. KNAPEN J.H., ERROZ-FERRER S., ROA J., et al.
2014MNRAS.444.3015L viz 16       D               1 1052 5 Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera near-infrared features in the outer parts of S4G galaxies. LAINE S., KNAPEN J.H., MUNOZ-MATEOS J.-C., et al.
2014ApJS..215...22K viz 16       D               1 2785 109 The Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog. KIM S., REY S.-C., JERJEN H., et al.
2015ApJS..217...27A viz 16       D               1 5847 53 A catalog of visually classified galaxies in the local (z ∼ 0.01) universe. ANN H.B., SEO M. and HA D.K.
2015ApJS..217...32B viz 16       D               1 2416 201 A classical morphological analysis of galaxies in the Spitzer survey of stellar structure in galaxies (S4G). BUTA R.J., SHETH K., ATHANASSOULA E., et al.
2015ApJS..219....4S viz 16       D               1 2355 203 The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): multi-component decomposition strategies and data release. SALO H., LAURIKAINEN E., LAINE J., et al.
2015ApJS..220....6B viz 16       D               1 4071 18 An updated ultraviolet catalog of GALEX nearby galaxies. BAI Y., ZOU H., LIU J., et al.
2015MNRAS.453.1799D 16       D               8 73 ~ The role of environment in the evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies: a comparison of UBVR and Hα photometry. DUNN J.M.
2016A&A...587A.160D viz 16       D               1 1347 97 Characterization of galactic bars from 3.6µm S4G imaging. DIAZ-GARCIA S., SALO H., LAURIKAINEN E., et al.
2016A&A...595A.118V viz 16       D               1 2632 30 NIBLES: an H I census of stellar mass selected SDSS galaxies. I. The Nancay H I survey. VAN DRIEL W., BUTCHER Z., SCHNEIDER S., et al.
2017ApJ...837..120G viz 16       D               1 14403 66 LOSS revisited. I. Unraveling correlations between supernova rates and galaxy properties, as measured in a reanalysis of the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. GRAUR O., BIANCO F.B., HUANG S., et al.
2017ApJ...843...16K viz 16       D               1 12390 133 Galaxy groups within 3500 km s–1. KOURKCHI E. and TULLY R.B.
2018ApJS..234...18B viz 16       D               2 1932 28 The GALEX/S4G surface brightness and color profiles catalog. I. Surface photometry and color gradients of galaxies. BOUQUIN A.Y.K., GIL DE PAZ A., MUNOZ-MATEOS J.C., et al.
2018A&A...613A..35K 41           X         1 171 55 Constraints on core-collapse supernova progenitors from explosion site integral field spectroscopy. KUNCARAYAKTI H., ANDERSON J.P., GALBANY L., et al.
2018ApJ...864..123M viz 16       D               1 2964 ~ Galaxy structure in the ultraviolet: the dependence of morphological parameters on rest-frame wavelength. MAGER V.A., CONSELICE C.J., SEIBERT M., et al.
2018ApJS..237...36P viz 16       D               2 198 42 A catalog of merging dwarf galaxies in the local universe. PAUDEL S., SMITH R., YOON S.J., et al.
2018AstBu..73..124K viz 16       D               1 2158 ~ Surveying the Local Supercluster Plane. KASHIBADZE O.G., KARACHENTSEV I.D. and KARACHENTSEVA V.E.
2019MNRAS.488..590B viz 17       D               1 4467 ~ The systematics of galaxy morphology in the comprehensive de Vaucouleurs revised Hubble-Sandage classification system: application to the EFIGI sample. BUTA R.J.
2019ApJS..244...24L viz 17       D               2 15505 136 A z = 0 Multiwavelength Galaxy Synthesis. I. A WISE and GALEX atlas of local galaxies. LEROY A.K., SANDSTROM K.M., LANG D., et al.
2020AJ....159..167L viz 17       D               1 639 53 The AMUSING++ nearby galaxy compilation. I. Full sample characterization and galactic-scale outflow selection. LOPEZ-COBA C., SANCHEZ S.F., ANDERSON J.P., et al.
2020A&A...635A.135K viz 17       D               1 1541 ~ Structure and kinematics of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. KASHIBADZE O.G., KARACHENTSEV I.D. and KARACHENTSEVA V.E.
2020MNRAS.494.1784A viz 17       D               1 47437 9 Local AGN survey (LASr): I. Galaxy sample, infrared colour selection, and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc. ASMUS D., GREENWELL C.L., GANDHI P., et al.
2020ApJ...898...83D viz 17       D               1 1461 15 The black hole mass-color relations for early- and late-type galaxies: red and blue sequences. DULLO B.T., BOUQUIN A.Y.K., GIL DE PAZ A., et al.
2021A&A...646A.113D viz 17       D               1 1411 ~ Toward Cosmicflows-4: The HI data catalog. DUPUY A., COURTOIS H.M., GUINET D., et al.
2022MNRAS.512.1541G 18       D               1 162 ~ Metallicity estimation of core-collapse Supernova H II regions in galaxies within 30 Mpc. GANSS R., PLEDGER J.L., SANSOM A.E., et al.
2022ApJS..259...43C viz 18       D               1 6055 5 Virgo Filaments. II. Catalog and First Results on the Effect of Filaments on Galaxy Properties. CASTIGNANI G., VULCANI B., FINN R.A., et al.
2023A&A...677A.179G 2501 T K A     X C       52 5 ~ Merger-induced star formation in the low-metallicity dwarf galaxy
NGC 4809/4810.
GAO Y., GU Q., LIU G., et al.
2024MNRAS.528.4432R 50           X         1 22 ~ Study of star formation in dual nuclei galaxies using UVIT observations. RUBINUR K., DAS M., KHARB P., et al.
2024ApJ...962L..25G 480 T   A     X C       8 4 ~ Detection of Metal Enrichment by SN 2011jm in
NGC 4809.
GAO Y., GU Q., ZHOU P., et al.
2024ApJ...965L..24H 20       D               2 64 ~ An X-Ray Census of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters of Galaxies with SRG/eROSITA. HOU M., HU Z. and LI Z.

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