SPIRITS15c , the SIMBAD biblio

SPIRITS15c , the SIMBAD biblio (8 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:37:25

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Title First 3 Authors
2017ApJ...837..167J 6498 T K A D S   X C       158 39 12
SPIRITS 15c and SPIRITS 14buu: two obscured supernovae in the nearby star-forming galaxy IC 2163.
2018ApJ...853...62T viz 43           X         1 30 88 The early detection and follow-up of the highly obscured Type II supernova 2016ija/DLT16am. TARTAGLIA L., SAND D.J., VALENTI S., et al.
2018MNRAS.473.5641K 16       D               1 116 10 First results from GeMS/GSAOI for project SUNBIRD: Supernovae UNmasked By Infra-Red Detection. KOOL E.C., RYDER S., KANKARE E., et al.
2018ApJ...863...20J 206           X C       4 60 5 SPIRITS 16tn in NGC 3556: a heavily obscured and low-luminosity supernova at 8.8 Mpc. JENCSON J.E., KASLIWAL M.M., ADAMS S.M., et al.
2019ApJ...886...40J viz 1521   K   D     X C       36 82 42 The SPIRITS sample of luminous infrared transients: uncovering hidden supernovae and dusty stellar outbursts in nearby galaxies. JENCSON J.E., KASLIWAL M.M., ADAMS S.M., et al.
2021A&A...649A.134K 44           X         1 69 4 Core-collapse supernova subtypes in luminous infrared galaxies. KANKARE E., EFSTATHIOU A., KOTAK R., et al.
2023ApJ...945..107P 47           X         1 39 5 Circumstellar Medium Interaction in SN 2018lab, A Low-luminosity Type IIP Supernova Observed with TESS. PEARSON J., HOSSEINZADEH G., SAND D.J., et al.
2023ApJ...950...14R 47           X         1 38 1 Near-infrared and Optical Observations of Type Ic SN 2021krf: Luminous Late-time Emission and Dust Formation. RAVI A.P., RHO J., PARK S., et al.

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