C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.22CEST21:16:56 2021ApJS..253...53W2021ApJS..253...53W -------------------------------------- 2021ApJS..253...53W 10.3847/1538-4365/abdf4e Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 253, 53-53 (2021/April-0) The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER). I. Ultraviolet to infrared photometry of 22 million stars in M33. WILLIAMS B.F., DURBIN M.J., DALCANTON J.J., LANG D., GIRARDI L., SMERCINA A., DOLPHIN A., WEISZ D.R., CHOI Y., BELL E.F., ROSOLOWSKY E., SKILLMAN E., KOCH E.W., LINDBERG C.W., HAGEN L., GORDON K.D., SETH A., GILBERT K., GUHATHAKURTA P., LAUER T. and BIANCHI L. -Status: Examining the need for a new acronym. // All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: -Simbad objects: 5 Number of objects : 5 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) | Mag U | Mag B | Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib |#not -|----------|---------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|------|------|---------------|-----|---- 1|cx | 19|M31 |M 31 |AGN|00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 |4.86 |4.36 |3.44 | ~| ~|~ |12684| 1 2|takcx | 74|M33;Triangulum Galaxy |M 33 |GiG|01 33 50.8965749232 +30 39 36.630403128|6.17 |6.27 |5.72 | ~| ~|~ |5849 | 1 3|c | 1|Magellanic Clouds |NAME Magellanic Clouds |GrG|03 00 00.0 -71 00 00 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ |7089 | 0 4|cx | 3|LMC;Large Magellanic Cloud|NAME LMC |G |05 23 34.6 -69 45 22 | ~ | ~ |0.4 | ~| ~|~ |17487| 0 5|akx | 6|Local Group |NAME Local Group |GrG|No Coord. | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ |8424 | 0 ================================================================================