SIMBAD references

2012ApJ...760..124L - Astrophys. J., 760, 124 (2012/December-1)

The RRAT trap: interferometric localization of radio pulses from J0628+0909.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the first blind interferometric detection and imaging of a millisecond radio transient with an observation of transient pulsar J0628+0909. We developed a special observing mode of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array to produce correlated data products (i.e., visibilities and images) on a timescale of 10 ms. Correlated data effectively produce thousands of beams on the sky that can localize sources anywhere over a wide field of view. We used this new observing mode to find and image pulses from the rotating radio transient (RRAT) J0628+0909, improving its localization by two orders of magnitude. Since the location of the RRAT was only approximately known when first observed, we searched for transients using a wide-field detection algorithm based on the bispectrum, an interferometric closure quantity. Over 16 minutes of observing, this algorithm detected one transient offset roughly 1' from its nominal location; this allowed us to image the RRAT to localize it with an accuracy of 1".6. With a priori knowledge of the RRAT location, a traditional beam-forming search of the same data found two lower significance pulses. The refined RRAT position excludes all potential multiwavelength counterparts, limiting its optical luminosity to Li' < 1.1 x 1031 erg/s and disfavoring source models with luminous neutron stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): pulsars: individual: J0628+0909 - stars: neutron - techniques: interferometric

Simbad objects: 7

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