SIMBAD references

2008A&A...488..997K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 488, 997-1006 (2008/9-4)

Multiplicity of young stars in and around R Coronae Australis.


Abstract (from CDS):

In star-forming regions like Taurus-Auriga, it has been found that most young stars are born as multiples, which theories of star formation should definitely take into account. The R CrA star-forming region has a small dark cloud with quite a number of protostars, T Tauri stars, and some Herbig Ae/Be stars, plus a number of weak-line T Tauri stars around the cloud found by ROSAT follow-up observations. We would like to detect multiples among the young stars in and around the R CrA cloud in order to investigate multiplicity in this region. We performed interferometric and imaging observations with the speckle camera SHARP I at the ESO 3.5m NTT and adaptive optics observation with ADONIS at the ESO 3.6m telescope, all in the near-infrared bands JHK obtained in the years 1995, 2000, and 2001. We found 13 new binaries among the young stars in CrA between 0.13arcsec (the diffraction limit) and 6 arcsec (set as an upper separation limit to avoid contamination by chance alignments). While most multiples in CrA are binaries, there are also one quadruple (TY CrA), and one triple (HR 7170) which may form a quintuple together with the binary HR 7169. One of the newly detected companions with a large magnitude difference found near the M3-5 type T Tauri star [MR 81] Hα 17 could be a brown dwarf or an infrared companion with an edge-on disk. Among seven Herbig Ae/Be stars in CrA, six are multiple. The multiplicity frequency in CrA is as high as in similar star forming regions. By comparing with the period distribution of main-sequence stars and extrapolating to separations not probed in this survey, we conclude that the companion-star frequency is (95±23)%; i.e. the average number of companions per primary is 0.95.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main-sequence - stars: binaries: close - infrared: stars - instrumentation: high angular resolution - surveys

Nomenclature: Fig. 3: [MR81] HA 17 WW (Nos NE, SW).

Simbad objects: 65

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