C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.18CEST08:37:54 2000ApJ...543..840D2000ApJ...543..840D -------------------------------------- 2000ApJ...543..840D 10.1086/317160 Astrophys. J., 543, 840-849 (2000/November-2) Radio emission from the composite supernova remnant G326.3-1.8 (MSH 15-56). DICKEL J.R., MILNE D.K. and STROM R.G. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 11 Number of objects : 11 # | obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib |#not --|----------|---------|-------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------------|-----|---- 1 | | 0|(null) |SNR J050555-680150 |SNR|05 05 55.00 -68 01 54.0 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 84 | 0 2 | | 0|(null) |NAME LMC |G |05 23 34.6 -69 45 22 | ~| ~ |0.4 | ~ | ~|~ |17478| 0 3 | | 0|(null) |NGC 2060 |SNR|05 37 51.4466169456 -69 10 23.947092084| ~|9.69 |9.59 | ~ | ~|~ | 360 | 2 4 | | 0|(null) |PSR B0540-69 |Psr|05 40 11.2000490438 -69 19 54.198559829| ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 905 | 3 5 | | 0|(null) |IC 443 |SNR|06 17 00.0000000 +22 34 11.998901 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ |1237 | 1 6 |tk | 0|SNR 326.3-1.8;G326.3-1.8,|Kes 25 |BL?|15 53 00.000 -56 10 00.00 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 129 | 0 7 | | 0|(null) |SNR G328.4+00.2 |Rad|15 55 30.0 -53 17 00 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 66 | 1 8 | | 0|(null) |NAME Kepler SNR |Rad|17 30 40.5 -21 29 14 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 796 | 4 9 | | 0|(null) |SNR G034.6-00.5 |SNR|18 56 10.650 +01 13 21.30 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 965 | 2 10| | 0|(null) |ICRF J193925.0-634245 |Sy2|19 39 25.0245304992 -63 42 45.640373400| ~|18.87 |18.37 |17.64 | ~|~ |1236 | 1 11| | 0|(null) |SNR G074.9+01.2 |SNR|20 16 02.4 +37 12 48 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 182 | 2 ================================================================================