C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.19CEST11:41:27 1979ApJ...234..993C1979ApJ...234..993C -------------------------------------- 1979ApJ...234..993C 10.1086/157583 Astrophys. J., 234, 993-996 (1979) The RS Canum Venaticorum system BD +61 1211 = 2A 1052+606. CRAMPTON D., DOBIAS J. and MARGON B. -Simbad objects: 16 Number of objects : 16 # | obj tags |obj count|raw id| identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) | Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R | Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not --|----------|---------|------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|--------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------------|----|---- 1 | | 0|(null)|HD 1326 |Er*|00 18 22.8849799680 +44 01 22.637951588| ~ |10.120 | ~ |7.3 | ~ |M2V | 544| 0 2 | | 0|(null)|* bet Cet |PM*|00 43 35.37090 -17 59 11.7827 |3.90 |3.02 |2.01 |1.29 |0.78 |G9.5IIICH-1 | 526| 1 3 | | 0|(null)|V* UX Ari |RS*|03 26 35.3756804760 +28 42 54.226408428|7.76 |7.28 |6.37 | ~ | ~ |K0IV | 700| 0 4 | | 0|(null)|* eps Eri |BY*|03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865|5.19 |4.61 |3.73 |3.00 |2.54 |K2V |1934| 1 5 | | 0|(null)|HD 22468 |RS*|03 36 47.2904292073 +00 35 15.943692002|7.09 |6.79 |5.90 | ~ | ~ |K2:Vnk |1168| 0 6 | | 0|(null)|* alf Aur |SB*|05 16 41.35871 +45 59 52.7693 |1.33 |0.88 |0.08 |-0.52 |-0.96 |G3III: |1178| 0 7 | | 0|(null)|* alf Ori |s*r|05 55 10.30536 +07 24 25.4304 |4.38 |2.27 |0.42 |-1.17 |-2.45 |M1-M2Ia-Iab |1673| 0 8 | | 0|(null)|* eps Gem |V* |06 43 55.9271511904 +25 07 52.057892524|5.85 |4.39 |2.98 |2.01 |1.40 |G8Ib | 393| 0 9 | | 0|(null)|* mu. Vel |** |10 46 46.17877 -49 25 12.9244 |4.16 |3.59 |2.69 |2.01 |1.52 |G6III | 184| 0 10| | 0|(null)|V* DM UMa |RS*|10 55 43.5438405648 +60 28 09.721480656| ~ |10.31 |9.29 | ~ | ~ |K0III-IV | 165| 0 11| | 0|(null)|* alf UMa |SB*|11 03 43.67152 +61 45 03.7249 |3.78 |2.86 |1.79 |0.98 |0.40 |G9III+A7.5 | 439| 0 12| | 0|(null)|* alf Cen |** |14 39 40.4 -60 50 20 | ~ |0.4 |-0.1 | ~ | ~ |G2V+K1V | 954| 0 13| | 0|(null)|* ksi Boo B |PM*|14 51 23.0436810216 +19 06 06.887747916| ~ |7.981 |6.816 | ~ | ~ |K5Ve | 358| 0 14| | 0|(null)|* ksi Boo A |PM*|14 51 23.3884659504 +19 06 01.619801424| ~ |5.40 |4.675 | ~ | ~ |G7Ve | 531| 0 15| | 0|(null)|* bet Dra |* |17 30 25.9616959 +52 18 04.999351 |4.43 |3.79 |2.81 |2.12 |1.64 |G2Ib-IIa | 415| 0 16| | 0|(null)|* lam And |RS*|23 37 33.8427800830 +46 27 29.344721109|5.54 |4.84 |3.82 |3.04 |2.47 |G8IVk | 668| 0 ================================================================================