C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.25CEST07:32:54 1970IBVS..448....1S1970IBVS..448....1S -------------------------------------- 1970IBVS..448....1S IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 448, 1-2 (1970) A nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, BV 1261. SIEVERS J. -Simbad objects: 5 Number of objects : 5 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R | Mag I | spec. type |#bib |#not -|----------|---------|----------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|--------|---------|---------|---------------|-----|---- 1| | 0|(null) |HD 31975 |PM*|04 53 05.6445835272 -72 24 27.644947524| ~|6.80 |6.28 | ~ | ~ |F9VFe-0.5 | 59 | 0 2|t | 1|BV 1261 |OGLE 2016-NOVA-1 |No*|05 09 58.3903831759 -71 39 52.714123608| ~|16.0 | ~ |17.0 |17.38 |~ | 76 | 0 3| | 0|(null) |LMCN 1951-01a |No?|05 12 51.93 -69 58 36.2 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |~ | 7 | 0 4| | 0|(null) |HD 35095 |* |05 16 02.5475950512 -70 27 22.769978832| ~|8.72 |8.49 | ~ | ~ |A4/5IV/V | 14 | 0 5|t | 1|Large Magellanic Cloud|NAME LMC |G |05 23 34.6 -69 45 22 | ~| ~ |0.4 | ~ | ~ |~ |17495| 0 ================================================================================