SIMBAD references

2023RNAAS...7..182M - Research Notes of the AAS, 7, 182 (2023/August-0)

The Recurrent Nova IM Normae: A UV Spectroscopic Twin of T Pyxidis.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present an HST COS spectrum of the short orbital period recurrent nova IM Normae. We compare its far-ultraviolet spectrum with the HST COS spectrum of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis, both spectra obtained in deep quiescence. Despite the poor signal-to-noise ratio of the IM Nor spectrum, it seems clear that the two recurrent novae are quite similar to each other. This conclusion is consistent with optical similarities in their light curves. In terms of distinctions, the presence of higher excitation features such as O V (1371) and N V (1240) in IM Nor may suggest that the accretion disk is hotter and the accretion rate is higher than those of T Pyx.

Abstract Copyright: © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): Cataclysmic variable stars - Stellar accretion - White dwarf stars - Recurrent novae - Type Ia supernovae

Simbad objects: 3

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