SIMBAD references

2023RAA....23c5007L - Research in Astron. and astroph., 23, part no 3, 5007 (2023/March-0)

Burst Phase Distribution of SGR J1935+2154 Based on Insight-HXMT.

LU X.-F., SONG L.-M., GE M.-Y., TUO Y.-L., ZHANG S.-N., QU J.-L., CAI C., XIE S.-L., LIU C.-Z., LI C.-K., FU Y.-C., XU Y.-C. and LI T.-M.

Abstract (from CDS):

On 2020 April 27, the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR J1935+2154 entered its intense outburst episode again. Insight-HXMT carried out about one month observation of the source. A total number of 75 bursts were detected during this activity episode by Insight-HXMT, and persistent emission data were also accumulated. We report on the spin period search result and the phase distribution of burst start times and burst photon arrival times of the Insight-HXMT high energy detectors and Fermi/Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). We find that the distribution of burst start times is uniform within its spin phase for both Insight-HXMT and Fermi/GBM observations, whereas the phase distribution of burst photons is related to the type of a burst's energy spectrum. The bursts with the same spectrum have different distribution characteristics in the initial and decay episodes for the activity of magnetar SGR J1935+2154.

Abstract Copyright: © 2023. National Astronomical Observatories, CAS and IOP Publishing Ltd.

Journal keyword(s): physical data and processes - radiation: dynamics - radiation mechanisms: general

Simbad objects: 4

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