SIMBAD references

2019A&A...626A..84E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 626A, 84-84 (2019/6-1)

Analysis and test of the central-blue-spot infall hallmark.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. The infall of material onto a protostar, in the case of optically thick line emission, produces an asymmetry in the blue- and red-wing line emissions. For an angularly resolved emission, this translates in a blue central spot in the first-order moment (intensity weighted velocity) map.
Methods. An analytical expression for the first-order moment intensity as a function of the projected distance was derived, for the cases of infinite and finite infall radius. The effect of a finite angular resolution, which requires the numerical convolution with the beam, was also studied.
Results. This method was applied to existing data of several star-forming regions, namely G31.41+0.31 HMC, B335, and LDN 1287, obtaining good fits to the first-order moment intensity maps, and deriving values of the central masses onto which the infall is taking place (G31.41+0.31 HMC: 70-120M; B335: 0.1M; Guitar Core of LDN 1287: 4.8M). The central-blue-spot infall hallmark appears to be a robust and reliable indicator of infall.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2019

Journal keyword(s): ISM: jets and outflows - ISM: individual objects: G31.41+0.31 HMC - ISM: individual objects: B335 - stars: formation - ISM: individual objects: LDN 1287

Errata: erratum vol. 647, art. C2 (2021)

Simbad objects: 4

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