SIMBAD references

2018MNRAS.479.4720D - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 479, 4720-4726 (2018/October-0)

Tidal ribbons.


Abstract (from CDS):

Tidal debris from Galactic satellites generally forms one-dimensional elongated streams, since nearby Galactic orbits have almost identical frequency ratios. We show that the situation is different for orbits close to the Galactic disc, whose vertical frequency Ωz is strongly amplitude dependent. As a consequence, stars stripped from a satellite obtain a range of values for Ωz and hence of frequency ratios, and spread into two dimensions, forming a ribbon-like structure with vertical extent comparable to that of the progenitor orbit. In integrals-of-motion space, tidal ribbons are clumps, which offer the best chance of detection and allows the determination of the Galactic potential vertically across the disc.

Abstract Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: formation - galaxies: interactions - galaxies: kinematics anddynamics - galaxies: structure

Simbad objects: 2

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