SIMBAD references

2018ApJ...863...94L - Astrophys. J., 863, 94-94 (2018/August-2)

ALMA observations of the very young Class 0 protostellar system HH211-mms: a 30 au dusty disk with a disk wind traced by SO?


Abstract (from CDS):

HH 211-mms is one of the youngest Class 0 protostellar systems in Perseus, at a distance of ∼235 pc. We have mapped its central region at up to ∼7 au (0.''03) resolution. A dusty disk is seen deeply embedded in a flattened envelope, with an intensity jump in the dust continuum at ∼350 GHz. It is nearly edge-on and is almost exactly perpendicular to the jet axis. It has a size of ∼30 au along the major axis. It is geometrically thick, indicating that the (sub)millimeter light-emitting grains have yet to settle to the midplane. Its inner part is expected to have transformed into a Keplerian rotating disk with a radius of ∼10 au. A rotating disk atmosphere and a compact rotating bipolar outflow are detected in SO NJ = 89 - 78. The outflow fans out from the inner disk surfaces and is rotating in the same direction as the flattened envelope, and hence could trace a disk wind carrying away angular momentum from the inner disk. From the rotation of the disk atmosphere, the protostellar mass is estimated to be <=50 MJup. Together with results from the literature, our result favors a model where the disk radius grows linearly with the protostellar mass, as predicted by models of pre-stellar dense core evolution that asymptotes to an r–1 radial profile for both the column density and angular velocity.

Abstract Copyright: © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): accretion, accretion disks - ISM: individual: HH 211 - ISM: jets and outflows - stars: formation

Simbad objects: 13

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